(page 5)
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Kia ora,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator
Stop Work Notices/Orders
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Ben on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator
Security detail cost for Jacinda Ardern paid by the taxpayer
Follow up sent to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Erika Whittome on .
A complaint has been lodged with the Ombudsman with intent for a “right of review” under the official informational act.
Transparency on budget a...
Information on the suspension of regulatory impact analysis
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Ben on .
Partially successful.
19 January 2024 Ben [FOI #25114 email] Ref: PMO 031-2023-24 Dear...
Number of people that don't understand government department names in te reo Maori
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to A Ayr on .
Awaiting classification.
16 January 2023 Alison Ayr [FOI #24899 email] Ref: PMO 039-2023-24 D...
[DPMC] OIAs affected by Section 6 | Aug 2020 - Aug 2021
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Marcus on .
Kia ora koe,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coo...
Appointment of the New Ministry
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to john luke on .
Tēnā koe John
Please find attached the response to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Pen Davenport (she/her)
Senior Advis...
Rules relating to the acceptance and wearing of Commonwealth, foreign and international Honours by New Zealand citizens
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to john luke on .
Kia ora John,
Please find attached an OIA response from Rachel Hayward, Clerk of the
Executive Council.
Ngā m...
Underlying documents mentioned in the Royal Commission report and Counter-Terrorism Strategy
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Sebastian on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Sebastian,
Please find attached a further response to your OIA.
Ngā mihi
Ministerial Coordinator
Number of retail locations in Northland under the Smokefree Amendment Act
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Rohan Lloyd on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Rohan
Regarding your request transferred to the Ministry of Health.
Thank you for your request for official information. The reference...
update of my request OIA2017/18-0589
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to john luke on .
Kia ora John,
Please find attached an OIA response from Rachel Hayward, Clerk of the
Executive Council.
Ngā m...
Staff turnover in the DPMC Ministerial team
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Dougie G on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora,
Our response was dispatched to you on 24 October 2023 and is accessible on the FYI website.
I trust you have received this.
Ngā mihi
Legal requirement to register a baby
Follow up sent to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Athina Andonatou on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
I have withdrawn my request as I found the information contained in another OIA
Yours faithfully,
Athina Andonatou
Request for communication between Jacinda Ardern, cabinet, NZ Police and Commissioner Andrew Coster
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Vanessa on .
Tēnā koe,
On behalf of Raj Nahna, I attach a letter in response to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Private Secretary (Executive Support)...
Status of issuance of a flag for the King and a new Seal of New Zealand
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to S Smith on .
Tēnā koe S Smith,
Further to our extension letter of 13 July, please find attached a
response to your OIA request.
OIA request
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Saska Hayes on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Saska,
Please find attached MBIE's response to your request for Information.
Nāku iti nei, nā
Oliver Maskell (He/Him)
New Zealand's Position on Recognising Palestine as a Sovereign State
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Lance D. Lavery on .
Tēnā koe Lance Lavery,
Please see the attached letter concerning your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Executive Services Divis...
Constitutional Principle
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Requestor on .
Kia ora,
Thank you for your email. On 24 July we advised you that the Ministry of
Justice (MOJ) are better placed to respon...
Development of Alert Levels in early 2020
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Al on .
Kia ora,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator
Blackrock renewable energy equity fund
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to G Smith on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora,
Please find attached a response from Hon Dr Megan Woods to your OIA
Ngā mihi
Office of Hon Dr Megan Woods
All cabinet papers / briefings which have not been proactively released
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Charles Finley on .
Kia ora,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator
Kia ora James,
Please find NZTE’s response to your OIA attached.
This e-mail message, together with any attachments...
Tēnā koe James
Please attached the response to your Official Information Act request of
30 June 2023.
Ngā mihi
Communications or instructions about sausage rolls during trips abroad
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Liam Hehir on .
Kia ora,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator
Handling of OIAs for Covid 19 matters
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Erika Whittome on .
Kia ora Erika
As set out in our letter to you, all OIA requests are handled in the same manner regardless of the subject. Accordingly,...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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