Requests similar to 'Information relating to investigation 180302/8770'
Information relating to investigation 180302/8770
Request sent to New Zealand Police by Tim Martin on .
Awaiting classification.
Please provide all information relating to the investigation of:
Burgles (other Property)(over $5000) By Night - Unlawful takes motor Vehicles (mo...
Total number of Police Call outs to Hamilton Estates in Waiuku in 2017
Response by New Zealand Police to Tim Martin on .
Hi Tim,
Your email has been forwarded to the relevant district for their
Kind regards
Police Public Information
-----Tim Martin <[FYI...
Dear Tim
Thank you for your request for information. Please find our response
If you have any further queries please contact us on 09 3...
Total police call outs to Hamilton Estates in Waiuku in 2018
Response by New Zealand Police to M.J. Swinburne on .
Good Morning,
Please find attached information as requested in relation to the above. We
apologise for the delay in sending you this information....
Kia ora Thomas
Please find attached the response top your correspondence of 9 March 2020.
Police's response to Covid-19 has had a severe impact...
How much was paid by CMDHB to Tim Keogh and April Strategy
Response by Ministry of Health to Natalie Wilson on .
Partially successful.
Dear Natalie
I sent our original response on Monday, but unfortunately it was returned
as undeliverable, specifying an incorrect e-mail address ...
Average cost per patient per night in middlemore hospital
Response by Counties Manukau District Health Board to Emma Bright on .
Dear Emma
Please find attached our response to your OIA request below.
Kind regards
Lyn Butler
Board Secretary I EA t...
Number of Sworn and Non-sworn Employees
Response by New Zealand Police to Thomas Holmes on .
Good afternoon Thomas
Please see attached your response to OIA received by the NZ Police on
09/03/2020. We hope you can accept our apology for th...
Hi Jim
Please find attached copy of report you requested.
Jackie Watson
Business Services Co-ordinator
Te Hiku (Region 1) Headquarters, 2 P...
Outline and training documentation for National Intelligence Application aka N.I.A
Response by New Zealand Police to S.I on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe S
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand Polic...
Tēnā koe Frank
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New...
List of ALL Police Radio Call-signs
Response by New Zealand Police to J W Nicholson on .
Dear J W Nicholson
Please find attached the reply to your correspondence of 12 January 2020.
Kind regards
Ministerial Services
Hello Kieran
I have been asked to send the attached response.
Ngā mihi
Ministerial Services
Police National Headquarters
Good morning
Information attached as requested.
Counties Manukau Records/Disclosure
ANPR Surveillance (4) - Disclosure of AT's indefinite database of license plate locations to the Police
Response by Auckland Transport to M B on .
Good morning M
Apologies for this inconvenience, I have now downloaded theses documents
and have attached them in this email.
Alvin Ku...
Auckland region DHB car parking revenue, revenue streams and consultation
Response by Ministry of Health to H Hutchinson on .
Dear Sir/Madam
Please find attached our response to your request, transferred from the
Ministry of Health.
Kind regards
Controlled purchase operations data
Response by New Zealand Police to Jackson Wood on .
Partially successful.
The information contained in this email message is intended for the
The information contained in this email message is intended for...
Total number of hospital beds from 2006 to 2016
Response by Counties Manukau District Health Board to Antony Andrews on .
Dear Mr Andrews
Please find attached our response to your OIA request below.
Kind regards
Lyn Butler
Board Secretary...
Dear Brody
Please find attached a response from Leigh Deuchars, Director, Office of
the Chief Executive, to your official information request.
List of crimes, charges and or offences utilised for operational/Non-statistical purposes within police information systems/databases
Response by New Zealand Police to Sean Taylor on .
Tēnā koe Sean
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand...
[1]New Zealand Raewyn Thomson
Police Logo Ministerial Services Advisor | Ministerial Services | New
Zealand Police
E: [2][email address]
Kia ora Tim,
We refer to your official information request dated 12 June 2024. The
information you have requested is below:
1. provide a list of...
Dear Thomas
I have been asked to send this attached response.
Ngā mihi
Holly Foxwell
Ministerial Services Advisor
Police Nati...
Valuation report of DHB's Manukau Super Clinic Site and Schedule of land assets.
Response by Counties Manukau District Health Board to Troy Hanley on .
Partially successful.
Dear Troy
Please find attached our response to your OIA request below.
Kind regards
Lyn Butler
Board Secretary I EA t...