Requests similar to 'Motueka Helicopter Operation'

17/OIR/152 Dear Mr Reynolds Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) Request   I refer to your request submitted via on 20 February 2...
Cost for policing the Wellington Protests
Response by New Zealand Police to john homer on .
Tēnā koe John Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealand Police on 1 March 2022. Ngā mihi...
request more information on F2657309
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to john homer on .
Hi John, Please find the attached documents, Released Under the Official Information Act. Regards, Mitch. ed ea s el R nd er U e th al ci ffi...
Kia ora M Sinclair,   Please find attached CAA response in relation to your information request dated 21 February 2024.   Ngā mihi OIA Team...
Requirement for an AFIS at NZPP
Request sent to Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand by Rodney on .
I wish to find out if the Director requires the operator of Kapiti Coast Airport (NZPP) to have an Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) in op...
Airport Relocation Report
Response by Buller District Council to Kevin Smith on .
Partially successful.
Dear Kevin,   We refer to your official information request dated 14 June 2024, your request and our response in red are as follows:     The...
Dear Mr Reynolds We refer to your requests dated 8 August 2019 requesting information about all reported incidents and accidents involving remotely pi...
Kia ora Brent,   We have now completed our consultation process with regard to your request for the wildlife management plan of the operator of Ne...
Closing of 7 regional aerodroms
Response by Airways Corporation of New Zealand Limited to Helen Wallis on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Helen Please see our letter of today's date attached. Ngā mihi Marielle Marielle Christian Senior Legal Counsel Wednesday, 22 December 2021...
Good afternoon   Please see attached a response to your below request:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF, Office of Chief of D...
Response by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand to john homer on .
18/OIR/184 Dear Mr Homer Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) Request I refer to your request, made via FYI, of 12 March 2018 requesting info...
Dear Sir   On 7 June you requested “a copy of all applications from Incredible Skies Ltd for any and all restricted area airspace proposals”.  The...
Dear Mr. Webber, Good afternoon. I am writing in reference to your official information request to the CAA dated 1 November 2020 for – reported...
Squawk 7700
Response by Airways Corporation of New Zealand Limited to john homer on .
Dear Mr Homer   Please find attached Airways’ response dated 29 March 2018.   Ngâ mihi   Arama Eruera Airways’ OIA Officer [1]http://www....
Response by National Emergency Management Agency to john homer on .
Good morning Mr Homer.   Please see attached our response to your official information request to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet reg...
Good afternoon, Please find attached a response to your request. Nga mihi Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force...
Dear Deborah, Please find below answers to your questions regarding the 5 week Eagle trial in Canterbury District. Requested Information Can you...
Response by National Emergency Management Agency to john homer on .
    [UNCLASSIFIED]   Kia ora koe,   Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.   Ngā mihi,   Ministerial Coo...
Aviation inquiry AO-2019-003
Response by Transport Accident Investigation Commission to ZGO on .
Partially successful.
Morena Mr Ottaway,   Please refer to the attached.   Kind regards   Patrick Abel Senior Solicitor / Analyst M +64 27 556 4174 Transpor...
Hybrids or Electric Fire Engines
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to john homer on .
Dear John Homer    Please find attached a response to your official information request.   Also of note, the SMS Incident Report is not yet complet...
Aircraft group rating
Request sent to Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand by john homer on .
I would like to request a list of all aircrafts register in NZ using the registration ZK- group rating please for P-charts Yours faithfully, jo...
Camping ground licences
Response by Tasman District Council to Tim Carter on .
Kia ora Tim, We refer to your official information request dated 12 June 2024. The information you have requested is below:  1. provide a list of...
Register of potential road names
Response by Waipa District Council to Alex Harris on .
Hi Alex, see the list of potential road names as requested,  thanks Richard   .......................................................................
For RNZAF no.3 Squadron the year ended March 31 2023 what was The unit's total budget and actual operational cost (including cost of capital)...
Kia ora Alan   Please see attached the response to your OIA request.   Please accept our apologies for the delay.   Kind regards   Rikki-Lee P...