Accessible housing statistics, Minister for Housing
Craig Nielsen made this Official Information request to Chris Bishop
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Craig Nielsen to read recent responses and update the status.
From: Craig Nielsen
Dear Chris Bishop,
Official Information Act Request: Accessible Housing information
I would like to know the following information regarding government provided housing/ accommodation stock that meets the minimum Accessibility standard of NZS 4121:2001 Design for access and mobility.
1, What is the national total number of houses owned, or managed by government agencies intended for residential tenancy.
2, What percentage of the above existing, residential, government agency provided overall building stock meets the above, or better standard for accessibility?.
3, What is the target percentage of overall stock for accessible homes within the government housing portfolio?. Supplementary 3a: How is the government tracking on this target?; 3b: Is there a published strategy to reach the proposed target?.
4. What is the number of accessible homes, meeting the above or better standard in the Taranaki region?. Suplementary 4a: What is the current waiting list for accessible homes in the Taranaki region?
5, Is it known the national demand for accessible homes, meeting the above or better standard for the general public housing stock.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. I look forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Craig Nielsen
From: Christopher Bishop (MIN)
Chris Bishop
(Please note that this acknowledgement is an automatically generated
Kia ora,
Hon Chris Bishop considers all correspondence to be important and
appreciates you taking the time to write. As the Minister receives a
large amount of correspondence, it is not always possible to personally
reply to each email. As such the following guidelines apply:
* Invitations and meeting requests will be processed as soon as
possible. However, due to the high volume of invitations the Minister
receives, it can take us some time to process your invitation. We
thank you for your patience.
* Requests for official information (OIAs) will be managed in accordance
with the provisions of the Official Information Act 1982, which may
include transfer to a more relevant Minister or agency.
* If your request relates to media, it will be referred to the media
* If your email falls outside of the Minister’s portfolio
responsibilities, expresses a personal view, or is copied to multiple
Members of Parliament, your correspondence will be noted and/or
transferred to another office.
* Latest information from the Beehive can be found here:
If you are a resident in the Hutt South electorate, please email
[2][email address] and one of his team will be in touch.
Kind regards,
Office of Hon. Chris Bishop
Minister of Housing | Minister for Infrastructure | Minister Responsible
for RMA Reform | Minister of Transport | Associate Minister of Finance |
Associate Minister for Sport and Recreation | Leader of the House
Private Bag 18041 |Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand
Office phone: +64 4 817 6802 | Email: [3][email address]
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2. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[email address]
From: Christopher Bishop (MIN)
Chris Bishop
Dear Craig,
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act
request dated the 4^th of February 2025. You have requested the following
" Official Information Act Request: Accessible Housing information
I would like to know the following information regarding government
provided housing/ accommodation stock that meets the minimum Accessibility
standard of NZS 4121:2001 Design for access and mobility.
1, What is the national total number of houses owned, or managed by
government agencies intended for residential tenancy.
2, What percentage of the above existing, residential, government agency
provided overall building stock meets the above, or better standard for
3, What is the target percentage of overall stock for accessible homes
within the government housing portfolio?. Supplementary 3a: How is the
government tracking on this target?; 3b: Is there a published strategy to
reach the proposed target?.
4. What is the number of accessible homes, meeting the above or better
standard in the Taranaki region?. Suplementary 4a: What is the current
waiting list for accessible homes in the Taranaki region?
5, Is it known the national demand for accessible homes, meeting the above
or better standard for the general public housing stock."
We received your request on 04/02/2025. We will endeavour to respond to
your request as soon as possible and in any event no later than
05/03/2025, being 20 working days after the day your request was
received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension of that timeframe.
Kind regards,
Office of Hon. Chris Bishop
Minister of Housing| Minister for Infrastructure | Minister Responsible
for RMA Reform | Minister of Transport | Associate Minister of Finance |
Associate Minister for Sport and Recreation | Leader of the House
Private Bag 18041 |Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand
Office phone: +64 4 817 6802 | Email: [1][email address]
Email disclaimer:
This email communication is confidential between the sender and the
recipient. The intended recipient may not distribute it without the
permission of the sender. If this email is received in error, it remains
confidential and you may not copy, retain or distribute it in any manner.
Please notify the sender immediately and erase all copies of the message
and all attachments. Thank you.
show quoted sections
From: Housing Portfolio
Dear Craig
I refer to your official information request dated the 4^th of February
We have transferred the following part of your request to Kâinga Ora –
Homes and Communities:
1, What is the national total number of houses owned, or managed by
government agencies intended for residential tenancy.
