Luke C
Joined FYI in 2013
Happy to assist requesters in composing their OIA requests to make them clear and intelligible to agencies. And an interest in assisting requesters on how best they can get the information they need.
Also interested in:
- organisations' internal processes, procedures, and practices, for dealing with the processing, handling and refusal of OIA requests.
- the existence of any legal tests to fulfil the statutory withholding provisions.
Also interested in:
- organisations' internal processes, procedures, and practices, for dealing with the processing, handling and refusal of OIA requests.
- the existence of any legal tests to fulfil the statutory withholding provisions.
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This person's 231 annotations (page 4)
Awaiting classification.
This is a fantastic response by the Ministry assisting the requester.
Tim: the Ministry will have many repositories for storing information, many of...
Cost of Rainbow police car launched for Pride festival.
Partially successful.
I don't understand the policing interest in participating in the festival. Do police decorate their vehicles for other festivals I wonder?
Advice on irrigation / water storage
Partially successful.
" there should be be a great deal of material..." You mean there should NOT be a great deal :)
Duty Ministers
Interesting that Grant Robertson was acting Prime Minister from 4-6 Jan, and not Kelvin Davis.
Briefings to incoming ministers
How soon is "soon" for public release of official information?
Paragraph 70 and German Pension
Looks the Ministry has responded robustly to your OIA request.
Lost office Bagpack
Information not held.
Thanks for the additional information.
Did you see the Auckland Transport webpage relating to lost property? It says you need to contact the...
Pike River Mine advice
Whenever agencies rely on 9(2)(g)(i) or 9(2)(f)(iv) for withholding I do wonder whether it was necessary to have withheld the information. 9...
Lost office Bagpack
Information not held.
I'm surprised you are using this site to make your enquiry, rather than emailing Auckland Transport directly. I don't think there is that much public i...
Electronic Record-Keeping
Partially successful.
The person answering your request did not understand what was meant by "electronic record-keeping system" and sought clarification. Would you not want...
Electronic Record-Keeping
Partially successful.
I think the way you have worded this request could cause confusion. I think you should re-phrase your request so it is very clear and focuses on...
It is little wonder you did not receive a response from Air NZ with 50 questions that are poorly worded.
Has the Ombudsman issued a final opinion on this case and what was that opinion?
My advice would be to rescind your request for the "related copies of reports and communications (internal and external)".
Asking for the...
Paragraph 70 and German Pension
Jan, a decision is not due until 13 Feb 2018, so give them a chance.
If Guenter Langenbucher actually wants general information about how MSD process...
Ministry of Justice Charging Guidelines
1. Back on 10 April 2017 I questioned the accuracy of the response by Airways NZ to refuse to make available to you information that which you had aske...
Briefings to incoming ministers
Commonsense has prevailed and the BIMs are at
Briefings to incoming ministers
And on it goes
Cost of requests made to Government
Information not held.
Some insight on the process of answering questions has been written by a previous ministerial press secretary at
Cost of requests made to Government
Information not held.
One would be hard pressed to put a figure on the time and wages spent on constructing questions, and answers to the questions.
First you have the u...
Dowsing use by staff
Mark, given that 10 out of 12 companies (83%) of companies use dowsing, they must find this a reliable method, otherwise they wouldn't be using dowsers...
Briefings to incoming ministers
What a waste of time it is for these private secretaries to have to respond to you.
Dowsing use by staff
It would be very interesting to see whether there are any water dowsers used by the Council, though I doubt it. Council staff involved in water managem...
Briefings to incoming ministers
Seems like the issue of not providing BIMs because they are about to be released publicly has also been published in the newspaper: