There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. One of them is shown below, you may mean a different one: Peter King
This person's 15 Official Information requests
Total monthly patronage counts for diesel passenger rail services in 2022
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Peter King on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Peter
Request for information 2023-188
I refer to your request for information dated 12 July 2023, which was
received by Greater Wellingt...
No.3 Squadron Flight Hours for the AW109 helicopter
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Peter King on .
Good afternoon Peter,
Please find attached a response to your request. Please note that this response also addresses the two other requests that you m...
2022/3 Opex Capex and flight hours of no.5 squadron
Request sent to New Zealand Defence Force by Peter King on .
Long overdue.
For RNZAF no.5 Squadron
the year ended March 31 2023 what was
The unit's total budget and actual operational cost (including cost of capital)
Flight hours of B757 2K2 for year ended March 31
Request sent to New Zealand Defence Force by Peter King on .
Long overdue.
Dear New Zealand Defence Force
For RNZAF no.40 Squadron
the year ended March 31 2023 what was
The flight hours for all operational B757-2K2 aircr...
Operational costs and outputs of RNZAF squadrons
not answered here but
Operational costs of RNZAF no.40 Squadron
not answered here but
Operational costs of RNZAF no.6 Squadron
not answered here but
Operational Sea Days of Royal NZ Navy Ships
not answered here but
Operational Costs of the Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Peter King on .
Good afternoon,
Please find attached a response to your request.
Nga mihi
Corporate and Ministerial Services
OCDF, Office of Chief of Defence Force...
Good afternoon Peter
Please find our response below.
These figures include the generator vans which are critical to the service
Please supply a copy of all incident reports relating to Goleman Group Holdings
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to Peter King on .
Kia ora Peter
Please find attached WorkSafe’s response to your OIA request.
Ngâ mihi
Ministerial Services
Business, Performance and...
I have been informed by the Ombudsman that its "investigation" into the NZDF's refusal turns on its claim that
"Mr King has essentially asked 194 que...
All briefing documents, meeting notes, papers and emails received from NZDF, Defence Ministry and the US Embassy pertaining to the NZ Government's purchase of Boeing P8 Poesidon aircraft
Response by Ron Mark to Peter King on .
Tena koe Mr King
Letter attached from Office of Hon Ron Mark.
Nga Mihi
Office of Hon Ron Mark
Ministerial Portfolios: Defence | Vet...
Number of naval submarines detected by No.5 Squadron patrols of NZ waters since 1967 by year
Partially successful.
Claims records destroyed and that any notes pertaining to the detection of submarines are scattered if they exist at all.
List of ISBNs of electronic books submitted by electronic legal deposit the library
Request to National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa by Peter King. Annotated by Peter King on .
The National Library list of legal deposit NZ ebooks as at 27 March 2018 is available for download:
AZW and MOBI format
This person's 11 annotations
Thanks Simon. That is useful information.
Operational costs and outputs of RNZAF squadrons
not answered here but
Operational costs of RNZAF no.40 Squadron
not answered here but
Operational costs of RNZAF no.6 Squadron
not answered here but
Operational Sea Days of Royal NZ Navy Ships
not answered here but
I have been informed by the Ombudsman that its "investigation" into the NZDF's refusal turns on its claim that
"Mr King has essentially asked 194 que...
Number of naval submarines detected by No.5 Squadron patrols of NZ waters since 1967 by year
Partially successful.
Claims records destroyed and that any notes pertaining to the detection of submarines are scattered if they exist at all.
I have written to the Office of the Auditor General re NZDF accounts: Open letter to OAG:!ApVpXQf5jsxEhOpniXPdYtasDamjUQ
Their re...
complaint filed with Office of the Ombudsman 10 August 2018
Number of naval submarines detected by No.5 Squadron patrols of NZ waters since 1967 by year
Partially successful.
Now overdue. No acknowledgement, no response.
List of ISBNs of electronic books submitted by electronic legal deposit the library
Request to National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa by Peter King. Annotated by Peter King on .
The National Library list of legal deposit NZ ebooks as at 27 March 2018 is available for download:
AZW and MOBI format