What Tax and Income Information do you have access to for persons working in Australia

D Benson made this Official Information request to Inland Revenue Department

The request was successful.

From: D Benson

Dear Inland Revenue Department,

Could you please tell me what information you are able to obtain from Australian authorities, or Australian Employers with regards to Earnings. Primarily those of a NZ Resident ( For tax purposes) working in Australia.

Does any information require a request, or do you have authority to access this information at any time.

Yours faithfully,


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From: Commissioners Correspondence
Inland Revenue Department

Attachment D Benson.pdf
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Good afternoon,


On behalf of Christina Goodall, Manager Commissioner's
Correspondence, please find attached an acknowledgement of your Official
Information Act request.



Manager Commissioner's Correspondence



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From: Commissioners Correspondence
Inland Revenue Department

Attachment OIA response to Mr D Benson.pdf
38K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Benson

Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request
of 18 April 2016.


Thank you on behalf of Christina Goodall, Manager, Commissioner’s






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can, or consider printing double-sided. Visit us online at ird.govt.nz

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Things to do with this request

Inland Revenue Department only: