Horeke Temporary Pound
Annette Inglis made this Official Information request to Far North District Council
The request was successful.
From: Annette Inglis
Dear Far North District Council,
Horeke Temporary Pound
Are any duties at the pound undertaken by anyone other than the ACO’s or the team leaders? If so, what duties?
If there are any people contracted to undertake any duties at the Horeke pound, please provide a copy of any contract for those duties, and information on their qualifications.
Has there ever been an instance in the Horeke pound of dogs’ cages being hosed out when the dogs are still in those cages? If so, why?
How does the hose run at the pound, if there is no power as stated in the press? Is the water gravity fed?
Are the dogs provided with bedding in this pound?
Why did Council lease land where dogs cannot be exercised, given that is one of the minimum standards in the Dog Code of Welfare?
How is temperature in the kennels measured in this pound?
Yours faithfully,
Annette Inglis
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Far North District Council
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Far North District Council | Te Kaunihera o Tai Tokerau Ki Te Raki
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Far North District Council | Te Kaunihera o Tai Tokerau Ki Te Raki
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From: Ask Us Team
Far North District Council
Kia ora Annette
Thank you for your request received 30 June 2018.
Pursuant to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act
1987, you will receive a reply within twenty working days of Council
receiving your request.
Please quote your customer Reference 3897620 in any future
correspondence concerning this matter.
Naku noa
[1][IMG] Ask Us Team
District Services
Far North District Council
09 401 5200 or 24-hour Contact Centre 0800 920 029 |
[2][Far North District Council request email]
-----Original Message-----
From: Annette Inglis
[[3]mailto:[FOI #8167 email]]
Sent: Saturday, 30 June 2018 2:08:32 p.m.
To: Ask Us Team
Subject: Official Information request - Horeke Temporary Pound
Dear Far North District Council,
Horeke Temporary Pound
Are any duties at the pound undertaken by anyone other than the ACO’s or
the team leaders? If so, what duties?
If there are any people contracted to undertake any duties at the Horeke
pound, please provide a copy of any contract for those duties, and
information on their qualifications.
Has there ever been an instance in the Horeke pound of dogs’ cages being
hosed out when the dogs are still in those cages? If so, why?
How does the hose run at the pound, if there is no power as stated in the
press? Is the water gravity fed?
Are the dogs provided with bedding in this pound?
Why did Council lease land where dogs cannot be exercised, given that is
one of the minimum standards in the Dog Code of Welfare?
How is temperature in the kennels measured in this pound?
Yours faithfully,
Annette Inglis
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
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Far North District Council | Te Kaunihera o Tai Tokerau Ki Te Raki
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Address. Memorial Avenue, Private Bag 752, Kaikohe 0440, New Zealand
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From: Carla Ditchfield-Hunia
Far North District Council
31 July 2018
Ms Annette Inglis
By email only: [FOI #8167 email]
Dear Ms Inglis
Official Information Request – RFS 3897620
I refer to your official information request received 2 July 2018
regarding the dog pound managed by the Far North District Council. Your
request has been referred to Legal Services for consideration under the
provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act
1987 (“the LGOIMA”).
The Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act requires that
we advise you of our decision on your request no later than 20 working
days after the day we received your request. Unfortunately, it will not be
possible to meet that time limit and we are therefore writing to notify
you of an extension of the time to make our decision, to 10 August 2018.
This extension is necessary because key Council staff vital to the
provision of the information you seek are not available for consultation.
The delay has been unexpected, however, we will aim to provide you with
the information as soon as possible, at the latest 10 August 2018.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
Thank you for your enquiry.
Yours faithfully
[1]FNDC Legal Services
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Far North District Council | Te Kaunihera o Tai Tokerau Ki Te Raki
Ph. 09 401 5200 | Fax. 09 401 2137 | Email. [Far North District Council request email]
Address. Memorial Avenue, Private Bag 752, Kaikohe 0440, New Zealand
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From: Carla Ditchfield-Hunia
Far North District Council
Ms Annette Inglis
By email only: [FOI #8167 email]
Dear Ms Inglis
Official Information Request – RFS 3897620
I refer to your email received 2 July 2018 regarding the dog pound managed
by the Far North District Council. Your request has been referred to Legal
Services for consideration under the provisions of the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (“the LGOIMA”).
Your request and corresponding answers are as follows:
In regards to the Horeke Temporary Pound:
Are any duties at the pound undertaken by anyone other than the ACO’s or
the team leaders? If so, what duties?
Duties at the dog pound are undertaken by Animal Management Officer’s
(AMOs) or the Team Leader of Animal Management only.
If there are any people contracted to undertake any duties at the Horeke
pound, please provide a copy of any contract for those duties, and
information on their qualifications.
Not applicable.
Has there ever been an instance in the Horeke pound of dogs’ cages being
hosed out when the dogs are still in those cages? If so, why?
If it is not safe for AMOs to remove dogs from their cages prior to hosing
down there will be instances where the kennels are hosed with the dog in
it. The safety of Council’s Animal Management Officers is paramount.
How does the hose run at the pound, if there is no power as stated in the
press? Is the water gravity fed?
Power is not required to provide water to the dog pound. The water tank
for this facility is located at the top of a mound therefore water is
gravity fed.
Are the dogs provided with bedding in this pound?
Why did Council lease land where dogs cannot be exercised, given that is
one of the minimum standards in the Dog Code of Welfare?
In May 2017, Council vacated the Horeke Road, Okaihau property due to the
contract being terminated by the contractor. In June 2017, Council entered
into negotiations with a family trust for the lease of land in Horeke for
the establishment of a temporary dog pound facility. Council entered into
this agreement out of necessity due to no other immediate options being
available for a dog pound facility. Council is exploring exercise options
at this pound.
How is temperature in the kennels measured in this pound?
The temperature is not currently monitored however the dogs’ welfare is
checked daily.
Thank you for your enquiry.
Yours faithfully
[1]FNDC Legal Services
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Centre 0800 920 029
[2]Website | [3]Facebook | [4]LinkedIn | [5]Careers
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Far North District Council | Te Kaunihera o Tai Tokerau Ki Te Raki
Ph. 09 401 5200 | Fax. 09 401 2137 | Email. [Far North District Council request email]
Address. Memorial Avenue, Private Bag 752, Kaikohe 0440, New Zealand
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