Hutt City Council

A public authority

194 requests

(page 4)

Processing times for LIM requests
Response by Hutt City Council to Max Shierlaw on .
Please find attached Hutt City Council's response to your recent information request. Ngā mihi   Susan Sales Ringa Āwhina Tāhūhū ki Te Koromatua | Sen...
Flood Monitoring SOP
Response by Hutt City Council to Alan Thompson on .
Kia ora Alan Please find attached Hutt City Council's response to your recent request for the Standard Operating Procedure for flood response for the...
Whitebaiting in the Waiwhetu Stream
Response by Hutt City Council to Michael Brown on .
Morena Michael Please find attached Hutt City Council's response to your request for information about whitebaiting in Waiwhetu Stream. Ngā mihi   Su...
Processing times for LIM requests
Response by Hutt City Council to Max Shierlaw on .
Kia ora Max   Please find attached Lower Hutt City Council’s response to your Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act information r...
River Flood Trigger Points
Response by Hutt City Council to Alan Thompson on .
Kia ora Alan Thank you for your further email of 1 February 2022, asking for clarification of our earlier information request response. We respond as...
HCC application to Kainga Ora
Response by Hutt City Council to Craig Innes on .
  Morena Craig   Please find attached Hutt City Council’s response to your information request of 13 December 2021. Ngâ mihi   Susan Sales...
Three water historic investment levels
Response by Hutt City Council to Max Shierlaw on .
Good afternoon Max. Please find attached our response to your information request of 15 December 2021. Ngā mihi   Susan Sales Ringa Āwhina Tāhūhū ki...
Thank you Max Information can be found on our website here - We continue to update this page from time to time. As per our risk a...
Procurement Process for Rubbish and Recycling
Response by Hutt City Council to Greg Driver on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Greg Driver,   We refer to your information request dated 8 September 2021.   Please find attached your response letter, along with ac...
Tēnā koe Max Shierlaw,   We refer to your request dated 27 August 2021.   Please find attached the emails in scope of this request.   Pleas...
Staff survey
Response by Hutt City Council to Max Shierlaw on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Max,   The latest staff engagement survey has been published in the papers for the Policy, Finance and Strategy meeting to be held on 14 S...
Changes to the rating database
Response by Hutt City Council to Max Shierlaw on .
Tēnā koe Max Shierlaw,     We refer to your information request dated 8 August 2021.   Please find attached a summary of these changes, includi...
Tēnā koe Max Shierlaw, We refer to your information request dated 30 July 2021. Please find attached the information as it relates to your request....
Request for data informing LH GHG Inventory Report 2019
Request to Hutt City Council by Chris Norton. Annotated by Chris Norton on .
The key data requested was released as: Hutt City Emissions tCO2-e 2009-10: Gross: 666,430t Nett: 603,204t HCC was deemed about the same level as...
Previous recycling costs
Response by Hutt City Council to Max Shierlaw on .
Tēnā koe Max Shierlaw,   We refer to your information request dated 26 July 2021.   Please find attached the following documentation: ·      ...
Tēnā koe Max Shierlaw,   We refer to your information request dated 26 July 2021.   Please see below responses to your questions.   1.    T...
Tēnā koe Rod Badcock,   We refer to your official information request dated 1 May 2021.   Please find attached the response letter.   Nāku...
Success criteria for Knights Road Connection Project
Response by Hutt City Council to Rhiannon McKinstry on .
Partially successful.
12/03/2021           Rhiannon McKinstry [1][FOI #14769 email]                 Dear Rhiannon McKinstry,   Request for Infor...
08/03/2021           Rhiannon McKinstry [1][FOI #14703 email]             Dear Rhiannon McKinstry, Request for Information – Loc...
RiverLink Financial Clarifications
Response by Hutt City Council to Matthew Young on .
Kia ora Matt,   On 2 March you asked: Can you also specifically answer the question as to 'whether receiving the $6.5M of capital subsidies from W...
Trade Waste Consent Breaches 2020 Calendar
Follow up sent to Hutt City Council by Matthew Young on .
Thank you very much Euan for the thorough response. Cheers, Matt Young
Cr Bassett Input to Cross Valley Connections Workshop
Follow up sent to Hutt City Council by Matthew Young on .
Great, thanks Euan for the clear response. Regards, Matt
Commuter cycleway planning and strategy
Response by Hutt City Council to Michael Brown on .
Hi Michael, Thank you for the feedback, I have passed it on to the relevant officers. Have a great weekend. Regards, Euan Kyle Senior Advisor, Offi...
08/10/2020           Aaron Packard [1][FOI #13759 email] Renters United Organiser 027 3519994               Dear Aaron Packa...
Cost, number and progress on Advance Stop Boxes in HCC
Response by Hutt City Council to Rod Badcock on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Badcock, It is intended that the cycle boxes at both Cornwall / Kings and Cornwall / Waterloo will be painted within the next 2 months. We ar...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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