Kauri Dieback Track Upgrades
t Austen made this Official Information request to Department of Conservation
The request was successful.
From: t Austen
Dear Department of Conservation,
As a New Zealand citizen I would like to request the following information under the Official Information Act:
How many kilometres of track have been upgraded to counter Kauri Dieback Disease and what was the total cost?
Have Controlled Area Notices (CAN) been imposed on any other tracks apart from Goldies Bush Track?
What was the total cost of upgrading Goldies Bush Track?
Could you please acknowledge receipt of this email?
Yours faithfully,
Tom Austen
From: Government Services
Department of Conservation
Dear Tom
On behalf of the Director-General of the Department of Conservation, I confirm receipt of your request below.
Your request has been forwarded to the relevant business group for processing. You will receive a reply in accordance with the requirements of the Official Information Act 1982.
From: Leigh Romanos
Department of Conservation
Good afternoon
Please find attached the response to your OIA request dated 24 January
Leigh Romanos
PA to Hilary Aikman
Director National Operations – Kaiâwhina
Department of Conservation – Te Papa Atawhai
VPN: 8463
Cell: 027 366 3828
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