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Kia ora Bridget
Thank you for your request received by the Department of Conservation on
Please find attached our response to your req...
Kia ora John
Thank you for your request received on 25/02/2023 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reques...
seeking nominations for appointments 2023 OIA
Response by Department of Conservation to john luke on .
Kia ora John
Thank you for your request received on 28/02/2023 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reques...
For the ministerial appointment request 2023
Response by Department of Conservation to john luke on .
Kia ora John
Thank you for your request received on 24/01/2023 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reques...
Kia ora Alyssa
Thank you for your request received on 12/11/2021 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your requ...
Marine mammal reserve exemptions
Response by Department of Conservation to Lloyd Jerome on .
Good morning Lloyd
I have been asked to resend this to you.
I have checked and all is clear in the attachment.
Kind regards
10 Janua...
COVID-19 Risk Assessment
Response by Department of Conservation to Peter Russell on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Mr Russell
Response to your request of 16 January is attached as the MS Word document. The response refers to an additional document, whi...
Appointments to Ngā Whenua Rāhui Komiti
Response by Department of Conservation to john luke on .
Kia ora John
Thank you for your request received on 15/12/2022 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reques...
Kia ora Alan
Thank you for your request received on 18/08/2022 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reques...
Grazing Paringa River
Response by Department of Conservation to G Pearce on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe G Pearce
Please find attached the Department of Conservations response to your
Official Information Act request received on 9 November...
Te Urewera co-governance budget
Response by Department of Conservation to B Whyman on .
Awaiting classification.
Good morning
Please find attached a letter in reply to your email received 27 October under the OIA process.
Kind regards
PP Henry Weston
How many DOC huts still rely on coal
Response by Department of Conservation to G S Hedge on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Gary
Thank you for your request received on 07/10/2022 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reques...
Predator Free Ltd Board of Directors
Response by Department of Conservation to john luke on .
Kia ora John
Thank you for your request received on 09/10/2022 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reques...
Ngāti Tama Joint Advisory Committee
Response by Department of Conservation to john luke on .
Kia ora John
Thank you for your request received on 04/10/2022 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reques...
Waipoua Forest Consultation of Hapu / Iwi
Response by Department of Conservation to Asha Andersen on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Asha
Thank you for your request received on 27/09/2022 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reques...
Kia ora Wendy
Thank you for your request received on 02/10/2022 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reque...
Tēnā koe Craig,
Please find attached a further response to your Official Information Act
request to the Department of Conservation - OIAD-1450 &...
full DOC policies on feral dogs in Northland
Response by Department of Conservation to Claire Valpy on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Claire
Thank you for your request received on 12/08/2022 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your requ...
Policy to require "My Vaccine Pass" to access DOC facilities
Response by Department of Conservation to ASE on .
Information not held.
Kia ora A
Thank you for your request received on 17/01/2022 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your request....
Department of Conservation Brand Guidelines
Response by Department of Conservation to Tommi Joyce on .
Kia ora Tommi
Thank you for your request received on 06/08/2022 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reque...
North head tunnels investigation 1992-1994
Response by Department of Conservation to Liam White on .
Tçnâ koe Liam,
On behalf of Helen Neale, Acting Director Operations Auckland, please find
the attached response to your Official Information Act...
Doc Toitū CarbonReduce programme
Response by Department of Conservation to Chris Watson on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Chris
Thank you for your request received on 29/06/2022 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reque...
Retention of Google Analytics Data
Response by Department of Conservation to Shane Gibson on .
Kia ora Shane
Thank you for your request received on 02/06/2022 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reque...
Kia ora Chris
Thank you for your request received on 30/03/2021 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reque...
Retention of Google Analytics Data
Follow up sent to Department of Conservation by Shane Gibson on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
Sorry I submitted this OIA in error (duplicate OIA) please cancel the OIA request.
Yours faithfully,
Shane Gibson
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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