2, What percentage of the above existing, residential, government agency
provided overall building stock meets the above, or better standard for
3, What is the target percentage of overall stock for accessible homes
within the government housing portfolio?. Supplementary 3a: How is the
government tracking on this target?; 3b: Is there a published strategy to
reach the proposed target?.
4. What is the number of accessible homes, meeting the above or better
standard in the Taranaki region?.
And, we have transferred the following parts of your request to the
Ministry of Social Development:
Supplementary 4a: What is the current waiting list for accessible homes in
the Taranaki region?
5, Is it known the national demand for accessible homes, meeting the above
or better standard for the general public housing stock."
We have transferred these parts of your request as the information you
have requested is more closely connected to the functions of those
agencies. In these circumstances, we are required by section 14 of the OIA
to transfer your request.
You can expect responses from Kâinga Ora and the Ministry of Social
Development concerning your request in due course.
Office of Hon Chris Bishop
Minister for Housing | Infrastructure | RMA Reform | Transport | Associate
Finance |
Associate Sports & Recreation | Leader of the House | MP for Hutt South
Email: [1][email address] Website: [2]www.beehive,
Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand
From: Christopher Bishop (MIN)
Sent: Tuesday, 4 February 2025 9:24 AM
To: [3][FOI #29965 email]
Subject: [ACK] RE: OIA25-CB014 Official Information request - Accessible
housing statistics, Minister for Housing
Dear Craig,
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act
request dated the 4^th of February 2025. You have requested the following
" Official Information Act Request: Accessible Housing information
I would like to know the following information regarding government
provided housing/ accommodation stock that meets the minimum Accessibility
standard of NZS 4121:2001 Design for access and mobility.
1, What is the national total number of houses owned, or managed by
government agencies intended for residential tenancy.
2, What percentage of the above existing, residential, government agency
provided overall building stock meets the above, or better standard for
3, What is the target percentage of overall stock for accessible homes
within the government housing portfolio?. Supplementary 3a: How is the
government tracking on this target?; 3b: Is there a published strategy to
reach the proposed target?.
4. What is the number of accessible homes, meeting the above or better
standard in the Taranaki region?. Suplementary 4a: What is the current
waiting list for accessible homes in the Taranaki region?
5, Is it known the national demand for accessible homes, meeting the above
or better standard for the general public housing stock."
We received your request on 04/02/2025. We will endeavour to respond to
your request as soon as possible and in any event no later than
05/03/2025, being 20 working days after the day your request was
received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension of that timeframe.
Kind regards,
Office of Hon. Chris Bishop
Minister of Housing| Minister for Infrastructure | Minister Responsible
for RMA Reform | Minister of Transport | Associate Minister of Finance |
Associate Minister for Sport and Recreation | Leader of the House
Private Bag 18041 |Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand
Office phone: +64 4 817 6802 | Email: [4][email address]
Email disclaimer:
This email communication is confidential between the sender and the
recipient. The intended recipient may not distribute it without the
permission of the sender. If this email is received in error, it remains
confidential and you may not copy, retain or distribute it in any manner.
Please notify the sender immediately and erase all copies of the message
and all attachments. Thank you.
show quoted sections
From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Tēnā koe Craig Nielsen,
Thank you for your request regarding the number of households on the
housing register requiring an accessible home transferred from the Office
of Hon Chris Bishop on 13 February 2025, under the Official Information
Act 1982. Your request has been forwarded to the appropriate officials at
National Office to respond. You may expect a decision regarding your
request to be sent to you as soon as possible.
Ngā manaakitanga,
Official Information Team | Ministerial and Executive Services
Ministry of Social Development | Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora
Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whānau
This email and any attachments may contain information that is
confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended
recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this
email and attachments is prohibited. If you have received this email in
error please notify the author immediately and erase all copies of the
email and attachments. The Ministry of Social Development accepts no
responsibility for changes made to this message or attachments after
transmission from the Ministry.
From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Kia ora Craig,
Thank you for your OIA request, partially transferred to the Ministry of
Social Development on 13 February 2024. The following sections were
transferred to the Ministry.
o What is the current waiting list for accessible homes in the Taranaki
o Is it known the national demand for accessible homes, meeting the
above or better standard for the general public housing stock.
I’m writing to clarify what information you are looking for regarding the
second part of this request. The Ministry can provide the number of people
waiting for accessible homes on the Housing Register for the Taranaki
region and nationally. By ‘the national demand for accessible homes’ –
does this data meet the information you are looking for? Or are you
looking for information about how many homes being built are accessible?
