How could opening the Caversham Tunnel possibly cost $1.6 million?

Alex King made this Official Information request to Dunedin City Council

The request was successful.

From: Alex King

Dear Dunedin City Council,

How is it possible that works required to open the Caversham Tunnel, a tunnel that already exists, could cost $1.6 million?

The $1.6 million figure has been published by the council in your recent draft annual plan summary document.

I note that initial studies have already been done into the possiblity of opening the tunnel, and cost estimate work presumably was done to come up with the upper bound estimate.

I would like you to provide a list of items that will or might need to be addressed to open the tunnel, a description of the work that needs to be done to address them, and a cost estimate for each item. I would like you to show how the $1.6 million figure was arrived at.

Yours faithfully,

Alex King

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From: Alex King

Dear Dunedin City Council,

Please let me know how this is progressing.

Yours faithfully,

Alex King

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From: Jenny Lapham
Dunedin City Council

Dear Mr King


I refer to your request for information relating to the Caversham Tunnel. 
I have been unable to find your original request within our system.  Could
you please advise if you received an acknowledgment to this request.   If
your original request contained more than the question in the subject line
could you please resubmit it.  Your request will be considered under the
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and a response
provided as soon as possible or within 20 working days.




Jennifer Lapham
Governance Support Officer
Dunedin City Council

50 The Octagon, Dunedin; P O Box 5045, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand
Telephone: 03 477 4000; Fax: 03 474 3594
Email: [email address];
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From: Alex King

Dear Jenny Lapham,

No I didn't get an acknowledgement.

Yes, the original request expanded on the subject, the full original request is viewable online at

Is that enough or should I submit it again?

Yours sincerely,

Alex King

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From: Jenny Lapham
Dunedin City Council

Attachment SC2200106513031114280.pdf
27K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr King


I refer to your request for information relating to the costs of reopening
the Caversham Valley Tunnel.  Your request has been considered under the
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and I provide
the following information.


Attached is a breakdown of indicative costs for work required to re-open
the Caversham Tunnel for safe public access. 


I trust this answers your query.


Jennifer Lapham
Governance Support Officer
Dunedin City Council

50 The Octagon, Dunedin; P O Box 5045, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand
Telephone: 03 477 4000; Fax: 03 474 3594
Email: [email address];
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Things to do with this request

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