lost dogs
Laura Jerome made this Official Information request to Far North District Council
The request was successful.
From: Laura Jerome
Dear Far North District Council,
How does Council meet its obligation to seek the owners of lost dogs?
Yours faithfully,
Laura Jerome
From: Ask Us Team
Far North District Council
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From: Ask Us Team
Far North District Council
Kia ora Laura
Thank you for your request received 30 June 2018..
Pursuant to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act
1987, you will receive a reply within twenty working days of Council
receiving your request.
Please quote your customer Reference 3897617 in any future
correspondence concerning this matter.
Naku noa
[1][IMG] Ask Us Team
Far North District Council
09 401 5200 or 24-hour Contact Centre 0800 920 029 |
[2][Far North District Council request email]
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From: Carla Ditchfield-Hunia
Far North District Council
Ms Laura Jerome
By email only: [FOI #8164 email]
Dear Ms Jerome
Official Information Request – RFS 3897617
I refer to your official information request received 2 July 2018. Your
request has been referred to Legal Services for consideration under the
provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act
1987 (“the LGOIMA”).
Your request
“Dear Far North District Council, how does Council meet its obligation to
seek the owners of lost dogs?”
Our response
The Dog Control Act 1996 requires dog owners to register their dogs with
Council. Unfortunately, many dog owners do not meet their obligations as
set out in the act and do not register their dogs with Council.
The Dog Control Act 1996 also requires dog owners to microchip their dogs,
for the purpose of permanent identification, and supply this information
to Council. Unfortunately, many dog owners do not meet their obligations
as set out in the Act and do not microchip their dogs or provide Council
with this information. T
The information Council obtains from owners when they register their dog
is held within a database. The animal management team use this database to
access dog owner information, and if recorded, make contact with the dog
owner to arrange the dog’s return.
Council can only contact dog owners if it is aware of their contact
information through the registration process.
Thank you for your enquiry.
Yours faithfully
[1]FNDC Legal Services
logo Corporate Services, Far North District Council | 24-hour Contact
Centre 0800 920 029
[2]Website | [3]Facebook | [4]LinkedIn | [5]Careers
Get it done online at your convenience, visit our website -
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Far North District Council | Te Kaunihera o Tai Tokerau Ki Te Raki
Ph. 09 401 5200 | Fax. 09 401 2137 | Email. [Far North District Council request email]
Address. Memorial Avenue, Private Bag 752, Kaikohe 0440, New Zealand
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Visible links
1. http://www.fndc.govt.nz/
2. http://www.fndc.govt.nz/
3. http://www.facebook.com/FarNorthDistrict...
4. http://www.linkedin.com/company/far-nort...
5. http://fndc.govt.applyfirst.net/
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