Coronial Services

C A Mattheiss made this Official Information request to Ministry of Justice

The request was successful.

From: C A Mattheiss

Dear Ministry of Justice,

Coronial Services assigned a coroner to a case I was involved in and at the time I found the person passed away, the police took the hardcopies of handwritten letters from me with my name on them and told me they would give them back to me later after they were to be analyzed. I never received these handwritten notes but I have asked for them several times. The death case is now closed and these handwritten documents with my name on them which are very sentimental to me have still not been returned to me for some reason. I am very upset that the police told me they would give these notes back to me later but they never did.

A verbal agreement is still an agreement in New Zealand and the police take an oath of duty not to lie to people but they apparently are allowed to under the British Crown for some reason, as well as falsify information.

I also realize that there appears to be no concern of conflicting interests by the Ministry of Justice in cases like the deceased's and mine, unlike other Western jurisdictions where it does matter and action is often taken to rectify these sorts of situations, unlike New Zealand.

The assigned coroner had conflicting interests with other parties involved in the deceased's case against me which I can prove. I am unable to name these persons but the assigned coroner was Mr/Coroner Marcus Elliott, who is originally from Australia, not New Zealand.

After the assigned coroner changed the deceased's cause of death more than six times over a 2.5-year period with Mr/Dr Leonard Wakefiled of the University of Otago, I was told that the deceased's handwritten letters were to be held as exhibit items, along with the computer and safe, which I shared ownership of with the deceased. I received the computer and safe after a long battle to obtain them over three years, however, I still have not received the handwritten notes of the deceased's which I believe is unreasonable for the Crown to do to me. They are now overdue to be returned to me. I want them returned to me without delay.

My agreement to allow the police to take these handwritten notes was an oath of obligation for the police to return them to me under the Ministry of Justice. It has now been nearly four years. I have asked for these notes several times from the New Zealand Police and the assigned coroner and I do not believe I should have to keep waiting for more than 1-2 months from the date you receive this notice to have these items returned that belong to me. They were written on the paper that I purchased with the deceased out of our account which is golden yellow paper and a couple of other notes that are on parchment paper. The paper belongs to me and I want these handwritten notes on this paper returned to me as soon as possible.

The Crown system that your Ministry of Justice is an agent for appears to have little regard for a person's religious or spiritual beliefs when it comes to death and dying and what is sentimental to someone, especially a First Nation-born person. Although Maori are not First Nation people to New Zealand and have only been in New Zealand a little over a thousand years, their beliefs about death and dying are somewhat respected more than those who are of First Nation ancestry, who have historically been victims of Crown agents in other lands that have been occupied and confiscated by Mother England.

I request that the Ministry of Justice respect other people's beliefs when it comes to death and dying and return the handwritten notes to me that belong to me taken for the deceased's inquest which took nearly three years for Coronial Services to decide.

These notes state information about me that I am unable to write publicly in detail. The coroner is no longer on the case and has closed it, and therefore there is no need for these handwritten notes to be held any further by the Ministry of Justice.

In the Americas, a dead body over 10K years old was taken by the US Government for research purposes from the Umatilla lands and the body actually belonged to these First Nation people. It took this Indian tribe over five years to get back the body that rightfully belonged to them to bury it in their traditional style and there was no reason for them to explain it was their ancestor and not the American Government's for research purposes.

Just like the handwritten notes of the deceased's in this case that belong to me and mean something to me, but instead, the Pakeha and Maori Kiwi Crown system has little or no regard for my beliefs or what sentimental feelings I have toward the deceased as the Umatilla people also had for their ancestor.

Since the deceased's case is now closed, why does the New Zealand Government wish to hold onto the deceased's handwritten notes that mean something to me? I believe the only reason can be due to Crown control and oppression and personal biases and prejudices against me because I am considered alien by New Zealanders and also a woman alien by New Zealand Crown agents. Practices of misogyny appear to be rampant throughout New Zealand by both men and women and both Pakeha and Maori, which I am not responsible for.

I would prefer for the handwritten notes returned to me placed in a protective envelope and mailed to my barrister in Auckland who will hold these notes for me. I require a response and a person to contact me who can assist me in getting these notes back professionally since the Coronial Inquest of the deceased's death is now closed. I do not wish to deal with any Crown agent who dislikes or hates other people who are not of Kiwi English or Scottish descent or Maori.

Thank you for your time.


C A Mattheiss

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Ministry of Justice

Kia ora,

Thank you for contacting the Official Information Act request mailbox for
the Ministry of Justice. 

We will endeavour to acknowledge your email within 2 working days.

You can find more information about how we can help you at our [1]Official
Information Act Requests page.

Please note that by law, when you ask for official information we have to
respond to your request as soon as reasonably practicable and no later
than 20 working days after we receive it.


The Ministry of Justice may publish the response to your request on our
website, you can expect that if your OIA is to be published that this will
take place at least 10 working days after it has been sent you. Your name
and any other personal information will be withheld under Section 9(2)(a)
(protect the privacy of natural persons).


Please send any non-OIA related emails through to
o[2][email address] and any complaints through
to [3][email address]

Ngā mihi,

Ministerial Relations and Services

Governance and Assurance

DDI: +64 4 918 8800

Justice Centre I Aitken Street

DX Box SX 10088 I Wellington



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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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Attachment OIA 106180 Mattheiss extension.pdf
158K Download View as HTML

Kia ora


Please find attached an extension letter for your request relating to
correspondence on a Coronial file.



Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573






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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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Attachment OIA 106180 Mattheiss response.pdf
187K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Cara


Please find attached further correspondence regarding your request about
the Coronial file of Lewis Verduyn.


Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573






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From: C A Mattheiss

Dear May, Annie,

I have still not received my records or handwritten note requests. If I was not dealing with your services under the current Labour Administration today, I am sure I would have received my records and notes by now. There appears to be no regulations or monitoring under the current Ardern-Hipkins Administration and the Attorney General, David Parker, which reveals a complete lack of ethical integrity and accountability to say the least. They allow so many abuses to take place against members of the public such as myself by government departments without any concern about what happens.

I have already waited 6 months from my initial request. Will I be required to wait another 6 months due to Coronial Services abusing their authority and doing whatever they like?

I would like an update within 5 working days about where my records are. I will need to invoice you for my lawyer/barrister costs to add my records request in a High Court Discovery of Request for Documents for a judge's appproval to get a Court Order for you to provide them to me.


C A Mattheiss

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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

Attachment image001.jpg
15K Download

Kia ora Cara


I will forward this request on to the OIA team and come back to you with a



Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573




show quoted sections

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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

Attachment image001.jpg
15K Download

Attachment OIA 106180 Mattheiss decision.pdf
149K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Cara


Please find attached a letter regarding your request for material from a
Coronial file.


Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573






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From: C A Mattheiss

Dear May, Annie,

I have still not received an adequate response regarding my records request.

Yours sincerely,

C A Mattheiss

Link to this

From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

Attachment image001.jpg
15K Download

Kia ora Cara


My apologies.  I understood that someone was working on providing all this
info to you.


I'll check in again with people at this end and come back to you.



Ngā mihi  




[1]image001.jpg Annie May

Senior Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573





show quoted sections

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From: C A Mattheiss

Dear May, Annie,

An agent has written me named Kristin and I still have not received a list of the items that will be couriered. I also need to know how the original documents of the Coronial File are going to be compiled and emailed to me and if they are going to be password protected as many Kiwi people appear to think nothing of sending materials even when confidential over the worldwide web and they somehow believe it is safe even when not password protected. This is a very naive view of the internet today and I will require password protection and to be given the password as well.

I have requested over three time to be sent the original files in the same manner they were sent to me by Mrs Lauren Thompson. In New Zealand there appears to be a significant power struggle with Government Civil Servants who take offense of people's needs or requests for they way in which they may need information. It is basically Hobson's Choice- take it or leave it, which comes from the 1400's in England. I have reasons in which the way I need these records and those reasons should not be of concern of the Civil Servants nor judged by them to be reasonable or not in their view. I have a right to request records in the way in which I originally received them. I should not have to have a debate over this.

I worked in IT for the NZ Govt and due to this I know former emails can be retrieved and the files in them as well. It does not take Rocket Science to do this, just a willing IT person to retrieve these files. They are required by law to be stored for 7 years by the Govt. It has been over 2 years up to 3 years now.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

C A Mattheiss

Link to this

From: C A Mattheiss

Dear May, Annie,

I have still not received my requests for Coronial records. Please provide an update at your earliest convenience. This is a time-sensitive matter due to a High Court case. I am unable to continue waiting because it has been over 6 months now. This is unreasonable to wait for records that are supoised to be delivered within 30 days and not more than 60 with an extension.

Mr Hipkins has control of the Police's Profile of this case as well. An Obstruction of Justice has been made.

Yours sincerely,

C A Mattheiss

Link to this

From: C A Mattheiss

Dear May, Annie,

I have still not received my requests for Coronial records. Please provide an update at your earliest convenience. This is a time-sensitive matter due to a High Court case. I am unable to continue waiting because it has been over 6 months now. This is unreasonable to wait for records that are supposed to be delivered within 30 days and not more than 60 with an extension.

Mr Hipkins has control of the Police's Profile of this case as well. An Obstruction of Justice has been made by the Police.

Yours sincerely,

C A Mattheiss

Link to this

C A Mattheiss left an annotation ()

Dear Public:

The National Govt needs to change the way in which Coronial Services under the Ministry of Justice operates. The Ombudsman works under the Ministry of Justice and is not a neutral body- they work under Crown Law.

I have been told that the Ministry of Justice IT has still not been able to retrieve the files I requested months ago in their original form after several weeks of waiting for them. I have been told by Kritisn that they will send the new scanned files which I will be required to bill them for at $US120 per hour for my time for having to re-read and go through all these scans from scratch and also being required to re-organise new files from the original form they were sent to me. There is also no guarantee that all the records will be complete and, therefore, a new OIA request may be required. Each request can take the Ministry of Justice several weeks or months to fulfil with long delays and hassles to get them on my part, having to re-request them many times. The files are hundreds of pages in length which may take me anywhere from 2-4 weeks to go through and re-organize, or longer. The New Zealand Government should be more courteous and thoughtful with how they maintain their records and the form in which they deliver them to the public should be the same form in which a member of the public receives them if their records have been lost or misplaced. There is no proactivity within the New Zealand Government but only reactivity after an issue or matter has already taken place. There is no concern for life issues or matters that take place in people's lives that can cause them to lose electronic records. Emails get hacked, email accounts can get shut down and emails can be lost or misplaced unintentionally- this appears to be of no concern for those who work for the New Zealand Government, not even under Labour. Their view on life and the realities of life appear to be unrealistic and immature. Once they send records, they believe they can change the order in which they were sent and resend them any way they like without thinking of the inconveniences or problems they cause the person requesting the records who already has some of them and has spent hours and days going through them.

Anyone working for the NZ Govt has taken advantage of the lack of law and order by Labour. They have been given a license to abuse their authority in whatever way they like to members of the public which has been a fact for many like myself. Those who have not experienced this have no clue of how ruthless and dysfunctional the former Govt has been to members of the public. I have been living in the Banana Republic of New Zealand the entire time of Lewis Verduyn's death and case with no law and order whatsoever but only false promises, false pretences and my experience of constant systemic abuses and dysfunction. My many complaints about the Department of Internal Affairs have only developed into escalating and more problematic situations for myself under Ms Jacinda Ardern and her best friend Mr Chris Hipkins.
I hope someone in the National Govt will see my situation and stop allowing Coronial Services to abuse members of the public under the Ministry of Justice in whatever way they like, showing a good face when they have none. Coronial Services have allowed over the past 40 years for the trustmaker or settlor of a trust not to be named and for their registered lawyers/barristers/brokers and accountants to fleece the trust estate of their clients. They have also allowed coroners to call suicides or abnormal or suspicious causes of death such as illegal euthanization to be of natural causes to allow the lawyers/barristers/brokers and accountants to steal their own client's estate. The public needs to know this and that it is still happening today. Families and loved ones of the deceased are being completely wiped out of their inheritances and this allows the supposed professional to get access and throw out wills and any other evidence they find at the property of their client with the Ministry of Justice's Police assistance. White-collar crime is being allowed to take place in New Zealand under the Ministry of Justice and the public, both national and international needs to know this information. Lewis Verduyn's case is only one of many.

The New Zealand Ministry of Justice operates on nepotism and conflicting interests for the most part. There is no neutrality or professionalism or ethics but only a perceived to be one based on a legal fiction being allowed under Mr/King Charles, III, who still owns and operates New Zealand and allows trust schemes operations to take place among those who hold positions of authority over members of the public and their clients, including the Chief of Coroners who also allows this to take place, as well as the Health and Disability Commissioner. These lawyers/barristers/brokers and accountants are running the DHBs in the background and medical facilities their clients go to as well and have access to all their client's medical information and healthcare plans. The Ministry of Justice does not monitor them or their activities or lack of professionalism nor does the Ministry of Health. This is very easily allowed under the social healthcare system. The Health and Disability Commissioner is also a former coroner, so she knows the game well and how she worked up the ladder.

I require my records to be provided to me immediately in the way they were received before. I have been trying to be professional about this and wait but this is now a notification of demand with damages as a result to the New Zealand Ministry of Justice, Coronial Services, Law Society, and Department of Internal Affairs, which started under Ms Jacinda Ardern's Administration. Ms Ardern has a direct association and relationship with one of the questionable trustees involved in my case who had a history of drug dealing and is known by the Mongrel Mob.

I will be notifying Mr Christopher Luxon of this matter. I have already sent him an email about the problems I have experienced with Ms Ardern and her Attorney General Mr David Parker, who is also involved in Lewis Verduyn's case and met with him several times in the past to discuss one of his trusts and River Parkway plans with him.

I require the Coronial records I have requested without further delay to be sent in their original form as they were sent to me in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

The New Zealand Public needs to change the TRUST ACT and require that all trust makers and their families and loved ones who are a part of the trust are legally named on the trustmaker's contract and that wills are not handled by the same lawyers/barrister/brokers or accountants who register the trust for their client as a conflicting interest is often a problem and the supposed professional is allowed to make themselves the trustmaker as the Trust Administrator without telling their client and then they can rip off everything from their client's families and loved ones. The Ministry of Justice allows this to take place and the Chief of Coroners and the Health and Disability Commissioner also allow it to happen to happen and the District Commanders often get a payout to allow it and so did Ms Ardern and the Attorney General who deregulated trusts even further during their term.

The National Govt needs to change these practices so that New Zealand aligns with other Western Nations internationally because at this time they do not and this causes many problems for members of the public like myself and others who have not been able to speak out. These issues are 100% preventable if there is an ethical Govt in place that changes the law and practices. Even Mr John Key allowed trust scheme operations to take place and worked with his nepotistic ties and conflicting interests to run New Zealand.

Many of the coronial records I am re-requesting have been falsified and made up. They have changed Mr Verduyn's cause of death many times and the pathologist, Mr Leonard Wakefield, appears to be highly biased and unprofessional to do this under the Ministry of Justice. He appears to have no professional backbone whatsoever. His estimation of the cause of death can blow any way the wind blows to suit whoever he likes. He is not a man nor is he a real doctor to do this and this has compromised my life and situation greatly. The sad thing is, it only appears to be a game to him to suit his network of friends and lawyers/barristers/brokers and accountants whom he appears to be working in favour of under the New Zealand Ministry of Justice, who allows him to do whatever he likes or say whatever he likes.

C Mattheiss
Without prejudice

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From: C A Mattheiss

Dear May, Annie,

My request has been transferred to Ms Kristin Gardiner who does not appear to be a real person or name. Ms Gardiner has sent me files several times that I am unable to open. Although the originals were sent as PDF files, her IT versions are saved as Zip files with unusual file endings. She has sent these to me as a bundle on GOOGLE and individual files but they cannot be opened. The password does not open them or work.

I have asked the IT to resave these files as PDF's as originally sent to me but Ms Gardiner has went on leave for 14 days and she may not come back or her role may change once she returns.

She is named to be the Ministry of Justice's Principal Advisor. This may be why she would take so long and be so difficult to get my files to me and to have them non-openable. If I cannot open them, I do not know if they are complete, which could take me several more months to obtain if they are not openable. She has now disappeared once she was informed by me I could not open the files and asked for them to be resaved and resent. Once I did this, she never confirmed she received my email but left the scene.

Ms Gardiner has breached my privacy by emailing my lawyer without my consent. I have asked her to stop doing this and to respect international laws of privacy (if privacy cannot be respected in New Zealand).

There appears to be a high level of authority abuses among those who work under the Ministry of Justice and who believe they can do whatever they like to members of the public such as myself. There is no higher government in New Zealand to oversee the processes, only the King of England, who still owns and operates New Zealand. The English Royal Monarchy's face is on all of New Zealand's FIAT monies to prove this is a fact. King Charles, III, is accountable for this situation.

I would like to know when I am going to get my files as PDF files that are password protected and openable, which were an Official Information Act Request many months ago? I require an answer as soon as possible but no later than 5 working days. I do not support post-colonialism nor Crown Law's/The Buckinghamshire Court's New Zealand Ministry of Justice's authority abuses which seems to be allowed to happen to me and has been ongoing since Mr Lewis Verduyn died. This is unacceptable by the Crown to do.


C A Mattheiss

Link to this

From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

Attachment image001.jpg
15K Download

Kia ora Cara


My apologies for the ongoing difficulties you are having with accessing
these documents.  I understand how frustrating this must be.


Unfortunately Ms Gardiner, who I can confirm actually does exist, is on
leave until the end of November.


However I'll forward this onto her, so that hopefully she can contact you
when she returns.



Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573







show quoted sections

Link to this

From: C A Mattheiss

Dear Ministry of Justice:

I am still waiting for the files to be sent to me in their original form and condition; they have been altered and modified by your agent, which is unacceptable. Altering or modifying any original document is considered forgery by any agent.

I have not received the files in their original PDF format which have been re-formatted and changed under Ms Kristin Gardiner's instruction as a Principal Advisor/Agent for the Ministry of Justice who has given her this right.

The files have been sent to me in an uncommon format and different to what New Zealand Government Departments usually send them. I am unable to open them and I have taken a video of this to prove my point. I have notified Ms Gardiner of this situation several times and she would not resend the documents in their original condition and format as I requested. Also, Ms Gardiner put an order in before leaving even though I notified her before her absence. She has only offered to resend the files in non-password protected form though there is no guarantee I will be able to open the files due to their uncommon formatting as I have already experienced. The records are sensitive and highly confidential. Therefore, they need to be protected.

Due to the longevity of this dilemma with not being able to receive files from Coronial Services in their original format and condition and only receiving unopenable files that have been altered, I am going to have to charge for my time at this stage. This means for every email or letter such as this that I am required to write the Ministry will incur a $45 USD Administration fee. This long delay of waiting has caused me damages and the inability to apply to the court in a timely matter; it is holding up my application which Ms Gardiner was made fully aware of in the past. Therefore, I believe Ms Gardiner's and the Ministry of Justice's intentions have been deliberate with malicious intent to harm and damage my situation and to subject me to duress to have to use this forum to obtain assistance due to the inappropriate attitudes and conduct of your agents.

If I do not receive these files in their original form and condition as PDFs with the same password provided to me by Mrs Lauren Thompson within 5 working days from today, I will need to invoice the Ministry of Justice, under Crown Law and the Department of Internal Affairs, for my damages and costs.

I look forward to receiving the original documents sent to me by Mrs Lauren Thompson in the near future and password protected with the original password.

I am not responsible for Ms Kristin Gardiner's absence. Please put someone else in her place who can deliver the job to me so I can move on with my application as soon as possible. I am unable to continue to wait for more than 5 days.

This is an official notification.


C A Mattheiss

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C A Mattheiss left an annotation ()

Revision: Also, Ms Gardiner NEVER put an order in before leaving even though I notified her before her absence.

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From: C A Mattheiss

Dear Ministry of Justice,

The file types provided to me by Ms Kristin Gardiner, one of the Ministry of Justice's Principal Advisors, are not noted on the files and I have had an IT specialists go over the files given to me by Ms Gardiner and they are no openable on my MAC using Unarchived, nor are they openable on a PC with Windows. I have spent 2 hours today and much more time than this trying to open these files. They are not openable and they are apparently corrupt. I will invoice for my time and I have provided videos and screenshots to my lawyer to prove that this is factual information. The IT support person has said files sent should not be this difficult to manage to open but for some reason they are. The IT person is not able to help me further than this.

