Requests similar to 'HCN unit regional funding pool'
Chief Executive panel complaint pay outs
Response by Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children to Belinda Blair on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Belinda Blair
Please find attached a letter advising the need to extend the time
available to respond to your request of 30 July 2015 u...
Number of WINZ funeral grants
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Katrina Shanks on .
Tēnā koe Katrina Shanks
A notification of decision regarding your recent request is attached.
Nā mātou noa, nā
Official and Parliamentary Informati...
Information relating to the involvement of Child Youth and Family with young pregnant women
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Bronwyn Drysdale on .
Tēnā koe Ms Drysdale,
Further to the Ministry's letter of 27 November 2015, please find attached
another letter clarifying that questions (1), (1a...
Dear Mr Brendon Mills
This email is to advise that your request, made under section 12 of the
Official Information Act 1982, for the following i...
MSC Clients with debt of 10000 or over
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Brendon Mills on .
Dear Mr Brendon Mills
This email is to advise that your request, made under section 12 of the
Official Information Act 1982, for the following i...
How many clients are transferring from kilibine to Newton Wellington
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Debbie leyland on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Ms Debbie Leyland
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request
Nā mātou noa, nā
Government statistics on Project 300
Response by Minister for Disability Issues to Sam Bird on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe Sam Bird
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request, which was transferred to us on 26 Augus...
Treatment of cases of pension fraud
Response by Ministry of Social Development to B McRobie on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon B McRobie
As we have not heard from you, we understand that these two responses have
met your requirements and as such, will clos...
Jobs resulting from Work Brokers at Oamaru WINZ
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Natalie Wilson on .
Hi there,
The Ministry sent a notification of decision yesterday as attached. Not sure why this hasn’t come through.
Sorry about any confusion.
Application to review Widows Benefit form
Response by Ministry of Social Development to L.K.Barber on .
Long overdue.
Tēnā koe L K Barber
Please find attached a letter regarding the need to extend the time
available to complete your response
Nā mātou noa,...
Request for MSD Studylink Survey that recommended secondary students do not require "Sussed" financial presentations
Response by Associate Minister for Social Development to Mike Woods on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe Mr Mike Woods,
Further to our email of 8 June 2016, please now find attached the
Ministry’s response to your Official Information Act r...
Ministry of Social Development’s policies on benefit appeal processes.
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Jessica Dellabarca on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Jessica Dellabarca,
Thank you for your email received 11 November 2020, under the Official Information Act 1982. Your request has been forwar...
Social Development Ministry Employment Contracts and Overseas Pensions
Response by Public Service Commission to Robert Latimer on .
Dear Robert Latimer,
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your request for
information, transferred to us on 17 July 2014.
Dear Ms Cox
As per the Ministry’s previous email to you on June 8^th 2017 your
request, as it stands, lacks due particularity.
This email is t...
How many times has the Ministry used fake names for Benefit Review Committee members?
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Katherine Raue on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Good afternoon Ms Raue
This email is to advise you that your request for information is in the
final stages of sign out and will be provided to...
Historical information relating to reductions of the rates of benefits for sole parents under Section 70a of the Social Security Act
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Jonathan King on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Mr Jonathan King
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request regarding Sole Parents subject t...
Request for information as to ethnic breakdown of MSD clients being prosecuted for Fraud and pursued for debt recovery
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Māmari Stephens on .
Tēnā koe
I am emailing to apologise for the delay in responding your request
outlined below. During the sign out process of your response some p...
Data on number of children lifted out of poverty
Response by Ministry of Social Development to donna wynd on .
Dear Ms Wynd,
On 25 September 2014 you requested information under the Official
Information Act 1982, which was transferred in part to the Minis...
Homelessness in Tauranga
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Ashleigh McCaull on .
Tēnā koe Ashleigh McCaull
The Ministry publishes data on the Social Housing Register online at
Dr John Lewis Collier - Hamilton Income and MSD Claimant Cases for years Jan 1996 - To date
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Anthony Jordan on .
Tçnâ koe Anthony Jordan,
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request of 29 November 2016
Non Citizens receiving National Superannuation
Response by Ministry of Social Development to The Lawyer on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe,
Thank you for your email received 26 May 2020, under the Official
Information Act 1982. Your request has been forwarded to the appropr...
Data Warehousing Costs
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Dave Body on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Body,
As per our phone conversation today, the Ministry of Social Development is
refining your Official Information Act request dated 15 Jan...
Accommodation Supplement impact on market rents
Response by Ministry of Social Development to A O'Sullivan on .
Partially successful.
Dear A O’Sullivan
Please find attached a letter advising of the need to extend the time
available to respond to your request until 26 May 2015....
Tçnâ koe Emma Russell
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request of 28 May 2015.
Nâku noa,...
Tēnā koe Sarah Allison
Following consultation with Treasury the Ministry of Social Development has determined that a large amount of material may be i...