Requests similar to 'Recruitment companies used by Work and Income'
Work and Income giving information to polling companies
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Vanessa Cole on .
Dear Ms Cole,
Please find attached a letter regarding your Official Information Act request dated 14 November 2016.
OIA Team, Ministry of Soci...
Reason for 90 Day eviction notices from HNZC properites
Response by Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities to Vanessa Cole on .
Partially successful.
Ms Vanessa Cole
[1][FOI #5674 email]
Dear Ms Cole
On 10 April 2017, Housing New Zealand Corporation transferred to the
Primary Document(s) under which Flexi Wage is paid to Mcdonalds
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Gary Cranston on .
Dear Mr Cranston
Flexi-Wage, which is a wage subsidy, is paid under the Employment and Work
Readiness Assistance Programme (EWRA). It is a welf...
Number of deaths of beneficiaries transitioning from sickness benefit to jobseeker allowance
Response by Ministry of Social Development to A. Wood on .
Dear A Wood,
Please find attached the Ministry's response to your Official Information Act request of 20 February 2014
Official and Parliame...
Cost of cyber security for 2013
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Andrew Crow on .
Dear Andrew Crow,
Please find attached the Ministry's response to your Official Information Act request of 8 October 2013.
Official and Parl...
When is married, not married?
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Gladys Webster on .
Partially successful.
Dear Gladys Webster,
Please find attached a letter advising that your request has been transferred to the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and...
Number of WINZ funeral grants
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Katrina Shanks on .
Tēnā koe Katrina Shanks
A notification of decision regarding your recent request is attached.
Nā mātou noa, nā
Official and Parliamentary Informati...
Costs of drug testing job-seeking beneficiaries
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Matthew O'Leary on .
Partially successful.
Dear Matthew O'Leary,
Please find attached the Ministry's response to your Official Information Act request of 11 November 2013.
Official an...
Dear Mr Brendon Mills
This email is to advise that your request, made under section 12 of the
Official Information Act 1982, for the following i...
MSC Clients with debt of 10000 or over
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Brendon Mills on .
Dear Mr Brendon Mills
This email is to advise that your request, made under section 12 of the
Official Information Act 1982, for the following i...
Amount of wage subsidies paid to McDonalds
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Byron Clark on .
Dear Byron Clark
Please find attached the Ministry's response to your Official Information Act request of 28 June 2013.
Official and Parliam...
SWIS positions in West Auckland
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Christine on .
Awaiting classification.
[1][FOI #5746 email]
Dear Christine
On 18 April 2017, you emailed the Ministry requesting, under the Official
Information Act...
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Work and Income Case Managers and Service Centre Managers
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Jeremy Roundill on .
Dear Jeremy,
Please accept our apologises for the delay in responding to your follow up request.
You have been supplied with the Key Performance Indi...
Request for copy of blank forms.
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Nicholas Parry on .
Dear Nicholas Parry
Please find attached a letter advising of the need to extend the time
available to make a decision on your OIA request r...
MSD Social Housing placement
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Brendon Mills on .
Dear Brendon Mills,
On 25 October 2015 you emailed the Ministry requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982, the number of social housing tena...
Cameron Slater and benefit fraud
Response by Ministry of Social Development to cd jenkins on .
Dear Ceri Jenkins,
Please find attached the Ministry's response to your Official Information Act Request of 10 September 2014.
Official and P...
Jobseeker Support Data
Response by Ministry of Social Development to James Webb on .
Partially successful.
Tçnâ koe
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information Act request.
Nâ mâtou noa, nâ
Official Information Team | Mi...
Good morning Mr Rule
Thank you for your email requesting copies of all operations manuals regarding the granting of benefits by Work and Income staff....
How many clients are transferring from kilibine to Newton Wellington
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Debbie leyland on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Ms Debbie Leyland
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request
Nā mātou noa, nā
Decision to exempt Provincial Growth Fund from paying tax
Response by Inland Revenue Department to George Morrison on .
Good afternoon Mr Morrison
Please find attached a response to you Official Information Act request, on behalf of Pet...
How many IT jobs registered with WINZ Porirua?
Response by Ministry of Social Development to D Dahya on .
D Dahya
[1][FOI #5857 email]
On 10 May 2017 you emailed the Ministry requesting, under the Official
Information Act 1982, information rela...
Tçnâ koe Ryan Potts
On 5 August 2020, you emailed the Ministry of Social Development (the
Ministry) twice requesting, under the Official Informa...
Tçnâ koe Ryan Potts
On 5 August 2020, you emailed the Ministry of Social Development (the
Ministry) twice requesting, under the Official Informa...
How many times has the Ministry used fake names for Benefit Review Committee members?
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Katherine Raue on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Good afternoon Ms Raue
This email is to advise you that your request for information is in the
final stages of sign out and will be provided to...
Media budget and press releases
Response by Ministry of Social Development to donna wynd on .
Partially successful.
Dear Donna Wynd,
Please find attached the Ministry's response to your Official Information Act request of 23 October 2013.
Official and Parl...