Culture & Heritage not responding to OIAs and no access to TVNZ collection

Joss J. made this Official Information request to Jacinda Ardern

The request was successful.

From: Joss J.

Dear Jacinda Ardern,

This request relates to your Culture and Heritage portfolio. There are 8 parts to my OIA request.

Unfortunately your Ministry (Culture and Heritage) is not responding to OIA requests. I know of at least three requests that have not been responded to in the timeframe stipulated under the Act. This isn't very open, transparent or legal. Under the no-surprises policy I know Ministers are informed about OIA requests received by their Ministries.

1. Please supply all official information that the Minister holds (e.g. briefings, correspondence etc) that relate to the following OIA requests that have so far been ignored by the Ministry for Culture & Heritage:

"Use of funding for other purposes" (23.5.18)

"Total number of prosecutions under the Protected Objects Act" (17.5.18)

"Trying to view reports on digitization project" (23.5.18)

Now that the Memorandum of Understanding (2014-2018) between the Minister and Nga Taonga Sound & Vision has ended, I request the following information:

Regarding MoU Schedule 4, clause 7.1 (“Prior to 1 May in each year.. the Archive and Crown will meet to agree a policy and/or schedule for the copying of the [TVNZ] Archive Collection over the following 12-months”).

2. Please supply all of the dates of these meetings during the period of the MoU, a list of attendees and/or job titles and the resulting policies and/or schedules for the ongoing copying of the TVNZ Archive collection over each 12-month period.

Regarding MoU Schedule 4, clause 7.2 (“The Archive will progressively digitise the content of the TVNZ Archive for the purpose of making it available on the internet…the following number of items will be digitised each year”).

3. Please supply the actual number of TVNZ Archive items that were digitised by Nga Taonga in each year, against the numbers they committed to in the MoU. The MoU states 1,000 TVNZ Archive items to be digitised in 2014/15; another 3,000 in 2015/16; 3,000 in 2016/17; 3,000 in 2017/18.

4. Please supply the actual number of TVNZ Archive items that were made available online by Nga Taonga each year (either to approved users or on Nga Taonga’s website) against the numbers they committed to in the MoU. The MoU states 500 TVNZ Archive items to be online in 2014/15; another 2,000 in 2015/16; 3,000 in 2016/17; 4,000 in 2017/18.

5. For all of the TVNZ Archive items made available online by Nga Taonga between 1 August 2014 – 30 June 2018 please supply the internet URLs by which I can access the content.

Regarding MoU Schedule 4, clause 12.1 and 2 (Nga Taonga will copy the TVNZ Archive database “onto a database that is accessible to the public on the internet at regular intervals”).

6. Please supply the internet URL by which the public can access the content of the TVNZ Archive database.

7. Please supply the new/current MoU between the Minister and Nga Taonga.

8. Please supply the report that Nga Taonga was meant to supply to the Minister before 30 June 2018 which documents the failed TVNZ Archive project.

Yours faithfully,

Joss J.

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From: Rt. Hon Jacinda Ardern

Kia ora,


Thanks very much for taking the time to get in touch with Prime Minister
Jacinda Ardern.

We appreciate your email. Because of the large number of emails we
receive each day, you may not receive a response immediately.

While you are waiting for a reply, here's a list of links that may help
you find what you’re looking for:

[1]Beehive website

[2]The Prime Minister’s Facebook page

[3]The Prime Minister’s Twitter page

[4]Full list of Ministers


We hope one of the above links helps answer your question! In any case,
we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks again.

Authorised by Jacinda Ardern MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington



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From: Oliver Thurston

Dear Joss J,


I refer to your Official Information request dated 1 July 2018 relating to
previous OIA requests to the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and the
digitisation of archive content at Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision.


We have transferred your request to the Ministry for Culture and Heritage.
The information to which your request relates is believed to be more
closely connected with the operational functions of the Ministry. In these
circumstances, we are required by section 14 of the Official Information
Act to transfer your request.


You will hear further from the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
concerning your request.


Kind regards




Oliver Thurston | Private Secretary for Sport and Recreation, and Arts,
Culture and Heritage|Office of the Hon Grant Robertson

Minister of Finance, Minister for Sport and Recreation, Associate Minister
for Arts, Culture and Heritage

Parliament Buildings |Wellington |Ph: +64 4 817 9342|Cell: +64 21 934 867


-----Original Message-----

From: Joss J. [[1]mailto:[FOI #8184 email]]

Sent: Sunday, 1 July 2018 5:33 PM

To: J Ardern (MIN)

Subject: Official Information request - Culture & Heritage not responding
to OIAs and no access to TVNZ collection


Dear Jacinda Ardern,


This request relates to your Culture and Heritage portfolio. There are 8
parts to my OIA request.


Unfortunately your Ministry (Culture and Heritage) is not responding to
OIA requests.  I know of at least three requests that have not been
responded to in the timeframe stipulated under the Act.  This isn't very
open, transparent or legal.  Under the no-surprises policy I know
Ministers are informed about OIA requests received by their Ministries.


1. Please supply all official information that the Minister holds (e.g.
briefings, correspondence etc) that relate to the following OIA requests
that have so far been ignored by the Ministry for Culture & Heritage:


"Use of funding for other purposes" (23.5.18)


"Total number of prosecutions under the Protected Objects Act" (17.5.18)


"Trying to view reports on digitization project" (23.5.18)


Now that the Memorandum of Understanding (2014-2018) between the Minister
and Nga Taonga Sound & Vision has ended, I request the following


Regarding MoU Schedule 4, clause 7.1 (“Prior to 1 May in each year.. the
Archive and Crown will meet to agree a policy and/or schedule for the
copying of the [TVNZ] Archive Collection over the following 12-months”).


2. Please supply all of the dates of these meetings during the period of
the MoU, a list of attendees and/or job titles and the resulting policies
and/or schedules for the ongoing copying of the TVNZ Archive collection
over each 12-month period.


Regarding MoU Schedule 4, clause 7.2 (“The Archive will progressively
digitise the content of the TVNZ Archive for the purpose of making it
available on the internet…the following number of items will be digitised
each year”).


3. Please supply the actual number of TVNZ Archive items that were
digitised by Nga Taonga in each year, against the numbers they committed
to in the MoU. The MoU states 1,000 TVNZ Archive items to be digitised in
2014/15; another 3,000 in 2015/16; 3,000 in 2016/17; 3,000 in 2017/18.


4. Please supply the actual number of TVNZ Archive items that were made
available online by Nga Taonga each year (either to approved users or on
Nga Taonga’s website) against the numbers they committed to in the MoU.
The MoU states 500 TVNZ Archive items to be online in 2014/15; another
2,000 in 2015/16; 3,000 in 2016/17; 4,000 in 2017/18.


5. For all of the TVNZ Archive items made available online by Nga Taonga
between 1 August 2014 – 30 June 2018 please supply the internet URLs by
which I can access the content.


Regarding MoU Schedule 4, clause 12.1 and 2 (Nga Taonga will copy the TVNZ
Archive database “onto a database that is accessible to the public on the
internet at regular intervals”).


6. Please supply the internet URL by which the public can access the
content of the TVNZ Archive database.


7. Please supply the new/current MoU between the Minister and Nga Taonga.


8. Please supply the report that Nga Taonga was meant to supply to the
Minister before 30 June 2018 which documents the failed TVNZ Archive


Yours faithfully,


Joss J.




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[5][FOI #8184 email]


Is [6][Jacinda Ardern request email] the wrong address for Official
Information requests to Jacinda Ardern? If so, please contact us using
this form:



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From: Ministerial and OIA Enquiries

Attachment Signed response to Joss J..pdf
618K Download View as HTML

Attachment For release Amended Nga Taonga contract for 201819.pdf
588K Download View as HTML

Dear Joss J.


Please find attached response to your recent OIA request.


Kind regards


Ministerial Services

Manatū Taonga - Ministry for Culture and Heritage

He ngākau titikaha, he hononga tangata

Promoting a confident and connected culture
Public Trust Building, 131 Lambton Quay



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Things to do with this request

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