Auckland Transport

A top 10 most requested agency

If you have not received an acknowledgement to a request to AT, please contact us. We will confirm that email was delivered, and assist however we can. Many requests until April 2024 appeared to be dropped within AT's email security system, but the issue now appears resolved.

705 requests

(page 8)

Parking Officers
Response by Auckland Transport to Joseph on .
Dear Joseph   I have been asked to send this attached response.     Kind regards   Holly Foxwell Ministerial Services Officer Ministe...
How many registration failures for AT online membership?
Response by Auckland Transport to Jason Brown on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Brown   Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport on 26 January 2017 regarding failed registrations on the AT website.   Please find...
School bus patronage data
Response by Auckland Transport to J. Hu on .
Dear J Hu   Please find attached a response for information requested under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.  ...
Dear Mr Ross   We refer to your request for official information dated 21 June 2018 regarding Botany to Airport Mass Rapid Transit delivery.  ...
Dear Mr Ross   We refer to your request for official information dated 21 June 2018 requesting information related to Mill Road.   Please find...
Usage of train stations
Response by Auckland Transport to Hemant on .
Partially successful.
Dear Hemant   Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport on 18 January 2017 requesting information relating to rail patronage data which you furt...
CustomerLiaison (AT) would like to recall the message, "Auckland Transport CAS-212909-W1L4H1 -Travelwise Survey Information". WARNING This email may co...
Dear Mr Ross   We sincerely apologise for the administrative oversight.  The attached response had been approved for release on 11 May 2018 after...
CCTV footage request
Response by Auckland Transport to Melissa Blair on .
Partially successful.
Dear Melissa   Please find attached the response to your request of 9 April 2018 for information under the Official Information Act 1982.   Re...
Dear Mr Baigent   Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport requesting information on the money spent fixing Gordons Road, Waiheke Island in the...
Dear Mr Walters   Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport on 12 February 2017 requesting information relating to changes made to traffic light...
Dear Requester   Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport requesting costs incurred by Auckland Transport in relation to the hearings for the R...
Parking Enforcement questions
Response by Auckland Transport to Alan Candy on .
Dear Mr Candy   With reference to your request of 28 June 2017, we wish to confirm the following response for item 8:   8. Number of Bus Stops...
Tranzit tender for Auckland Bus Services 2016 -2017
Response by Auckland Transport to David on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Phipps   Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport on 20 May 2017 requesting information on whether Tranzit Limited tendered for Aucklan...
Parking Enforcement Officers
Response by Auckland Transport to Alan Candy on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Candy   Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport on 28 June 2017 requesting information relating to parking enforcement officers.  ...
Dear Mr Gowthorpe   Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport on 16 August 2017 requesting information relating to parking infringement tickets...
Dear Kevin   We refer to your request for official information dated 20 December 2017 in relation to a passenger who had been smoking on the bus....
Im requesting information about the type of trams/LRV that have been assessed by AT to fill the requirement for 420 passengers, on a 66m vehicle a...
Level of Evidence required for issues infringements
Response by Auckland Transport to David Roos on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Roos   We refer to your request for official information dated 5 February 2018 regarding the level of evidence required for an infringemen...
Request for CCTV footage of Traffic incident
Response by Auckland Transport to Claire Rhee on .
Partially successful.
Dear Claire,   Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport on 22 February 2018 requesting CCTV footage relating to a traffic accident at the inter...
Dear Mr Stone   Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport on 24 April 2017 requesting information relating to motor vehicle accidents in the pas...
Sylvia Park Bus and Cycling Improvements
Response by Auckland Transport to Harriet Gale on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Harriet   Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport on 19 June 2017 in relation to the Sylvia Park Bus and Cycling Improvements und...
Industrial action 8th December 2017
Response by Auckland Transport to David Brotherhood on .
Dear Mr Brotherhood   Thank you for your email.      At the outset, I  sincerely apologise for the administrative oversight.  I had assumed th...
Point Wells Rd - consultation on relocation of speed limit signs
Response by Auckland Transport to Ian Docking on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Docking   We refer to your request dated 4 December 2017 and 12 December 2017 regarding clarification of the information provided in our L...
Information Stored on Hop Cards
Response by Auckland Transport to Dan on .
Dear Dan,   Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport on 10 July 2017, requesting information that is stored on AT HOP cards.   Please find...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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