Requests similar to 'Official Information Request to the Ministry of Transport Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud Seeding'
Official Information Request to the Ministry for the Environment Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud seeding
Request sent to Ministry for the Environment by Ben Watkins on .
Please provide any and all information known or held by your department in any and all formats, including, but not limited to, documents, draft docu...
Official Information Request to the Ministry of Defence Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification and Cloud Seeding.
Request sent to Ministry of Defence by Ben Watkins on .
Please provide any and all information known or held by your department in any and all formats, including, but not limited to, documents, draft docu...
Official Information Request to the Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud Seeding
Request sent to Christopher Luxon by Ben Watkins on .
Please provide any and all information known or held by you in any and all formats, including, but not limited to, documents, draft documents, repor...
Official Information Request to the Climate Change Commission Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud Seeding
Request sent to Climate Change Commission by Ben Watkins on .
Please provide any and all information known or held by your department in any and all formats, including, but not limited to, documents, draft docu...
Official Information Request to the New Zealand SIS Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud Seeding
Request sent to New Zealand Security Intelligence Service by Ben Watkins on .
Information not held.
Please provide any and all information known or held by your department in any and all formats, including, but not limited to, documents, draft docu...
Official Information Request to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud Seeding
Request sent to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Ben Watkins on .
Please provide any and all information known or held by your department in any and all formats, including, but not limited to, documents, draft docu...
Official Information Request to the NZDF Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification and Cloud Seeding
Request sent to New Zealand Defence Force by Ben Watkins on .
Please provide any and all information known or held by your department in any and all formats, including, but not limited to, documents, draft docu...
Official Information Request to Airways Corporation of New Zealand Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification and Cloud Seeding
Request sent to Airways Corporation of New Zealand Limited by Ben Watkins on .
Please provide any and all information known or held by your department in any and all formats, including, but not limited to, documents, draft docu...
Official Information Request to the Meteorological Service of New Zealand Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification and Cloud Seeding
Request sent to Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited by Ben Watkins on .
Awaiting classification.
Please provide any and all information known or held by your department in any and all formats, including, but not limited to, documents, draft docu...
Official Information Request to the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification and Cloud Seeding
Request sent to Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand by Ben Watkins on .
Please provide any and all information known or held by your department in any and all formats, including, but not limited to, documents, draft docu...
Official Information Request to the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification and Cloud Seeding
Request sent to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Ben Watkins on .
Please provide any and all information known or held by your department in any and all formats, including, but not limited to, documents, draft docu...
Official Information Request Regarding NZDF's Knowledge and Involvement in Geoengineering Activities
Awaiting response.
Here is a summary of some Weather Modification Patents
• 1891 - 0462795 – method of producing rain-fall
• 1914 - 1103490 – rain maker (balloon images...
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
There are many patents on weather modification. So why is it so hard for people to believe this or for Government Departments to answer openly and hone...
Atmospheric Geoengineering + Historic rainfall/cloud coverage
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Jonty Piers. Annotated by SPENCER JONES on .
There are many patents on Atmospheric Geoengineering aka weather modification. So why is it so hard for people to believe this or for Government Depart...
Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather
Follow up sent to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Chris McCashin on .
As per previous correspondence we have established there is still a researcher who was involved in this work currently at NIWA. Given that NIWA hav...
Please provide any and all Information known or held by you or your department in any format including written documents, reports, memos, letters, n...
Solar Geo Engineering in New Zealand
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Neville McFarlane on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Neville
Attached is a response to your request for information.
Ngā mihi
Ministry for the Environment
Neville McFarlane...
Information pertaining to Geoengineering conducted in NZ
Request sent to James Shaw by Katrina Langbein on .
Long overdue.
Katrina Langbein
Saturday, 14 May 2022
James Shaw
Minister of Climate Change
Dear Sir
Official information request:
Please supply the follo...
Information pertaining to Geoengineering conducted by Air New Zealand
Request sent to Grant Robertson by Katrina Langbein on .
Katrina Langbein
102 Pigeon Valley Road
Nelson 7025
Saturday, 14 May 2022
Grant Robertson
Minister of Finance, Shareholding Minister...
Official information request:
Please supply the following information under the [Official Information Act (OIA)
Any and all Information known or he...
Key Solar Radiation Modification surveillance and policy and execution activities in NZ or internationally
Response by Ministry of Transport to Paul on .
Tēnā koe Paul,
Please find attached the Ministry for the Environment's response to your
below Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi,...
Tçnâ koe Jody
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your request for
Ngâ mihi
Ashleigh Watson [1]she/her
Silent Weapons for Quiet (invisible) Wars
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Melanie Lorraine Petrowski on .
Kia ora koe,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator...
Official Information Request Regarding Geoengineering Activities and National Engagement
Request sent to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Logan Cowan on .
Awaiting response.
Under the Official Information Act 1982, I am formally requesting access to the following information, which may be held, accessed, or otherwise mad...
Request sent to Ministry of Defence by Melanie Lorraine Petrowski on .
Information not held.
Does geo-engineering, weather manipulation, cloud seeding or any other man-made climate control exist or carried out in New Zealand? If so, are mili...