Requests similar to 'Statistics of strangulation rates charges'
Statistics of strangulation rates charges on the news
Request sent to Jan Logie by Zane Collins on .
Long overdue.
I request the source of the statistics/figures you have provided on the news link as below. Based on the Family violence offences tables and statist...
I would like to request the detailed statistics of the strangulation rates which was published on the news today (refer to the link below)
I need...
Caution letters statistics request
Response by New Zealand Police to Zane Collins on .
Long overdue.
Dear Zane
Thank you for your request enquiring about statistics for how many caution
letters have been issued against suspects not found guilty....
Total number of temporary protection orders granted by type or category
Request sent to Ministry of Justice by Zane Collins on .
Waiting clarification.
I request the below statistics;
1 - Total Temporary protection orders applications by females from year 2004 to year
2016 grouped by ea...
The source of deaths statistics caused by second hand smoking
Response by Ministry of Health to Zane Collins on .
Long overdue.
Dear Zane
Thank you for your email dated 17 January 2019 requesting the following
information under the Official Information Act 1982:
Can you sen...
"Inconsistent and fabricated sexual complaints" were made under the Adult sexual assault investigation"
Response by New Zealand Police to Zane Collins on .
Kia ora Zane
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand Police on 10 June 2021.
Kind rega...
Tēnā koe Zane,
Thank you for your email. The information that you have requested can be
found on the Ministry of Health's website here:
The average associated cost of removing a child from his biological parents care and placing a child in fostercare per year per child?
Response by Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children to Zane Collins on .
Long overdue.
Dear Mr Collins,
Thank you for refining your request on 16 March 2018 to the following:
1. How much is spent each year F2000 to F2018 on tam...
Type information held at the police
Response by New Zealand Police to Zane Collins on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Zane
I refer to your request of 11 March 2020 as below.
Your request is being actioned pursuant to the Official Information Act
Joint protocol sharing personal information between Oranga Tamariki and NZ police
Response by New Zealand Police to Zane Collins on .
Long overdue.
Good morning Zane,
This email has been forwarded on to the Ministerial Services for
Thank you for your correspondence,
Total number of protection orders since 1995
Request sent to Ministry of Justice by Zane Collins on .
I am requesting the below information from the family court; from 1995 up to 2016 per year.
- Total number of protection orders applications (wit...
Kia ora Zane
Please find attached a letter relating to your OIA regarding Parenting
Order applications.
Ngā mihi
Sexual Violence charging and prosecution guidelines
Response by New Zealand Police to Zane Collins on .
Dear Mr Collins
I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act (OIA) request
below, received by NZ Police on 26 May 2020.
Your request...
Dear Mr Collins
I acknowledge your request for information, as set out below. Your request
is being dealt with under the Official Information Act 19...
Total number of protection orders breaches
Request sent to New Zealand Police by Zane Collins on .
Long overdue.
I request the statistics of how many reported breaches of final protection orders per year from 2000 to 2017, per gender.
How many of the reporte...
Total number of temporary protection orders orders
Follow up sent to Ministry of Justice by Zane Collins on .
Long overdue.
I requested the applications to be sorted by 'type abuse' as per my original request. Can you let me know as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,...
Without notice protection orders applications
Request sent to Ministry of Justice by Zane Collins on .
Partially successful.
I would like to know how many applications lodged every year for temporary protection orders without notice, and how many of those temporary protect...
Is 'Parental Alienation' considered as child abuse in the family court ?
Request sent to Minister of Justice by Zane Collins on .
Information not held.
Do you consider 'Parental Alienation' as child abuse in the family court ? If No why not ? If yes, what charges or punishment the alienator parent w...
Total number of protectuon orders breaches Male vs Female
Request sent to New Zealand Police by Zane Collins on .
Long overdue.
Hi I would like to have the statistics of the Total number of protection orders breaches arrests Male vs Female for year 2014 and 2015.
Also woul...
Statistics of complaints about judges
Request sent to Human Rights Commission by Zane Collins on .
Long overdue.
I would like to request the statistics of how many complaints HRC have received complaints about a judge because of racial harassment or discriminat...
Monitoring Judges Decisions in the family court
Request sent to Minister of Justice by Zane Collins on .
Long overdue.
I would like to know who is monitoring the judges decisions and direction in the family court closed secret hearing rooms ? Or are they allowed to a...
Family court cases average waiting time and caseloads statistics
Request sent to Ministry of Justice by Zane Collins on .
Long overdue.
I would like to request the statistics of NZ family court cases wait times and caseloads also take into account any cases currently waiting to be sc...
Total Number of breaches of protection orders for the year 2014
Request sent to New Zealand Police by Zane Collins on .
I am requesting the statistics about the
The total number of year 2014 breaches of protection orders. Only for the orders which were granted in y...
Total number of protection orders breaches Male vs Female
Request sent to New Zealand Police by Zane Collins on .
Partially successful.
Hi I would like to have the statistics of the Total number of protection orders breaches arrests Male vs Female for year 2014 and 2015.
Also woul...
Total number of respondents enforced to attend Non-Violence Programme
Request sent to Ministry of Justice by Zane Collins on .
Long overdue.
I would like the have the statistics for;
- the total number of respondents in the family court proceedings who enforced to attend Non-Violence P...