Auckland Southern Motorway Camera Footage 22nd June 2022

Steven made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police

The request was refused by New Zealand Police.

From: Steven

Dear New Zealand Police,

Today we followed a group of Police vehicles down the Auckland Southern Motorway, to be specific approximately eight to ten police vehicles. From what was observed they were either following a vehicle of interest or doing some sort of driver training in the live motorway traffic environment.

The manner of driving witnessed was appalling, at times cutting other drivers off whilst not operating Red and Blue lights or sirens and braking hard. I am therefore requesting the footage from the New Zealand Transport Agency Motorway Cameras between the Auckland Harbour Bridge and the Mill Road, Pukekohe off-ramp. The timeframe this occurred approximately around 1400 hrs (2:00 pm) until 1445 hrs (2:45 pm).

This footage must be edited to be trimmed down to show all of the vehicles involved from what we noticed was a Blue Skoda Stationwagon to the last Police vehicle which I believe was a Holden. This footage is purely to review the driving pending a formal complaint. Please attach this as a MP4 File.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Steven of Pukekohe

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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Police

Tēnā koe Steven

I refer to your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request dated 22 June 2022 for Camera Footage.

We have transferred your request to Waka Kotahi. The information to which your request relates is not held by us but is believed to be held by and is more closely connected with the functions of Waka Kotahi. In these circumstances, we are required by section 14 of the OIA to transfer your request.

You will hear further from Waka Kotahi concerning your request.

Ngā mihi
Ministerial Services
Police National Headquarters

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From: Official Correspondence

Attachment image001.png
12K Download

Kia ora Mr Steve


This email acknowledges your below request for information made under the
Official Information Act 1982.


Your request has been forwarded to the appropriate section of Waka Kotahi
NZ Transport Agency for response. They will contact you if they require
clarification of your request, more time to respond, or if your request
has been transferred to another organisation to respond to. Unless more
time is required, Waka Kotahi will send a response to you within 20
working days of receiving your request – in this instance on or before 22
July 2022.


As you will be aware, New Zealand is currently responding to the COVID-19
Omicron outbreak. As a result, resourcing may be impacted due to staff
absences, and the response to your Official Information Act request could
be delayed. We will endeavour to provide a response to you within the 20
day timeframe, or as soon as possible. In the meantime, we will keep you
informed of any changing timeframes. We apologise for any inconvenience
and appreciate your understanding.


Lastly, the information you have requested may contain the names and
contact details of our staff. Please let us know whether you require these
names and contact details. We may need to consult our staff before
deciding whether we can release this information, and this may take a bit
more time. If we do not hear from you we will assume that you do not
require staff names and contact details.


If you would like to discuss your request with Waka Kotahi, please contact
us by email at [1][email address].


Ngā mihi


Ministerial Services
Te Waka Kōtuia | Engagement & Partnerships
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

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From: Official Correspondence

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Kia ora Mr Steve


Thank you for your email of 22 June 2022 which is being considered in
accordance with the Official Information Act 1982.


Can you please clarify details about the vehicle you were driving at the
time of the incident (i.e. registration number, make, colour, model).


If you have any questions, please contact us by email at
[1][email address].


Ngā mihi


Ministerial Services
Te Waka Kōtuia | Engagement & Partnerships
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

[2]twitter | [3]youtube | [4]facebook





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From: Steven

Dear NZTA Official Correspondence and New Zealand Police,

Thank you for replying.
I do not understand why the information is required as part of an Official Information Act request about the driving manner of the Police, which has nothing to do with myself or the vehicle I was operating. Please clarify.

However, the vehicle I was using at the time was a White Toyota. Noting it is not my vehicle, and it was in fact a colleagues vehicle I used that day - therefore cannot provide the registration or any further details regarding it.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Steven

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From: Official Correspondence

Attachment image001.png
12K Download

Kia ora Mr Steve


Thank you for your e-mail of 22 June 2022 which is being considered in
accordance with the Official Information Act 1982.


We have a number cameras along the corridor requested, with at least an
hour of footage saved from each.  So reviewing in excess of 20 hours of
footage would require significant time and resources.  To make your
request manageable, can you please refine your request to a narrower
timeframe and specific locations (e.g. close to a particular street,
building etc.) of the Auckland Southern Motorway.


If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail at
[1][email address].




Ministerial Services
Te Waka Kōtuia | Engagement & Partnerships
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

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From: Official Correspondence

Attachment image001.png
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Attachment OIA 10395 Mr Steven response.pdf
26K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Steven


Please find attached the response to your request of 22 June 2022 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.


Ngā mihi


Ministerial Services
Te Waka Kōtuia | Engagement & Partnerships
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

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Things to do with this request

New Zealand Police only: