Overworked hours at the Police and drugs prevalence
Ryan Collins made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Ryan Collins to read recent responses and update the status.
From: Ryan Collins
Dear New Zealand Police,
As a normative citizen of New Zealand who gives respect to the public wellfare and to those whose work is to officially serve and protect us, I assume that such official information requested under the Official Information Act will serve for the benefit of the public.
1. I hence would like to request for an official information about the issues listed below: (For all subsections in this section kindly refer to the period of 1st-January-2017 to 31st-December-2017)
1.a. In Rodney District, as a whole (i.e., for all of the Police stations located/registered within this district) how many overworked hours (sometimes the term "overtime work" is used) had been worked by Policemen with a tenure of up to 2 years at work?
(To further illuminate:
*** "Tenure of up to 2 years" relates only to the tenure of the Policemen in question at the time they worked those additional hours.
*** "Overworked hours" relates only to 2 hours or more per shift per a Policeman)
1.b.1. With regards to subsection (1.a.) above, were those specific, aforementioned Policemen paid for the overtime/Overworked hours?
1.b.2. If only partially paid, kindly advise what ratio of the total aformentioned overworked hours were paid to those Policemen.
1.c. With regards to subsection (1.a.) above, what is the ratio between the number of the specific, aforementioned Policemen who worked overtime and the entire number of Policemen in the aforementioned district?
1.d.1. With regards to subsection (1.a.) above, what ratio of those specific, aforementioned Policemen took/was given a stress-leave (or any leave equivalent by meaning to stress-leave) during the period of time in question?
1.d.2. With regards to subsections (1.d.1) above, what is the ratio between those under-2-years-tenure Policemen who took/were given a stress-leave and the entire Policemen force in this district ("entire" means both under and over 2 years of tenure)?
2. Also, as a New Zealander who academically researched in the field of safety, health and drugs, I would like to get the information about:
2.a. the prevalence rates of Methamphetamine use, dealing, and manufacturing in those areas listed below (kindly yield the information regarding the past 5 years and, separately, regarding the past year of 2017):
A. Rodney District;
B. All Auckland districts as a whole, and
C. New Zealand
2.b. the occurrence rates related to finding of new, so-called 'Meth Labs' during the past 5 years, per month, in
A. Rodney District;
B. All Auckland districts as a whole, and
C. New Zealand
Yours faithfully,
Ryan Collins
New Zealand Police
Hi Ryan,
I have sent your email on to the correct department who can help you with
this request.
NZ Police
-----Ryan Collins <[FYI request #7117 email]> wrote:
To: OIA/LGOIMA requests at New Zealand Police <[New Zealand Police request email]>
From: Ryan Collins <[FYI request #7117 email]>
Date: 16/01/2018 09:55AM
Subject: Official Information request - Overworked hours at the Police and
drugs prevalence
Dear New Zealand Police,
As a normative citizen of New Zealand who gives respect to the public
wellfare and to those whose work is to officially serve and protect us, I
assume that such official information requested under the Official
Information Act will serve for the benefit of the public.
1. I hence would like to request for an official information about the
issues listed below: (For all subsections in this section kindly refer to
the period of 1st-January-2017 to 31st-December-2017)
1.a. In Rodney District, as a whole (i.e., for all of the Police
stations located/registered within this district) how many overworked
hours (sometimes the term "overtime work" is used) had been worked by
Policemen with a tenure of up to 2 years at work?
(To further illuminate:
*** "Tenure of up to 2 years" relates only to the tenure of the Policemen
in question at the time they worked those additional hours.
*** "Overworked hours" relates only to 2 hours or more per shift per a
1.b.1. With regards to subsection (1.a.) above, were those specific,
aforementioned Policemen paid for the overtime/Overworked hours?
1.b.2. If only partially paid, kindly advise what ratio of the total
aformentioned overworked hours were paid to those Policemen.
1.c. With regards to subsection (1.a.) above, what is the ratio between
the number of the specific, aforementioned Policemen who worked overtime
and the entire number of Policemen in the aforementioned district?
1.d.1. With regards to subsection (1.a.) above, what ratio of those
specific, aforementioned Policemen took/was given a stress-leave (or any
leave equivalent by meaning to stress-leave) during the period of time in
1.d.2. With regards to subsections (1.d.1) above, what is the ratio
between those under-2-years-tenure Policemen who took/were given a
stress-leave and the entire Policemen force in this district ("entire"
means both under and over 2 years of tenure)?
2. Also, as a New Zealander who academically researched in the field of
safety, health and drugs, I would like to get the information about:
2.a. the prevalence rates of Methamphetamine use, dealing, and
manufacturing in those areas listed below (kindly yield the information
regarding the past 5 years and, separately, regarding the past year of
A. Rodney District;
B. All Auckland districts as a whole, and
C. New Zealand
2.b. the occurrence rates related to finding of new, so-called 'Meth
Labs' during the past 5 years, per month, in
A. Rodney District;
B. All Auckland districts as a whole, and
C. New Zealand
Yours faithfully,
Ryan Collins
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FYI request #7117 email]
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From: MCMAHON, Teresa
New Zealand Police
Dear Mr Collins
I acknowledge receipt of your request below which is being dealt with
under the Official Information Act 1982.
Ministerial Services
Police National Headquarters / New Zealand Police / Nga Pirihimana O
180 Molesworth Street, PO Box 3017, Wellington 6140 [1]www.police.govt.nz
DDI: +64 4 474 9469 / ext 44069
To: OIA/LGOIMA requests at New Zealand Police
<[2][New Zealand Police request email]>
From: Ryan Collins <[3][FOI #7117 email]>
Date: 16/01/2018 09:55AM
Subject: Official Information request - Overworked hours at the Police and
drugs prevalence
Dear New Zealand Police,
As a normative citizen of New Zealand who gives respect to the public
wellfare and to those whose work is to officially serve and protect us, I
assume that such official information requested under the Official
Information Act will serve for the benefit of the public.
1. I hence would like to request for an official information about the
issues listed below: (For all subsections in this section kindly refer to
the period of 1st-January-2017 to 31st-December-2017)
1.a. In Rodney District, as a whole (i.e., for all of the Police
stations located/registered within this district) how many overworked
hours (sometimes the term "overtime work" is used) had been worked by
Policemen with a tenure of up to 2 years at work?
(To further illuminate:
*** "Tenure of up to 2 years" relates only to the tenure of the Policemen
in question at the time they worked those additional hours.
*** "Overworked hours" relates only to 2 hours or more per shift per a
1.b.1. With regards to subsection (1.a.) above, were those specific,
aforementioned Policemen paid for the overtime/Overworked hours?
1.b.2. If only partially paid, kindly advise what ratio of the total
aformentioned overworked hours were paid to those Policemen.
1.c. With regards to subsection (1.a.) above, what is the ratio between
the number of the specific, aforementioned Policemen who worked overtime
and the entire number of Policemen in the aforementioned district?
1.d.1. With regards to subsection (1.a.) above, what ratio of those
specific, aforementioned Policemen took/was given a stress-leave (or any
leave equivalent by meaning to stress-leave) during the period of time in
1.d.2. With regards to subsections (1.d.1) above, what is the ratio
between those under-2-years-tenure Policemen who took/were given a
stress-leave and the entire Policemen force in this district ("entire"
means both under and over 2 years of tenure)?
2. Also, as a New Zealander who academically researched in the field of
safety, health and drugs, I would like to get the information about:
2.a. the prevalence rates of Methamphetamine use, dealing, and
manufacturing in those areas listed below (kindly yield the information
regarding the past 5 years and, separately, regarding the past year of
A. Rodney District;
B. All Auckland districts as a whole, and
C. New Zealand
2.b. the occurrence rates related to finding of new, so-called 'Meth
Labs' during the past 5 years, per month, in
A. Rodney District;
B. All Auckland districts as a whole, and
C. New Zealand
Yours faithfully,
Ryan Collins
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[4][FOI #7117 email]
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Information requests to New Zealand Police? If so, please contact us using
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the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA
The information contained in this email message is intended for the
addressee only and may contain privileged information. It may also be
subject to the provisions of section 50 of the Policing Act 2008, which
creates an offence to have unlawful possession of Police property. If you
are not the intended recipient of this message or have received this
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Also note, the views expressed in this message may not necessarily reflect
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From: O'KEEFFE, John
New Zealand Police
Hello Ryan,
I need to clarify your OIA request, can you please contact me on the
numbers below or respond to this email with a phone number that I can
contact you on
Many thanks
John O'Keeffe (Jock)
Manager | National Drug Intelligence Bureau
Phone +64 4 979 5106| Extn: 41306 | Fax +64 4 473 7634 | Mobile
+64 (0) 21 192 2092
Email [1][email address] or [2][email address]
Address 180 Molesworth Street, PO Box 3017, Wellington 6011
[3]ndib logo - green, small with white space
Joint Operation of Customs, Health & Police
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From: O'KEEFFE, John
New Zealand Police
Hello Ryan,
Thank you for contacting me yesterday in regards to your OIA.
To confirm changes to your OIA
Re question 2A Police and NDIB do not hold prevalence data. Police will
supply data for the last 5 years for the Waitematä District on the number
of people who were charged with possession, supply, manufacture and
importation of Methamphetamine.
NDIB will provide seizure date as per your request. Where you have
references to the Rodney District we will now refer the location as the
Waitematä District and obtain data for that location, as this will give
you a better representation of the data.
Can you please respond to this email confirming the changes to the OIA
Many thanks
John O'Keeffe (Jock)
Manager | National Drug Intelligence Bureau
Phone +64 4 979 5106| Extn: 41306 | Fax +64 4 473 7634 | Mobile
+64 (0) 21 192 2092
Email [1][email address] or [2][email address]
Address 180 Molesworth Street, PO Box 3017, Wellington 6011
[3]ndib logo - green, small with white space
Joint Operation of Customs, Health & Police
From: O'KEEFFE, John
Sent: Wednesday, 24 January 2018 4:08 p.m.
To: '[FOI #7117 email]'
<[FOI #7117 email]>
Subject: OIA Request
Hello Ryan,
I need to clarify your OIA request, can you please contact me on the
numbers below or respond to this email with a phone number that I can
contact you on
Many thanks
John O'Keeffe (Jock)
Manager | National Drug Intelligence Bureau
Phone +64 4 979 5106| Extn: 41306 | Fax +64 4 473 7634 | Mobile
+64 (0) 21 192 2092
Email [4][email address] or [5][email address]
Address 180 Molesworth Street, PO Box 3017, Wellington 6011
[6]ndib logo - green, small with white space
Joint Operation of Customs, Health & Police
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From: Ryan Collins
Dear O'KEEFFE, John,
Thanks for the phone conversations and the email herein.
I confirm the changes we were talking about, of which you have written in your email.
Yours sincerely,
Ryan Collins
From: TALAGI, Salote
New Zealand Police
Dear Mr Collins
The purpose of this email is to notify you that Police requires an
extension of time in which to respond to your request, pursuant to section
15A(1) of the Official Information Act 1982, because the request
necessitates a search through a large quantity of information and
consultations such that a proper response to the request cannot reasonably
be made within the original time limit.
Police require until 21 February 2018 to provide a substantive response to
your request.
You have the right to complain to the Office of the Ombudsmen about this
Kind regards
Salote Talagi
Ministerial Services
E [1][email address]
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you have received this message in error, please email or telephone the
sender immediately.
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From: Ryan Collins
12th February 2018
Dear TALAGI, Salote,
Thank you for the update.
There is no issue from my end in regards to the extension of time necessary for the aforementioned completion of the data gathering requested by the Police.
Yours sincerely,
Ryan Collins
From: SEDGWICK, Alexandria
New Zealand Police
Dear Mr Collins
I refer to your Official Information Act request of 12 January 2018 in
which you asked for the ‘number of people who were charged with
possession, supply, manufacture and importation of Methamphetamine in
Waitemata District for the last 5 years’.
Pursuant to section 15A of the Official Information Act 1982, I have been
asked to advise you of the requirement to extend the time limit to respond
to your request. The period of the extension is until 28 February 2018.
The reason for the extension is that the consultations necessary to make a
decision on the request are such that a proper response cannot reasonably
be made within the original time limit.
You have the right, under section 28(3) of the Official Information Act
1982, to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision to extend
the time limit for deciding upon your request.
Yours sincerely
Ali Sedgwick
Ministerial Services
E [1][email address]
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From: TALAGI, Salote
New Zealand Police
Dear Mr Collins
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request
of 16 January 2018.
Kind regards
Salote Talagi
Ministerial Services
E [1][email address]
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New Zealand Police
Dear Ryan,
I refer to part 2(a) your Official Information Act request dated 16
January 2018 in which you requested the following information:
“2.a. the prevalence rates of Methamphetamine use, dealing, and
manufacturing in those areas listed below (kindly yield the information
regarding the past 5 years and, separately regarding the past year of
A. Rodney District;
B. All Auckland districts as a whole, and
C. New Zealand”
The attached table show proceedings against offenders for
Methamphetamine/Amphetamine offences for the period from January 2013 to
September 2017 as follows:
· Number of proceedings against offenders broken down by the
requested areas, year and offence type.
· Rate of proceedings against offenders per 10,000 population
broken down by the requested areas, year and offence type.
A proceeding counts each separate occasion when Police deal with an
alleged offender for one or more offences. Proceedings are usually
classified according to the most serious offence that the offender is
dealt with for on that occasion. This offence might not be the
methamphetamine offence. The attached table present counts of all
proceedings involving at least one methamphetamine offence irrespective of
whether that was the most serious offence in the proceeding. Please note
therefore that these figures may differ to figures published elsewhere.
Part 1 and 2(b) of your request will be answered separately by other
groups within Police.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. You can contact my
office by emailing [1][email address]
If you are not satisfied with my response to your request you have the
right to complain to the Office of the Ombudsmen and seek an investigation
and review of my decision.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Gavin Knight
Chief Data Scientist
National Performance & Insights Centre
New Zealand Police
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those of the New Zealand Police. If you have received this message in
error, please email or telephone the sender immediately
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From: Ryan Collins
Dear New Zealand Police,
Thank you for answering the issue I have asked with regards to drug use.
However, as of today, 13th April 2018, it is noted that New Zealand Police has absolutely neglected the first topic of my request for data, that is part one of my original email.
I would kindly like to understand why there was no response from New Zealand Police with that regard. Kindly note that almost three months have passed by without an official, adequate response from your side in that regard. I am certain that after such a lengthy period of time there is absolutely no extension of time needed.
I hereby request New Zealand Police to respond to this message during the next 7 working days, giving the information requested three months ago.
Yours faithfully,
Ryan Collins
New Zealand Police
Thank you for your email. Have forward this on so that someone can get
back to you.
-----Ryan Collins <[FYI request #7117 email]> wrote:
To: OIA/LGOIMA requests at New Zealand Police <[New Zealand Police request email]>
From: Ryan Collins <[FYI request #7117 email]>
Date: 13/04/2018 12:47PM
Subject: Re: Official Information Request
Dear New Zealand Police,
Thank you for answering the issue I have asked with regards to drug use.
However, as of today, 13th April 2018, it is noted that New Zealand Police
has absolutely neglected the first topic of my request for data, that is
part one of my original email.
I would kindly like to understand why there was no response from New
Zealand Police with that regard. Kindly note that almost three months have
passed by without an official, adequate response from your side in that
regard. I am certain that after such a lengthy period of time there is
absolutely no extension of time needed.
I hereby request New Zealand Police to respond to this message during the
next 7 working days, giving the information requested three months ago.
Yours faithfully,
Ryan Collins
-----Original Message-----
Dear Ryan,
I refer to part 2(a) your Official Information Act request dated 16
January 2018 in which you requested the following information:
“2.a. the prevalence rates of Methamphetamine use, dealing, and
manufacturing in those areas listed below (kindly yield the information
regarding the past 5 years and, separately regarding the past year of
A. Rodney District;
B. All Auckland districts as a whole, and
C. New Zealand”
The attached table show proceedings against offenders for
Methamphetamine/Amphetamine offences for the period from January 2013 to
September 2017 as follows:
· Number of proceedings against offenders broken down by the
requested areas, year and offence type.
· Rate of proceedings against offenders per 10,000 population
broken down by the requested areas, year and offence type.
A proceeding counts each separate occasion when Police deal with an
alleged offender for one or more offences. Proceedings are usually
classified according to the most serious offence that the offender is
dealt with for on that occasion. This offence might not be the
methamphetamine offence. The attached table present counts of all
proceedings involving at least one methamphetamine offence irrespective
whether that was the most serious offence in the proceeding. Please note
therefore that these figures may differ to figures published elsewhere.
Part 1 and 2(b) of your request will be answered separately by other
groups within Police.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. You can contact my
office by emailing [1][email address]
If you are not satisfied with my response to your request you have the
right to complain to the Office of the Ombudsmen and seek an
and review of my decision.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Gavin Knight
Chief Data Scientist
National Performance & Insights Centre
New Zealand Police
The information contained in this email message is intended for the
addressee only and may contain privileged information. It may also be
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Also note, the views expressed in this message may not necessarily
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error, please email or telephone the sender immediately
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[FYI request #7117 email]
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the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA
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From: FOXWELL, Holly
New Zealand Police
Dear Mr Collins
I have been asked to send this attached response.
Ngā mihi
Holly Foxwell
Ministerial Services Officer
Ministerial Services
E [1][email address]
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are not the intended recipient of this message or have received this
message in error, you must not peruse, use, distribute or copy this
message or any of its contents.
Also note, the views expressed in this message may not necessarily reflect
those of the New Zealand Police. If you have received this message in
error, please email or telephone the sender immediately
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
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