Requests similar to 'Communication between Ports of Auckland and Camerton Slater'

Review of Mr Matt Blomfield complaint
Request sent to New Zealand Police by J Young on .
On Thursday Oct 9 2014, senior reporter David Fisher wrote in The New Zealand Herald that the police were reviewing a compliant made by Mr Matt Blom...
Police Vetting Information
Response by New Zealand Police to Joshua Grainger on .
Partially successful.
Dear Joshua, Thank you for your email. I have forwarded your request to our Ministerial Services team. They will be in touch with you in due cour...
Submissions and Information on Arts Cuts
Request sent to University of Canterbury by Joshua Grainger on .
Partially successful.
When deciding whether to cut certain Arts courses the University of Canterbury invited concerned individuals to submit feedback on the cuts, with a...
I would like to request under the LGOIMA: a) a list of all CCOs that Christchurch City Council has ownership interests in, including any CCOs whic...
Organized Crime Groups Operatingin NZ
Response by New Zealand Police to Joshua Grainger on .
This is to confirm receipt of your request. Kind regards PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEAM NZ POLICE -----Joshua Grainger <[OIA #497 email]> wrote: ----- T...
I would like to request some information under the Official Information Act from your sub-organization, Immigration New Zealand. It is my understand...
Re: Official Information Act Request 1. a. How many dollars have been spent to date on the investigation in to Cameron Slaters (Otherwise known as...
Under s13(7) of the Intelligence and Security Committee Act of 1996 the CE of DPMC has the ability to appoint officers to this committee to assist i...
Sex Offender Register Proposal
Response by New Zealand Police to Joshua Grainger on .
Partially successful.
Dear Joshua Thank you for your email. Your request has been sent for processing Kind regards PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEAM NZ POLICE -----Joshua Grainger...
Guides for E-Crime Investigations
Response by New Zealand Police to Joshua Grainger on .
Dear Joshua I have forwarded your query to the correct department. Kind regards PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEAM NZ POLICE -----Joshua Grainger <[FYI conta...
Policy on Drug Detector Dogs
Response by New Zealand Police to Joshua Grainger on .
Dear Joshua Thank you for your email. I have put your request through for processing as an OIA request. Kind regards PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEAM NZ POL...
Dear Mr Grainger. Thank you for your OIA received by email. Your request will be submitted for response. Kind regards, PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEAM NZ P...
2012 Change Proposal Voting Details
Request sent to University of Canterbury by Joshua Grainger on .
I would like to request under the Official Information Act the details of how each member of the University Council voted on the change proposals (t...
NCSC/CCIP Incident Report Statistics
Request sent to Government Communications Security Bureau by Joshua Grainger on .
Partially successful.
This is a request under the Official Information Act regarding your suborganization, the New Zealand National Cyber Security Center, and its predeces...
Commercial Interference in Activists Employment
Follow up sent to Prime Minister by Suzette Dawson on .
Information not held.
Thank you for the response from Wayne Eagleson. My request stemmed from a collection of events that cumulatively suggest that I may have been/be a...
Various GCSB Information
Request sent to Government Communications Security Bureau by Joshua Grainger on .
Partially successful.
I would like to request under the Official Information Act a variety of statistics and information that the GCSB holds. First, I would like to reque...
Policy Considerations for Accommodation Benefit
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Joshua Grainger on .
Partially successful.
Dear Joshua, Thank you for your request for information regarding the Accommodation Supplement. I have referred your request to officials in the Minis...
MoD Organizational Information
Request sent to Ministry of Defence by Joshua Grainger on .
Long overdue.
I would like to request under the Official Information Act some information related to how the Ministry of Defence is structured. I would like to re...
Cabinet Papers on ECAN Governance
Request sent to Minister of Local Government by Joshua Grainger on .
I have had a rumor that there is a Cabinet Paper that has gone to Cabinet or is soon to goto Cabinet on the future governance of the Canterbury Regi...
Conflict of Interests Register
Request sent to Hamilton City Council by Joshua Grainger on .
According to this news story ( the Hamilton City Council has a conflict of int...
Minister's Diary for Last Week
Request sent to Prime Minister by Joshua Grainger on .
It is often alleged that a lobbyist registrar isn't necessary because Minister's diary can already be requested under the Official Information Act....
Minister's Diary for Last Week
Request sent to Minister of Finance by Joshua Grainger on .
Partially successful.
It is often alleged that a lobbyist registrar isn't necessary because Minister's diaries can already be requested under the Official Information Act...
Minister's Diary for Last Week
Request sent to Minister for Economic Development by Joshua Grainger on .
It is often alleged that a lobbyist registrar isn't necessary because Minister's diaries can already be requested under the Official Information Act...
Minister's Diary for Last Week
Request sent to Minister of Health by Joshua Grainger on .
It is often alleged that a lobbyist registrar isn't necessary because Minister's diaries can already be requested under the Official Information Act...
Minister's Diary for Last Week
Request sent to Minister of Transport by Joshua Grainger on .
It is often alleged that a lobbyist registrar isn't necessary because Minister's diaries can already be requested under the Official Information Act...