Auckland Transport

A top 10 most requested agency

If you have not received an acknowledgement to a request to AT, please contact us. We will confirm that email was delivered, and assist however we can. Many requests until April 2024 appeared to be dropped within AT's email security system, but the issue now appears resolved.

752 requests

(page 15)

Good morning Diana, Please find attached information pertaining to your request for official information from Auckland Transport.   Kind regards...
Bus priority at traffic signals
Follow up sent to Auckland Transport by Louis Mayo on .
Thank you for responding this request for information. It is greatly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Louis Mayo
Who is Hop Card information shared with?
Request to Auckland Transport by Alex Harris. Annotated by Felix Lee on .
AT really should write their privacy policy better. It does read like they are planning on selling your info to people who will spam you.
AT Hop Service Delivery Team
Response by Auckland Transport to Z. L. Wong on .
Good afternoon Mr Wong, Please find attached the information requested under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 from Au...
AT HOP Card Cancellations
Response by Auckland Transport to Mat Barrie on .
Good afternoon Mr Barrie, Please find attached the information requested under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 from...
Good afternoon Mr Davis, Please find attached the information requested under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 from A...
Number of accidents on Huia Rd
Response by Auckland Transport to Win Walker on .
  Good afternoon Win,   Please find attached the information requested under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 fro...
Breakdown of cost to move speed limit signs on Point Wells Road
Response by Auckland Transport to Ian Docking on .
Partially successful.
East West Link
Response by Auckland Transport to Hamish O'Neill on .
Good afternoon Mr O’Neill, Please find attached the information requested under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 from...
Rail patronage data by station for January-June 2013
Response by Auckland Transport to Andrew Walters on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Mr Walters, Please find attached a response to information requested under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1...
Good afternoon Redoubt Ridge Environmental Action Group, Please find attached the information requested under the Local Government Official Informat...
AT HOP card manufacturer information
Response by Auckland Transport to Craig Stanton on .
Good morning Mr Stanton, Please find attached the information requested under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 from A...
How Capacity Is Planned For South Auckland
Response by Auckland Transport to Roger Willcocks on .
Partially successful.
  Good afternoon Mr Wilcocks, Please find attached the information requested under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987...
entrapment on parking in Ellerslie
Response by Auckland Transport to Grace Haden on .
Dear Ms Haden Please find attached a response to your query sent to Trevor Starr.   Kind Regards   Tracey Malu   Tracey Malu | Feedback C...
Revenue gathered from parking and infringements
Request to Auckland Transport by Annabel Reid. Annotated by Luke C on .
Figures on traffic and parking fines also at:
Accuracy of online submission feedback
Response by Auckland Transport to Roger Willcocks on .
Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport.   Your email will be referred to a member of our customer services team, who will respond to you dire...
Good morning Mr O’Neill Please find attached the response for information requested from Auckland Transport under the Local Government Official Info...
Details about the new journey planner
Response by Auckland Transport to Shenglin Zeng on .
Good afternoon Shenglin, Please find attached the information requested under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 from A...
Public transport emissions per passenger kilometre
Response by Auckland Transport to John Polkinghorne on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Mr Polkinghorne Please find attached information requested from Auckland Transport under the Local Government Official Information an...
Station Boarding Data
Response by Auckland Transport to Arthur Stokes on .
Good morning Mr Stokes Please find attached the information requested under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 from Auc...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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