Christchurch City Council
A public authority
346 requests
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Dear Matteo,
I refer to your official information request we received on 8 August 2020
The Council can confirm it does not hold or...
Dear B Morrison,
Thank you for your email which was transferred by the Christchurch City
Council to our office on October 23^rd 2018. You reques...
Consented repairs epoxying rubble foundations
Response by Christchurch City Council to Rachael Harris on .
Dear Rachael,
Thank you for your email, received on 8 March 2018. You requested the
following information, under the Local Government Official I...
Amount of remuneration and administrative support for the Chief Resilience Officer from the Christchurch City Council
Response by Christchurch City Council to Trent Hiles on .
Dear Trent,
Thank you for your email, received on 2 March 2016. You requested the
following information, under the Local Government Official Inf...
Dates and levels of fluoridation in Christchurch
Information not held.
The CCC responded to this at the same time as another request, and both responses ended up there:
Insurance payout on Centennial Pool
Response by Christchurch City Council to Trent Hiles on .
Dear Trent,
Thank you for your email, received on 11 November. You requested the following information, under the Local Government Official Informatio...
Usage of bike racks on Metro buses
Response by Christchurch City Council to Greg Bodnar on .
Information not held.
Good afternoon Greg,
This relates to your 11 November request for information regarding the bike racks on Christchurch's Metro buses, which was sent t...
Sent on behalf of Chris Gilbert
Dear Sir
Please find attached a letter in response to your email dated 21 November
Kind regards
Dear Mr West
Thank you for contacting the Christchurch City Council.
Springfield is part of the: -
Selwyn District Council
Phone: (03) 347 2800
Complaint details received for infringement notice 5274609
Response by Christchurch City Council to jeff on .
Sent on behalf of Chris Gilbert
Dear Jeff
Please find attached a reply to your telephone call with Shane Bruyns on 7
November 2012 requesting...
Good Morning Samuel,
Please find attached a letter in response to your Request for Information
- Staff Numbers / Amalgamation, made via email on 2...
Advice Given around any conflict of interest in appointing CCC CEO
Response by Christchurch City Council to Joshua Grainger on .
Good afternoon Joshua,
Letter attached
<<_10452.pdf>> <<Howe v Keown.pdf - Adobe Reader_att1_Howe v
Kind regards
Jason Roberts...
LGOIMA Statistics
Response by Christchurch City Council to Joshua Grainger on .
Information not held.
Dear Joshua
Please find attached a letter regarding your request.
Kind regards
<<Signed Letter to Joshua Grainger re LGOIMA Request 26...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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