Requests similar to 'HCN Funding'
Education Travel Guidelines
Response by Ministry of Education to Steven Caunce on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Steven,
On 27 October 2020, we emailed you for further clarification on the type
of ‘any correspondence’ the Ministry received from the fol...
Formal Complaint - Rangiora High School
Response by Ministry of Education to Pamela Absolum on .
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The Mini...
Wairarapa secondary school drop outs 2016
Response by Ministry of Education to Jake Beleski on .
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Report by Kate Ford re religious instruction.
Response by Ministry of Education to Tanya Jacob on .
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Danby Field subsidence - Thames High School
Response by Ministry of Education to Denis Tegg on .
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Information held by the Ministry of Education on the Matipo Primary Board of Trustees
Response by Ministry of Education to Jeanne-Marie on .
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Cost of CE and senior managers at MoE
Response by Ministry of Education to Cindy Black on .
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Michael Cullen report (November 2013) Kohanga Reo
Response by Ministry of Education to Jade Strother on .
Dear Jade
Please find a response to your request of 22 April attached
Kind regards
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education |...
Funding information about teacher aide hours
Response by Ministry of Education to Craig mackinlay on .
Dear Craig
Please see attached your OIA Response 1022629
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
Te Whanau Whariki Roopu, Richmond Road School, Board of Trustees Management
Response by Ministry of Education to Mameroa David on .
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We will...
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List of OIA Requests received between January 2009 and September 2016
Response by Ministry of Education to Shane Gibson on .
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We will...
Information, documentation and reports that pertain to the recent decision made regarding the future of high schools in Marlborough.
Response by Ministry of Education to Chris Grage on .
Awaiting classification.
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We will...
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We will...
Guidelines on Religious Instruction & observances only.
Response by Ministry of Education to Tanya Jacob on .
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We will...
Marlborough Combined Colleges Site selection report
Response by Ministry of Education to Nick Meeten on .
Dear Nick
Please see attached your OIA Response 1042133
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 B...
Election Pledge on Civics Education
Response by Ministry of Education to Matthew Whitehead on .
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Correspondence between Ministry and Macleans College regarding 'flexible learning spaces'
Response by Ministry of Education to J. Hu on .
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Visits to Schools: Previous Prime Ministers
Response by Ministry of Education to Matthew Hooton on .
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Meetings with Education Sector Groups: Previous Ministers of Education
Response by Ministry of Education to Matthew Hooton on .
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Number of class rooms in primary schools
Response by Ministry of Education to Luke Chandler on .
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Number of complaints resulting in settlements and non-disclosure.
Response by Ministry of Education to Susan Bates on .
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Amount of Funding Given to each Tertiary Institution
Response by Ministry of Education to Lily on .
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School property survey from early 1990s
Response by Ministry of Education to Tony Meyer on .
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Total student enrollment at every public school in New Zealand during the 2017-2018 school year
Response by Ministry of Education to Laura Kirk on .
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