Property provided for FENZ

Harwood Wilson made this Official Information request to Selwyn District Council

The request was successful.

From: Harwood Wilson

Dear Selwyn District Council,

Please can you advise the following information:

* Do SDC currently provide Fire and Emergency NZ with and land or buildings?

If so:

* What are the locations of these?
* Type of asset? i.e. land and/or building?
* When do the leases/agreements expire?

Yours faithfully,

Harwood Wilson

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From: OIA
Selwyn District Council

Dear Harwood,


We acknowledge receipt of your official information request received on 15
February 2025.


We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 14 March 2025, being 20 working days after the day
your request was received. 


If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of
an extension of that timeframe.



Kind regards

OIA Team

Selwyn District Council



[1]Selwyn District Council Logo
2 Norman Kirk Drive, Rolleston 7643
PO Box 90, Rolleston
Phone: (03) 347 2800 or 03 318 8338
Fax: (03) 347 2799



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2. file:///tmp/
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4. file:///tmp/

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From: OIA
Selwyn District Council

Attachment Official Information request Property provided for FENZ.txt
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Dear Harwood,


Official information request pursuant to the Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA)


We refer to your official information request dated 15 February 2025 for
information relating to land and building provided by Council to FENZ.
Your original request is attached.


Please see below response relating to your request:


  Request Response
1 Do SDC currently provide Fire and Yes, Selwyn District Council
Emergency NZ with and land or (Council) provides land and
buildings? building to Fire and Emergency NZ.
2 If so: What are the locations of o Rolleston Fire Station – 4
these? Chaucer Street
o Arthurs Pass Fire Shed – 109
West Coast Road
o Hororata Fire Station – 2540
Bealey Road
o Dunsandel Fire Station –
Browns Road
o Leeston Garage – Station
3 Type of asset? i.e. land and/or For Rolleston, Hororata &
building? Dunsandel, council provides land.

For Arthurs Pass, council provides
building for use.
4 When do the leases/agreements expire? o Rolleston Fire Station

Expiry date: N/A as we are holding
over on terms of original lease
awaiting FENZ to develop new


o Arthurs Pass Fire Shed

Expiry date:  N/A as MOU with DOC
permitting use of building allows
termination on 1 months’ notice


o Hororata Fire Station

Expiry date: 30/11/2043


o Dunsandel Fire Station

Expiry date: 31/03/2049


o Leeston

Expiry date: N/A due to informal



If you wish to discuss this decision with us, please feel free to contact
us at [1][Selwyn District Council request email].


You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[2] or freephone 0800 802 602.


Yours sincerely,


Selwyn District Council


[3]Selwyn District Council Logo
2 Norman Kirk Drive, Rolleston 7643
PO Box 90, Rolleston
Phone: (03) 347 2800 or 03 318 8338
Fax: (03) 347 2799



Visible links
1. mailto:[Selwyn District Council request email]

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Things to do with this request

Selwyn District Council only: