Requests similar to 'Statistics around ages of board members'
Co-opted trustee- Boards of Trustees Schools
Request sent to Ministry of Education by john luke on .
This is a request made under the OIA Act.
I would like to understand how many Co-opted trustee that each school has within the Auckland region. A...
Student suspensions and expulsions from Stratford High School
Response by Ministry of Education to Dr Robert Shaw on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Dr Shaw
Please find attached an update on the Ministry's response to your Official Information Act Request.
Enquiries National ^ DR
19 Febru...
Formula for Computing Equity Index from 37 Variables
Response by Ministry of Education to James Dulcich on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora James
Please find the response to your OIA request of 26 November 2022 attached.
Ngā mihi
Enquiries National Team | Ministry...
Kia ora Mr Lowe
Please find attached the information you have requested.
Kind regards
Minutes of the Board of Trust...
All board of trustee mintues from 2019 to 2022
Response by Birkenhead College to Jimmy King on .
1 of 4 emails
Ngā mihi
Angela McMahon ([1]she/her)
Executive Assistant to principal
Birkenhead College
140 Birkdale Ro...
Limited Statutory Manager
Response by Ministry of Education to Denise Ogilvie on .
Partially successful.
Dear Denise
Please see attached your OIA response 1203094
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
Physical restraint advisory group
Response by Ministry of Education to Sarah Vaughan on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Sarah
Please see attached the response to your OIA request of 29 June 2019. Due
to the size of the attachments we will be sending th...
Kia ora Andrew
Please find attached our response to your request for official
Ngā mihi
Lorraine Monahan | Manager Official & Pa...
Full board meeting minutes for 2020 and 2021
Response by Newton Central School to john luke on .
Minutes Newton Central School Board of Trustees
Tuesday 18 February 2020
Apologies: Carol
Attendance: Hannah, Riki, Julia, Becky, Christine, Kim, Va...
Dear Brodie
I refer to your email dated 17 June 2019 to the Ministry of Health
which they subsequently partially transferred to us today request...
Meeting Minutes
Response by Tauranga Boys' College to [User 80394] (Account suspended) on .
Long overdue.
Minutes of the Meeting of
Tauranga Boys' College Board of Trustees
16th May 2022 - 4.380pom Boardroom
followup to OIA 1157176
Response by Ministry of Education to Mr ED Hirsche on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr ED Hirsche,
Thank you for inquiry about your Official Information Act request
regarding the Ministry of Education’s use of e-asTTle data....
Extract of data from OIA Tracking System
Response by Ministry of Education to Shane Gibson on .
Dear Shane
Please see attached your OIA Response
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 Bowen St, Wellin...
Number of children in the Taranaki region receiving ORS support
Follow up sent to Ministry of Education by Craig Nielsen on .
Long overdue.
Thank you very much for the reply, although a little disappointing.
Unfortnuately, the link in the document does not work, as it brings up "forbidd...
Gender-affirming healthcare provided 2018
Response by Counties Manukau District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Gloria
Please find attached our final response to your request for Information.
Kind regards,
Dinah Nicholas
Executive As...
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Counties Manukau District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Gloria
Please find attached our final response to your request for Information.
Kind regards,
Dinah Nicholas
Executive As...
Rangiora High School.Specialist Advisors Report that caused Bev Burrows to dismiss the Board of Trustees
Response by Ministry of Education to Pamela Absolum on .
Dear Pamela,
Please see our letter attached,
Annabel Sheppard
P +64 3 379 7622
F +64 3 379 2467
E [email...
Roll returns for Residential Specialist Schools
Response by Ministry of Education to James Sutherland on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe James
Thank you for your email of 14 May 2024 to the Ministry of Education
requesting the following information:
May I please request th...
Tçnâ koe JB,
Thank you for your FYI request dated of 25 August 2022 requesting the
following information:
o a representation of truancy ra...
Dear H Griffin
Please see attached your OIA Response
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 Bowen St, Wellington
Board agendas and minutes
Response by Cardinal McKeefry School (Wilton) to J Devere on .
Kia ora James
Please find attached the Agenda and Board Minutes for the past two years,
for Cardinal McKeefry School, Wilton.
Ngā mihi
Stephanie La...
Kia ora John
Please find attached Te Pūkenga response to your request for information
dated 3 January 2023.
Ngā mihi
Office of...
Piritahi (2BCoS) Community of Learning
Response by Ministry of Education to Sean Marshall on .
Kia ora
Please find attached the information requested.
Ngā mihi
Debbie, Aaron & Gaylene
Piritahi Kahui Ako Annual Plan 2022
Plans to Deal with Silverdale Primary School Roll Growth
Response by Ministry of Education to Barry Stevens on .
Partially successful.
Dear Barry
Please see attached your OIA Response 1019039
· This is the final email
This is 3 of 3
Summary of pupil exclusions in the last 5 years
Response by Ministry of Education to Tessa on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Tessa
Please see attached in relation to your Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi
Official and Parliamentary Info...