Ministry for the Environment

A ministry, also called MFE

117 requests
Kia ora Cody, Please see attached response to your OIA request (reference OIAD-1100). Ngā mihi nui Lachlan 7 June 2024 Cody C [FOI #26971 email] O...
Kia ora T Murray,   Thank you for your request of 26 January 2024 under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).   No initial meeting has...
Geo engineering
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Jody Muntz on .
Tçnâ koe Jody   Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your request for information.   Ngâ mihi   Ashleigh Watson [1]she/her Se...
Today (19 December) I received an email from the Ombudsmen saying the "complaint has now been transferred to the Investigation and Resolution team". I...
Wainuiomata Cleanfill
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Craig Innes on .
Information not held.
Dear Craig, Thank you for your email of 21 March 2023 requesting the following under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act): Please provide copi...
Dear Steve Cranston Please note that our response below (sent to you on 9 July) applies in this instance. Regards Executive Relations Team Ministry fo...
Chemicals in chemtrails
Request to Ministry for the Environment by Shannon Marshall. Annotated by Goodtimes on .
Information not held.
How about Aotearoa?
Kia Ora Lance-Desmond,   Please find attached a response to your 27 October 2020 request for Official Information.   Also note the Ministry fo...
Dear Tom Bennion Please find attached our letter of response to your request below. Regards Executive Relations Team Ministry for the Environment – M...
Kia ora Sean Marshall   Please find attached the Ministry for the Environment’s response to your request of 14 March 2022.   Kind regards  ...
Hello Brett,   Thank you for your query.   The nitrogen leaching time series data has not been updated since 2019, so the 1990-2017 data is th...
Kia ora   Please find attached the response to your request of 26 June 2019.   Ngâ mihi   Executive Relations Team Ministry for the Enviro...
Dear B James   Please find attached our letter of response to your request below.   Regards   Mary   Executive Relations Team Ministry...
Royal Commission
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Ross Francis on .
Dear Ross Francis   Please find attached our response to your request below.   Regards Mary     Mary Carrington, Senior Advisor Execu...
Reporting to the Rotterdam Convention
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Ursula Edgington on .
Information not held.
Dear Ursula In regards to your request for clarification about "fluoroacetamide not being listed in Annex III" and it being similar to Sodium fluoroac...
Sea level rise statistics Information not held.
Anyone can post a response to a request if they know its unique email address (from which the site emailed the authority). When an authority transfers...
Disappointing response. There are clearly decisions around not producing 2012's State of the Environment report, they are even mentioned in the respons...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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