This is an official notification that the files sent to me by the Ministry of Justice are not openable and are causing me issues as a result as well as significant loss of time and damages, which the Ministry of Justice under the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs and King Charles, III, are fully accountable..

I have asked for the files to be sent to me in their original condition as PDFs and with the original password. There seems to be many issues of power and control to comply to my simple and reasonable request by the New Zealand Crown entities involved. I not only find this unfair, unjust and unreasonable but also perverted.

C Mattheiss
Without prejudice.

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From: C A Mattheiss

Dear Ministry of Justice:

After 7 months of constantly writing and a significant loss of my time, work and pay, I have finally received the records I initially requested. I unfortunately had to bring a lawsuit to your attention for my losses and damages to get you to cooperate. I also had to put in a request for the Ombudsman to intervene who never got back to me as they are working for the Ministry of Justice and do not want to bring further attention to the discrimination and bullying I have received from the Ministry of Justice since August 18, 2019 and after for this case.

This long delay and hassle after receiving my many record requests only show that the New Zealand Government is under par when it comes to Western Standards of conduct, actions and attitudes to members of the public, who are in a vulnerable position. This vulnerability is allowed to be exploited and oppressed to extreme circumstances under the English Crown which owns and operates New Zealand. There is no written constitution in New Zealand, meaning there are no fundamental human rights that the aristocrats and Members of Parliament want under King Charles, III, which allows misconduct and bullying to carry on within the Government by its many agents, including the Police. I have been treated like a criminal when I am not, a third-class citizen and also as an alien with no rights in New Zealand whatsoever based on my nationality, class status and female genitalia, and not based on my natural person. I can only comment on my experiences of the legal system in New Zealand which appears to operate on Germainic barbarianism adopted by English lawmakers hundreds of years ago but still being practised today which was implemented in New Zealand, allowing deceit and corruption to carry on into nearly 2024.

I would have more rights within the ANCIENT Roman Law system as a female than in the English Law system of the UK and New Zealand today. I also want to comment that in the Roman Law system if I had been living with a man I would have been considered married to him by cohabitation alone. This is not the situation in New Zealand even though they allow de facto after 2 years in the past and now 3 years. I held legal status as the deceased's legal partner and this should have been recognised with my immigration papers and sponsorship but instead, I was called ex-girlfriend, ex-partner and never a close friend, significant other or de facto of the deceased's and this was done by New Zealand authorities to make me unimportant in the deceased's life as well as invisible to this case.

On the records I received, my phone number, my comments and anything about me were blocked out or omitted as much as possible. Words I stated to the Police were turned around and made to be used against me. Such as "I was in my exams so I told the deceased I would not call him for a few days". Instead, the Police wrote the deceased told me not to call him for a few days, which was completely falsified information. There is much more. I was not even asked if the deceased's handwriting was his when he wrote me letters more than anyone over many years. Instead, a trustee was asked and his mother, but not me, who was the closest person to the deceased for over 16 years.

Women in New Zealand, especially foreign women, such as myself are alienated by the legal system and by Kiwi Pakeha and Maori persons because they beleive they own and have a right to do as they like to anyone from the outside. This is completely self-righteous, racial and biased behaviour but I beleive it is so normal in New Zealand as it is in Australia as it once was in the Black American South, that people cannot recognize it as discrimination.

I will be sending an invoice for my losses and damages to the Ministry of Justice's CEO, as well as other related problems as a result of the Ministry of Justice's conduct as a Crown entity in New Zealand under King Charles, III, who is fully accountable.

I prefer this matter to be in the public domain for others to note as I beleive my life is at risk due to the questionability of the Crown and the Royal Family who allow an incredible amount of injustices and inhumane treatment to carry on in New Zealand by those who hold positions of authority. They are not trustworthy nor do they hold ethical integrity, to say the least.

Please provide me with the name and contact details on this thread of the Ministry's CEO at your earliest convenience but no later than 21 working days.

Thank you.

C A Mattheiss
Without prejudice.

Link to this

From: C A Mattheiss

Dear Ministry of Justice/Coronial Services:

The Dunstan Hospital records provided to me by Coronial Services are not legible and there are some notes about suicide as well as notes about signs of a burst ear drum by the deceased before his passing which I cannot make out. I asked Mrs Lauren Thomspn before for new records or better scans but she never provided them to me. I was completely ignored by her and Mr/Coroner Marcus Elliott.

Due to the poor quality and illegibility of the Dunstan Hospital notes for Mr Lewis Verduyn's medical records, I require Coronial Services to obtain these records again from them in a legible form or to provide me with higher-quality scans of these medical records that are legible. I can show an enlarged copy of these notes to prove that what I am saying is factual. Medical records are only stored for 7 years so I will require better copies and it has been over four years now. I will need all copies including medical records and notes as well as doctor's side notes of Lewis Verduyn's medical records and the St John's Ambulance records included with them which I have not received even though they are part of medical records and transferred to the hospital. I did not receive them.

The Dunstan Hospital also known on paper as the Central Otago Health Services Limited is a private medical facility and it is owned and operated by Mr Russell Checketts, who founded Checektts McKay Law, Mr Graeme Todd of MacTodd Law and Todd Walker Law and Mr Russell Ibbotson, who has been struck off as an accountant by New Zealand/Australia Chartered Accountants.

The above parties and/or their immediate family members, Mrs Rebecca Checektts Karamaena and her partner Mr iain Grant Fyfe, Ms Caroline Harker, Ms Lucy Ibbotson, have had involvement in Mr Verduyn's case and his Trusts and/or Trusts' public promotions and newspaper articles about him.

The medical centre Mr Verduyn went, Aspiring Medical Centre, is owned and operated by the parties and others who were a part of Mr Verduyn's two trusts. This has been reported to the Health and Disability Commissioner but she has done nothing about it so the medical notes may not be accurate or the acts stated in them true or factual. The Ministry of Justice has access to this knowledge but they have done nothing nor chacked the deceased's phone records when calls were stated to have been made by the medical facility/hospital involved.

This medical centre appears to have been mentioned in the Dunstan Hospital notes but I cannot make out what they are stating due to the illegibility of the notes. This is crucial information.

It is very important for me to receive legible copies of the Dunstan Hospital and St John Ambulance records included as soon as possible but no later than 21 working days. The scans are required to be legible. I am unable to wait more than 21 days and I should have received these files as legible.

In the future please have your agents read or check the notes they scan before providing them to interested parties or family members to be sure they are legible. There are several pages of very important medical data I cannot read or make out and this has either been an oversight or a deliberate act to hide important medical information from myself and others by Coronial Services and the Ministry of Justice.

C A Mattheiss
Without prejudice.

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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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15K Download

Kia ora Cara


I will pass this on to Kristin Gardiner who will be back in the office on




Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573





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From: C A Mattheiss

Dear Ministry of Justice:

The New Zealand Police have not provided me with a list of abbreviations they use on their reports. I cannot read the Police reports accurately unless I have a copy of them. Please provide this. I have not been provided with this information by the New Zealand Police or Coronial Services who work together. As a past professional, I was required by law to have a list of my abbreviations and their meanings with any report I made so that others could read them properly. This was the law. New Zealand appears to not have laws regarding this.

C A Mattheiss

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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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15K Download

Kia ora ano Cara


I'll also pass this on to Kristin.




Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573




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From: C A Mattheiss

Dear Ministry of Justice:

The illegibiliity of the medical records of the deceased is not due to any handwriting but due to poor scans and the image size and quality being fairly small. The typing is very blurry and illegible because of this. The issue of liability falls upon the Coronial Services under the Ministry of Justice, under the Department of Internal Affairs, and by their agent, Mrs Lauren Thompson, who provided these records to me in poor condition under the instruction of the assignef coroner.

Also, the deceased's SBS bank records were never included by the assigned coroner, Mr Marcus Elliott. However, the deceased's BNZ records were only with regard to how some of these records directly pertained to me but nobody else. The assigned coroner and his assistant appeared to be covering up investigative information and materials on behalf of the trust lawyers who also operated the medical facilities or their associates did where the deceased received his medical care. This includes the Ministry of Justice covering up information with their agents about the trustees appointed by the lawyers directly involved with the deceased's two trust who were their personal friends/associates and involved with the deceased death and outcome.

The Dunstan Hospital, also known as Central Otago Health Services Limited, is where the deceased went many times by the St John's Ambulance and it is operated by the Checketts McKay Law founding lawyer and Mr Graeme Todd of MacTodd Law and Todd Walker Law, formerly MacAlister, Todd, Phillips & Bodkins Ltd or the former lawyers or shareholders or their direct/indirect family members or friends of family who were involved with the deceased's two trusts. This was also the same situation with the Aspiring Medical Centre Ltd and the Wanaka Medical Centre Ltd who appear to work hand-in-hand together under their other title or company name the Wanaka Lakes Health Centre Ltd. Retired Ms/Dr Susi Meyer shareholder/owner of Aspiring Medical Centre is a close personal friend of Mr Iain Grant Fyfe of Checketts McKay Law and Fyfe Karamaena Law for many years and she is also with his personal and secondary legal partner, Mrs Rebecca Karamaena. Mr Fyfe and her legal partner, Whitney, are close friends.

Both Mr Fyfe and Mrs Karamaena have operated and shareheld the Aspiring Medical Centre with Ms/Dr Meyer for many years with Dr/Ms Meyer and formerly Ms/Dr Lucy O'Hagan, who is a bery close personal friend of the trustee, Mr Jeromy van Riel, who is close friends with the journalists, Ms Caroline Harker, Ms Sue Wards and Ms Lucy Ibbotson. Ms Ibbotson's father shareholds the Dundtan Hospital with Mr Chechetts and Mr Tood.

Mr Fyfe's former businrss partner, Mr Russell Checketts, operates the Dunstan Hospital, or the Central Otago Health Services where the deceased received questionable medical services and care. Mr Checketts' daughter, Mrs Rebecca Karamaena, operates the Wanaka Lakes Health Centre with Mr Fyfe and others. She also operates the Alpine Community Link or Wanaka Community Network (its common name) where the deceased also went for services.

Mr Alan B McKay, who likes to spell his name publicly 'Allan McKay', apparently to prevent his information from being known, has a biological daughter, Ms Nikki McKay, who operates or operated and owned the chemist where Mr Verduyn went to get his medications and refills when he was alive. He is founder of Checketts McKay Law but stepped down during the Crow & Carr case and international investigation. Ms McKay also partly owned or shareheld the Wanaka Sun newspaper with Mr Fyfe's primary legal partner, Ms Caroline Harker and Ms Sue Wards, which has been bought out in 2022 by the Otago Daily Times. The Wanaka Sun has placed many articles in their paper about the deceased and his two trusts which may have been due to Ms Harker's vested interest and shareholding of her husband's companies and their direct involvement in the deceased's two trusts. The deceased's prescriptions or refills were also never noted or tested that were fulfilled by Ms McKay's chemist by either the coroner or the pathologists and this is not noted in the assigned coroner's reports provided to me by Mrs Thompson. I am unsure if these were left out or omitted. I would like to know.

Mr Lewis Verduyn, the deceased, had shown all signs of methylmercury poisoning but no testing for methylmercury poisoning were ever noted or done by the assigned coroner or the pathologists he worked with on behalf of the deceased. Perhaps these records have been omitted. They may be missing as well. I would like to know since after 2.5 years the deceased's cause of death only began to become concluded by the assigned coroner and the pathologists. Before this, fi e different causrs of his death were noted to me by the coroner and pathologist which were changed each time new information arouse in the case.

I would like to receive legible medical records from the records of the deceased from the Dunstan Hospital, whether they were transferred to the Aspiring Medical Centre or the Wanaka Medical Center, it does not matter. What matters is they were not given to me in legible condition to read by Mrs Lauren Thompson of Coronial Services. I believe the assigned coroner had done this deliberately, because there is imperative information within the Dunstan Hospital medical records to show evidence of the deceased's treatment and care there and its internal relationship with the other medical centres where the deceased received care, and potentially what had lead to his death.

The assigned coroner of Mr Verduyn's inquest has been friends with two of the trust lawyers' family member who are directly involved in this case. The assigned coroner had known these two lawyers' family member for over 12 years snd worked with one of them directly for over 5 years, and yet he was still allowed to continue to act as the assignef coroner by the Ministry of Justice and the Judicial Conduct Commissioner, even though I had announced this major conflict of interest for over 2 years between the coroner and the Steven Family. The Steven family is directly involved in this case and in the deceased's two trusts, the Clutha Mats-Au River Parkway Group, Incorporated, formerly, the Clutha River Parkway Steering Group and the Red Bridge River Park Trust. Ms/Judge Prudence Steven's two brothers, Mr Christopher Keith Steven and Mr Richard Guy Steven and his wife, Mrs Anne Steven are involved, and this can be evidenced from the New Zealand Incorporated Societies website. Mrs Steven is close friends with Mr Todd which I hold evidence of. These two lawyers made themselves the Trust Administrators or Trustors of the deceased's first trust without ever informing him of their roles and withheld the fact from the deceased and me that the deceased was actually the Trustmaker/Trustor/Settlor of his trust and both trusts. After all the funding for the deceased's first trust was exploited and used up by the Trust Administrators and their family members or agents or direct associates, Mr Iain Grant Fyfe took over this Trust and had the deceased change its name in 2010. It changed again later informally to the Clutha River Forum but it dissolved within 2 years and was never formally recognized, Their involvement can be found on the Incorporated Societies website. Someone under the MBIE has allowed someone to access this Trust's profile snd to interchange or omitt this trust's legal forms and forge records after Mr Lewis Verduyn died under the Ministry of Bussiness, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). MBIE is operated or has been by the Attorney General, Mr David Parker, who is friends with Mrs Anne Steven and directly involved. MBIE is also under the Ministry of Justice who is fully accountable for these Obstructions of Justice in this case, as well as the Department of Internal Affairs, and King Charles, III, and Ms Cindy Kiro, the Governor-General.

I have also not received the deceased's SBS bank account information nor have I received the St. John Ambulance records of the deceased or his Wanaka Medical Center medical records and notes of Mr/Dr Andrew McLeod, whose daughter, Rebecca, is Crown Prosecutor in Queenstown. I believe this has been deliberately done to me by the assigned coroner under the Ministry of Justice due to the assigned coroner's conflict of interests and those with others, both direct and indirect, with those involved in this case, which may be the results of a payoff received by the coroner to tilt the case to assist certain parties.

Mr Richard Guy Steven contracts with the Otago Police and works as the Wanaka Police Station as one of their legal advisors where the deceased's case has been stationed and his property kept. This property was not put in storage in Dunedin as it usually is got over 4 years those working their had access, including Mr Steven and his associates working there.

Unfortunately, bribes and favours are allowed in New Zealand, even within the government sector and there have been serious historical factors in cases like this one, involving white-collar crime and property confiscation with Police assistance and their intermeddling, which is still being allowed to take place by the Ministry of Justice by their District Commanders under King Charlez, III. The District Commander in this case is or was Mr Paul Basham.

