Certificate of competence policies

A. R. Fisher made this Official Information request to WorkSafe New Zealand

The request was successful.

From: A. R. Fisher

Dear WorkSafe New Zealand,

do you have a policy in place for the criteria involved in granting Certificate of competence's to fit and proper people? What is your definition of a fit and proper person? What are you looking for with regards to a person's criminal record?

Yours faithfully,

A. R. Fisher

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From: WorkSafe New Zealand OIA
WorkSafe New Zealand

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Kind regards


Ministerial Services – WorkSafe New Zealand

National Office, Level 6, 86 Customhouse Quay, PO Box 165, Wellington 6140

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P  (04) 897 7699

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From: WorkSafe New Zealand OIA
WorkSafe New Zealand

Dear A R Fisher

With regard to your query of 13 October 2016, WorkSafe New Zealand registers and issues certificates of competence and other authorisations to individuals under a number of regulatory regimes. On some occasions the authorisation is considered on the basis of the individual being considered 'fit and proper' or being of 'good character and reputation' and in other cases there is no such character criteria. Factors considered when assessing a person's character (when relevant) may include information obtained from police checks, but judging good character and reputation does not rely solely on information received from this process. Previous convictions are considered on a case by case basis.

At this stage there is no specific policy document that covers all of the 'fit and proper' criteria across the various authorisations, or the process to follow to determine issues of character.

nāku noa, nā

Ministerial Services
Performance Systems   
Strategy and Stakeholder Engagement

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From: A. R. Fisher

Dear WorkSafe New Zealand OIA,

sorry for not clarifying -I was after the particular policy for Extractives (mining). How does the extractives unit define a fit and proper person.

Yours sincerely,

A. R. Fisher

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From: WorkSafe New Zealand OIA
WorkSafe New Zealand

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Thank you for contacting WorkSafe New Zealand. This email is to confirm
that we have received your correspondence.

If your correspondence relates to an Official Information Act request, you
can check the maximum time limit within which WorkSafe must respond here:
[1]Ombudsman’s OIA Response Calculator


If we need to clarify, or transfer your request, or extend the timeframe
for response, we will contact you shortly.

If you need to report a notifiable event you can do so on our 0800 030 040
number at any time. Other enquiries can be made from 8.30am – 5pm Monday
to Friday.


Kind regards


Ministerial Services – WorkSafe New Zealand

National Office, Level 6, 86 Customhouse Quay, PO Box 165, Wellington 6140

E  [2][email address]

P  (04) 897 7699

W   [3]www.worksafe.govt.nz




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From: WorkSafe New Zealand OIA
WorkSafe New Zealand

Dear A. R. Fisher

Thank you for clarifying your request.

I can advise that the New Zealand Mining Board of Examiner’s (the Board) Fit and Proper Person Policy is available on the Board’s website which you can access through the WorkSafe New Zealand website. It is also available from extractives industry organisations such as the Institute of Quarrying (IoQ), MinEx, Aggregate and Quarry Association (AQA). I have attached the link for your information:

In summary, the Board has defined a fit and proper person as someone who:
• is of good character and has due regard for the laws of New Zealand, and is likely to continue to do so while in possession of a CoC (“proper”)
• has the relevant qualifications and experience prescribed under regulation 34 of the Health and Safety at Work (Mining Operations and Quarrying Operations) Regulations 2016 for a holder of a CoC (“fit”).

If after reading the policy, you have any questions please get in touch with: [email address] or phone: 04 901 0696.


Ministerial Services
Performance Systems   
Strategy and Stakeholder Engagement

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