Hutt City Council
A public authority
194 requests
(page 5)
- all requests
- successful requests
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- unresolved requests
Hello Dorothy
Thank you for your email dated 11 July 2018, regarding Official
Information request – Storm Water Discharge
The stormwater d...
Dear Solomon
Please find attached the response to your information request.
Kind regards
Jörn Scherzer
(pronounce as “Yearn Share-tz...
Resource Consents for 11 and 12 Hillary Court, Naenae
Response by Hutt City Council to Chris Norton on .
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your email.
It would be great to get a bit more detail about what you want
You can use this link [1]...
Information about actions taken since climate emergency declared
Follow up sent to Hutt City Council by Hugh Davenport on .
Thanks for that information, it looks very well presented what the council have done so far, and how they plan to continue :)
Yours sincerely,
LGOIA Request - correspondence with Sarin Investments Limited on Lower Hutt hotel
Response by Hutt City Council to Daniel Twaddle on .
You have received 4 secure files from [email address].
Use the secure links below to download.
Secure File Downloads:
Available un...
Hello Chris. In response to your request I can confirm the following:
Proposed and/or Actual Expenditure to date – Activation
$50,000 comm...
Information, plans, and current status of the 'Cross Valley Link'
Response by Hutt City Council to J Thurston on .
Hi Josh,
I have received your request for information relating to the Cross Valley
Link and would like to discuss exactly what information you a...
Hutt City residential recycling
Response by Hutt City Council to Stephen Hill-Ranger on .
Dear Stephen
Thank you for your email.
I assume your request has arisen in relation to this article, which
appeared on Stuff last week:
Information pertaining to imposing weekend parking charges
Response by Hutt City Council to Richard on .
Please find attached Part 7 of the attachments relating to your Official Information Request - Information pertaining to imposing weekend parking charg...
Dear R Leveson
Please find Council's response to your request.
Lyn Herriot
Executive Assistant - Corporate Services
Hutt City Council, 30...
Hi Joe
I refer to your information request below.
You have linked a newspaper article from 1 August 2017 and I assume you are seeking information on...
Huttlight cellphone monitoring
Response by Hutt City Council to Andrew Crow on .
Partially successful.
Dear Andrew;
Attached is the response of your recent Official Information Request.
Kind regards;
Cyndi Christensen
Cyndi Christensen
Attachment from the authority's file service by admin.
4550:4’5’5 SOLD fORm"",
Crime Free Schools Project
Response by Hutt City Council to Alice Collard on .
Partially successful.
Hello [Name redacted by admin].
Please find attached a response to your enquiry dated 8 August 2016.
Mary Hewett
Mary H...
Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes
Response by Hutt City Council to Alex Harris on .
Hi Alex
Please find HCC’s response to your recent request for information relating
to video/audio devices for dog control.
Attached also are our W...
Brief, scope and cost of GHD cycleway designs for Hutt City Council
Response by Hutt City Council to Rod Badcock on .
------< HP TRIM Record Information >------
Record Number : DOC/15/40592
Title : Acknowledgment Letter - OIR - Brief scope and cost of GHD cycleway des...
Cost of survey into proposed council amalgmation.
Response by Hutt City Council to Nina Burton on .
Please contact me if you have any further questions.
Joyanne Stevens
Corporate Planner
Hutt City Council, 531 High Street, Private Bag 31912, Lower Hu...
Number of Council staff earning less than $18.40 an hour
Response by Hutt City Council to Alex Harris on .
Copy Karen into all emails to Linda Sissons!!
From: Karen Forsyth [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Wednesday, 4 June 2014 9:06 a.m.
To: Judy Rand...
Hi Alex,
I refer to my email of earlier today in response to your OIR request.
Please see below.
From: Bradley Cato
Good morning Samuel
We refer to your email request dated 25 May 2012 requesting the following
· A list of all positio...
Costs of Wainuiomata Hill Road maintenance
Response by Hutt City Council to Tim Doyle on .
Hi Tim,
Please find attached an OIR request for information regarding costs allocated to the Wainuiomata Hill Road maintenance from 2008 to the present...
Does Hutt City Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Hutt City Council to Alex Harris on .
Kathryn Stannard
Divisional Manager, Secretariat Services
Hutt City Council, 30 Laings Road, Private Bag 31912, Lower Hutt 5040, New
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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