I require to get all the deceased's records I am entitled to and to find out why the records are incomplete by the Coronial Services but only selective information has been provided to me and other information has been witheld from me for over 2.5 years to the present and still some is being withheld or omitted from for now over 4 years, pertaining to the deceased's death and investigation. There appears to be multiple Obstructions of Justice being permitted and perhaps even invigorated, by the Ministry of Justice due to indur influences and unethical practices being allowed. Mr Todd was the Queenstown Lakes District Councils lawyer for years by contract where this case takes place. He has also chosen to get directly involved even with major conficting intetests at hand in this case and his ongoing relationship with the Checketts family and the Ibbotson family who are directly involved which he knows.

The Ministry of Justice has an obigation of duty by taking taxpayer dollars for their pay to pay their agents regardless of anyone taking bribes or doing favours, and to be able to answer to me in writing and provide adequate investigative information and materials which they have not done adequately. They have taken an oath of duty and have pledged it verbally and out loud and signed to it under penalty of perjury to act professionally and without self interests.

Due to the inconsistencies, discrepencies and unreliability of investigation processes and materials and the omission of imperative records of the deceased in this case by the Ministry of Justice, under the Chief of Coroners, who works under the Ministry of Justice, I require the inquest of the deceased to be re-opened and re-investigated and examined by a different coroner who is completely neutral without any undue influence or biases involved and who can make an oath of duty not to have a conflicting interest. Preferably one who is not of Maori descent or male Pakeha, and a new pathologists to be assigned, preferably one who is an ethnic minority female, not of Maori descent. This is because Maori and Pakeha share the same descent today and therefore Maori are not in reality a minority in New Zealand. This is my right to require of the Crown Law, which I do assert because they signed agreements with the EU and with the Americas to be non-discriminatory and a democratic Western nation and to uphold this obligation, not renounce it. If this cannot be done within 30 days, then I need to take this case and situation to a higher level with the British Crown through Ms Cindy Kiro, Governor-General, for negotiations for compensation of my damages and losses which will be sought from the British Crown who is fully responsible for New Zealand by contract and ownership as Trusts and for what has happened to me.

I have been subjected to duress and threats by the Ministry of Justice and other registered professionals under the Crown Entities, owned by Great Britain, in defense of my contract with the deceased, and also my rights to remain in New Zealand with deceased as his legal partner as a Foreign National.

The deceased is not a dead entity but still remains in spirit although English Law would like to override this practice which they cannot do because Roman Law is their foundation and they are unable to completely eliminate the spiritus of the human who has passed away physically which the Crown tries to do of others who are of non-aristrocatic status or direct bloodline to England or Scotland/the UK.

C A Mattheiss
Without prejudice.

Link to this

From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

Kia ora

I am out of the office on annual leave until Thursday 30 November 2023.


If you need anything urgently, please contact the Ministry of Justice
media team:

[email address].


Otherwise I will come back to you on when I return to work.


Ngā mihi






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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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Kia ora Cara


My apologies for the late response to this, but I have been away on leave.


The information you have requested about the Chief Executive/Secretary for
Justice is publicly available on the Ministry’s website. This is available
here: [1]


To contact the Ministry of Justice, the following communication channels
are also available on the website:




Ngā mihi  




[3]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573





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Ministry of Justice

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Kia ora Cara


Please find attached an email regarding your query regarding Police


Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573






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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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Kia ora Ms Mattheis


Please find attached a response to your request for information from the
Lewis Verduyn coronial file.


Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573






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From: May, Annie
Ministry of Justice

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Attachment OIA 108311.pdf
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Mōrena Ms Mattheis


Please find attached a response to your request for medical records from a
coronial file.


Ngā mihi  




[1]Description: Annie May
Advisor (Communications)

Ph: 027 291 7573






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From: Information Requests

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Tēnā koe Cara,


I acknowledge receipt of your information request below, received by
Police on 19/12/2023.


Your request reference number is 01-23-40266.


Pursuant to section 15(1) of the Official Information Act 1982 and section
44(1) of the Privacy Act 2020, Police have 20 working days to complete
your request commencing from the day after it was received. Working days
do not include Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays or the period from
25th December 2023 to 15th January 2024.


You will receive a response to your request on or before 08/02/2024,
unless an extension is required.


Police are currently managing a large number of information requests. If
you are required to meet a specific court date or have another reason for
urgency, please notify us.


If you have provided documents or photos to confirm your identity or
authority to make a request, this information will be deleted upon
completion of your request.


Ngā mihi


Tess Keene

Information Requests | Service Group


P  105
E  [1][email address]






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Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data

Kia ora,


Your request has been considered in accordance with the Official
Information Act 1982.


I have enclosed a list of acronyms that are in use by New Zealand Police.
Please note that this list of acronyms is being updated regularly, and may
change in the future as more acronyms are added.


You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to review my decision if you are
not satisfied with Police’s response to your request. You can find more
information at


Your request is now closed.


Warm regards,



Information Requests | Service Group


P  105

E  [4][email address]


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From: C A Mattheiss

Dear Information Requests,

The file does not open.

Yours sincerely,

C A Mattheiss

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Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data

Good morning,


It's opening okay on my end. You will need a program or internet browser
that can view PDF files to view it.


Alternatively, I’m happy to print a copy and mail it to you. If you would
like this done then please provide your mailing address.


Warm regards,



Information Requests | Service Group


P  105

E  [3][email address]



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