We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are J.K please sign in and let everyone know.

Wilding Conifer funding and RPMP rules

J.K made this Official Information request to Canterbury Regional Council

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for J.K to read a recent response and update the status.

From: J.K

Dear Canterbury Regional Council,

I refer to the Strategy and Policy Committee meeting of 5 February 2025.

It is noted that the Council is seeking alternative funding arrangements for the programme, and is also seeking further funding commitments from Central Government.

Can you please advise:

1. Have the rules under the CRPMP been enforced on and around land which has been subject to funding under the programme? If not, why not - particularly given the significant central investment in Canterbury?

2. Is there a strategy for transition from the centrally-funded programme to use of the CRPMP rules? I note that a 'prioritised strategic approach' is indicated in the Biodiversity and Biosecurity Committee agenda of 8 November 2023; can you please advise the details of this approach, and what is the long-term plan once central funding expires?

3. I refer to previous Biosecurity Advisory Group meeting notes in which a 'Plant Me Instead' guide is referred to. Can you please advised when this will be published?

4. I refer to a previous Biodiversity and Biosecurity Committee agenda (August 2023), in which a grazing consent application is noted. Can you please advise the total expenditure on this, and whether it has been consented?

5. I note that a tender is currently on GETS for 'Wilding Conifer Operations Delivery Services'. I note that the incumbent is Zolve Environmental, which was incorporated in Dec 2021 and shortly thereafter contracted for operational delivery consultancy services for this programme, which appears to have been direct-sourced as there is no record of this in GETS. Can you please advise: 1) if this approach was subject to legal and procurement review as per the Council's procurement policy; 2) total value of the direct-sourced contract, and 3) whether any other consultancies were considered for this work prior to direct-sourcing Zolve. 4) I note that this direct-source approach violated Government Procurement Rules - was this reported to Audit New Zealand accordingly?

Yours faithfully,

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Canterbury Regional Council

Kia ora JK

Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA): Request for information

I refer to your email dated 10/2/2025.

As you might be aware, LGOIMA applies to all requests for information that we receive. We are able to respond immediately to some requests, but in instances where we need to collate information we do so and respond in accordance with our specified process.

Under LGOIMA, Environment Canterbury has 20 working days to respond to your request. Your request has been passed to the person(s) responsible for responding and you will be contacted as soon as possible but no later than 10/3/2025.

Your LGOIMA reference number is 3015C.

Ngā mihi

Environment Canterbury

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From: J.K


Are we still on track for a response today? Thank you.

Yours sincerely,


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Canterbury Regional Council

Kia ora JK,

Yes absolutely! It is with the director for final approval and you will receive a response today.

Ngā mihi
Environment Canterbury's LGOIMA Team 😊

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Canterbury Regional Council

Attachment LGOIMA 3015C Response Letter.pdf
190K Download View as HTML

Kia ora JK,


Please see the attached document in response to your LGOIMA request.


Reference number 3015C.



Ngâ mihi nui,

Environment Canterbury’s LGOIMA Team


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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are J.K please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

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