Requests similar to 'Copy of Teacher Code of Conduct'

Good afternoon Mr Brady   Please find attached the response to your request.   Regards Lisa Tupuivao   [1][IMG] [2][IMG] [3][IMG][4][IMG]...
Kia ora and thank you for your email.   We’ll do our best to get back to you as soon as we can but if your matter is urgent please call us on 04 4...
    [1][IMG] [2][IMG] [3][IMG][4][IMG][5][IMG] David Cramp Case Co-ordinator DDI       Email [6][email address] Phone +64 4 471 0852  I  Fax +...
Thank you for your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982. We will respond in accordance with the Act on or before 4 September...
Tçnâ koe,     Thanks, we’ve received your email and aim to respond within five working days during our office hours of 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to...
Number of Trespass Orders - Normandale School
Follow up sent to Normandale School by [User 4230 name redacted] on .
Partially successful.
Thank you for your partial response to my request for information. I am aware of four trespass orders issued by the school, to three different pe...
Board Policies
Request sent to Normandale School by [User 4230 name redacted] on .
Partially successful.
Please provide copies of the following documents: 1. Role and responsibilities of the Chair of the Board of the Trustees. 2. Normandale School S...
Tēnā koe John,   Please see the attached reply to your OIA request.   Ngā mihi   Jess Ludgate (she/her) Information, Privacy and Governme...
Copy of School Keepsafe Insurance Policies
Request sent to Ministry of Education by [User 4230 name redacted] on .
Partially successful.
In accordance with the OIA, a copy of the school Keepsafe insurance policy and all related terms and conditions is requested.
Please find attached our response to your query under the OIA. Regards David Cramp Government Relations and Information Manager Phone: +64 (0) 4 470...
Tēnā koe John, Please see the attached response to your request. Ngā mihi Jess Ludgate (she/her) Information, Privacy and Government Relations Adv...
Dear Ms Bates,   I refer to your request for information of 28 February. In reviewing our response to you I believe the figures provided to be in...
Kia ora Marie   As per your Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request dated 11 June, Southland District Council is a territor...
Limited Authority to Teach (LAT)
Response by Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand to Julian Thompson on .
Awaiting classification.
Please find attached our response to this query. Regards   David Cramp Government Relations and Information Manager Phone: +64 (0) 4 470 9085...
Tēnā koe Chuck - Please find attached a response to your request under the Official Information Act. Nāku noa, nā, Official and Parliamentary Informa...
Kia Ora, Thank you for your email. Please be advised that it has been received and will be directed as necessary by our records team.   If you h...
School policies relating to various topics
Response by Paremata School to Janet on .
Policies as requested. Bryce  Coleman Tumuaki / Principal ph 04 233 1339     -- Ngā Manaakitanga Marie Arlow  Office Manager Paremata School...
Honoring the Treaty of Waitangi
Response by Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand to John on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora John, Please see attached response. Ngâ mihi Jess Ludgate (She/Her) Tumu Pârongo | Senior Advisor – Privacy, Government, & Information Te Oh...
Reg Korau - copy dating website chat
Response by Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand to Hemi browne on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Hemi Please find attached the Teaching Council response to your request, below. Ngā mihi Sandra Sandra Kelman Government Relations and Inform...
Kia ora John Please find attached the Teaching Council's response to your Official Information Act request, below. Ngā mihi, Sandra Government Rela...
Dear PT Nikula Thank you for your email of 30 March 2017 requesting the following information: a) 1996 voluntary Code of practice for the recruitmen...
Kia ora John Please find attached the Teaching Council's response to your request for information, below. Ngā mihi, Sandra Government Relations & Inf...
Traffic Complaints
Request sent to Normandale School by [User 4230 name redacted] on .
Information not held.
In accordance with the Official Information Act, please provide the number of concerns or complaints about traffic have been made to the school over...
Response by Wellington City Council to Sam Fraser on .
Hello Samuel, Please find attached the Council's response to your information request, received on 25 May 2012. If you have any further questions, pl...
Could you please provide the following: 1. Could you please advise of any investigations and prosecutions by your council under the Maritime Trans...