Dunedin City Council

A public authority

Dunedin City Council's LGOIMA policies and past responses are available on their website.

120 requests

(page 4)

My preference is to receive the requested information by email. The Dog Control Bylaw maps identify roads by a black line. A number are designated...
DCC website - denying access to archival spiders
Request sent to Dunedin City Council by Karen Anderson on .
Long overdue.
My preference is to receive the requested information by email. It is commonplace to use links from “web archive” type sites when referring to web...
Use of Cookies and Tracking
Request sent to Dunedin City Council by Karen Anderson on .
Long overdue.
My preference is to receive the requested information by email. The “Privacy Policy” page on the DCC website includes multiple statements intended...
2014 Dog Control Survey
Request sent to Dunedin City Council by Karen Anderson on .
Long overdue.
My preference is to receive the requested information by email. On 4 July 2016 I attended a meeting arranged by the DCC Chief Executive for the in...
Invitation to express concerns
Request sent to Dunedin City Council by Karen Anderson on .
Long overdue.
My preference is to receive the requested information by email. The report of the Chairperson of the Dog Control Working Party states: “The discu...
Value of Animal Control Team efforts
Request sent to Dunedin City Council by Karen Anderson on .
Long overdue.
My preference is to receive the requested information by email. The report of the Chairperson of the Dog Control Working Party states: “The contr...
Agenda for Dog Control Working Party Meetings
Request sent to Dunedin City Council by Karen Anderson on .
Long overdue.
My preference is to receive the requested information by email. The agenda for the Dog Control Working Party meetings was pre-set. No opportunity...
Costs of the Dog Control Bylaw Maps
Request sent to Dunedin City Council by Karen Anderson on .
Long overdue.
My preference is to receive the requested information by email. We have frequently noted the attention given to the maps that form part of the Dog...
Councillor Conflict of Interest
Request sent to Dunedin City Council by Karen Anderson on .
Long overdue.
My preference is to receive the requested information by email. The issue of whether Cr Whiley has a conflict of interest in relation to dog contr...
Status of the Dog Control Bylaw Maps.
Request sent to Dunedin City Council by Karen Anderson on .
Long overdue.
My preference is to receive the requested information by email. The report of the Chairperson of the Dog Control Working Party makes multiple refe...
Clarification of the DCC boundary.
Request sent to Dunedin City Council by Karen Anderson on .
Long overdue.
My preference is to receive the requested information by email. Amendments to the Dog Control Bylaw maps show the DCC boundary extending down to M...
My preference is to receive the requested information by email. The report of the Chairperson of the Dog Control Working Party states: "Recently...
Information concerning Parks and Recreation brochures.
Request sent to Dunedin City Council by Karen Anderson on .
Long overdue.
The report of the Chairperson of the Dog Control Working Party states: "The Parks & Recreation team have included information in their pamphlets ab...
Name of tenders for Dunedin's LED retrofit
Response by Dunedin City Council to Kyra Xavia on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon   Please find attached a response for your LGOIMA request for information on name of tenders for Dunedin's LED retrofit.   Rega...
Revenue Gathered by Parking Wardens 2017
Request sent to Dunedin City Council by Francis Simmons on .
Long overdue.
I am making a request under the Official Information Act as is my right as a resident of New Zealand. Can you please provide me with documentatio...
Library wage levels
Response by Dunedin City Council to R Leveson on .
Good afternoon   Please find attached a response letter for your LGOIMA request for information on Library wage levels.   Regards     Re...
Please find attached a response to your request relating to the Ed Sheeran concert.   Jennifer Lapham Governance Support Officer Dunedin City Co...
Good morning   Please find attached the response to your request for information on the Dunedin Public Library new book purchase guidelines/policy...
Cost of cleaning out south Dunedin storm water drains
Response by Dunedin City Council to Jeremy Buis on .
Information not held.
Hi Jeremy,   In relation to your request for the costs of storm water drain cleaning in South Dunedin, we do not hold a record of this cost broken...
See below, I have copied and pasted,"things to do with this request". It's clear to me that I have a right to reply to Kristy and to you here. I'll n...
Hi, You requested "all correspondence between DCC, DCC Water Department, Department of Conservation and the Crown regarding placement of a locked gate...
Use of dowsing
Response by Dunedin City Council to B. White on .
Hi I refer to your request dated 20 December 2017 for information on  “I am interested in the use of dowsing techniques by employees and contractors...
Operation of "Mosquito" devices in Dunedin
Follow up sent to Dunedin City Council by Chris Burgess on .
Thanks for the response, I appreciate the effort and apologise for the Christmas timing of the enquiry! I do believe the device is being operated...
Mayor and Councillor attendance this term
Response by Dunedin City Council to aimee w on .
Clean up week might be something for FYI. Arlene   From: Ashlea Muston Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2016 4:20 p.m. To: Bob Cochrane ([email address]...
S L Dreys [FOI #5240 email] Dear Mr Dreys, Official information request for BRIDGE OVER RAILWAY information I refer to your official information...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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