Any clarification you can provide would be great – this will help me to
direct your request to the most appropriate agency for response.
Ngâ mihi
Jess Ballard
Official Information team | Ministerial and Executive Services
Ministry of Social Development
Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent.
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whânau.
This email and any attachments may contain information that is
confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended
recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this
email and attachments is prohibited. If you have received this email in
error please notify the author immediately and erase all copies of the
email and attachments. The Ministry of Social Development accepts no
responsibility for changes made to this message or attachments after
transmission from the Ministry.
From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Kia ora Craig,
Just following up on the below clarification email. Can you let me know
your thoughts by 26 February?
If we don’t hear from you by this date, we will assume that the data does
meet the information you are looking for.
Ngâ mihi
Official Information team | Ministerial and Executive Services
Ministry of Social Development
Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent.
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whânau.
From: OIA_Requests (MSD) <[email address]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2025 11:47 AM
To: [FOI #29965 email]
Subject: 20250219 - Nielsen - Clarification of your OIA request
Kia ora Craig,
Thank you for your OIA request, partially transferred to the Ministry of
Social Development on 13 February 2024. The following sections were
transferred to the Ministry.
o What is the current waiting list for accessible homes in the Taranaki
o Is it known the national demand for accessible homes, meeting the
above or better standard for the general public housing stock.
I’m writing to clarify what information you are looking for regarding the
second part of this request. The Ministry can provide the number of people
waiting for accessible homes on the Housing Register for the Taranaki
region and nationally. By ‘the national demand for accessible homes’ –
does this data meet the information you are looking for? Or are you
looking for information about how many homes being built are accessible?
Any clarification you can provide would be great – this will help me to
direct your request to the most appropriate agency for response.
Ngâ mihi
Jess Ballard
Official Information team | Ministerial and Executive Services
Ministry of Social Development
Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent.
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whânau.
This email and any attachments may contain information that is
confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended
recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this
email and attachments is prohibited. If you have received this email in
error please notify the author immediately and erase all copies of the
email and attachments. The Ministry of Social Development accepts no
responsibility for changes made to this message or attachments after
transmission from the Ministry.
From: Craig Nielsen
Dear OIA_Requests (MSD),
Kia Ora Jess
Thank you for the question.
By way of clarity to the "national demand for accessible homes". Yes, please if you are able to provide the number of people waiting nationally, and in Taranaki, along with the number built in the last five years, and the number being built in the next 12 months to to years, or available time-frame.
Yours sincerely,
Craig Nielsen
From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Tēnā koe Craig,
Thank you for clarifying the information you are looking for on 26
February 2025.
We have transferred part of your request to Kainga Ora as the information
to which your request relates is not held by the Ministry but is believed
to be held by Kainga Ora. In these circumstances, we are required by
section 14 of the OIA to transfer your request.
The section we have transferred is:
o “The number [of accessible homes] built in the last five years, and
the number being built in the next 12 months to to years, or available
Please note that according to sections 14 and 15(1) of the Official
Information Act, the 20-working day response period is reset by the
transfer and starts again on the day Kainga Ora receives the transfer
notification. The Ministry notified Kainga Ora of the transfer today.
You will hear further from their agency concerning your request in due
Nā mātou noa, nā
Official Information Team | Ministerial and Executive Services
Ministry of Social Development
Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whānau
show quoted sections
From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Tçnâ koe Craig Nielsen,
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request.
Nâ mâtou noa, nâ
Official Information Team | Ministerial and Executive Services
Ministry of Social Development
Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whânau
This email and any attachments may contain information that is
confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended
recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this
email and attachments is prohibited. If you have received this email in
error please notify the author immediately and erase all copies of the
email and attachments. The Ministry of Social Development accepts no
responsibility for changes made to this message or attachments after
transmission from the Ministry.
From: Government Services
Tēnā koe Craig Nielsen,
Please find attached the response to your OIA request to Kāinga Ora -
Homes and Communities.
Please note that this email is not monitored for any follow-up requests or
queries. If you need to make another request, please complete the form on
our website: [1]OIA request form.
Ngā mihi,
Kāinga Ora Government Services
Government Services
Government and Sector Relationships
Manaakitanga – People at the Heart | Mahi Tahi – Better Together |
Whanake – Be Bold
Freephone: 0800 801 601 | Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities
PO Box 2628 Wellington 6140 | New Zealand Government |
[2] - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government
Any opinions expressed in this message are not necessarily those of Kāinga
Ora. This message and any files transmitted with it are confidential, may
be legally privileged, and are solely for the use of the intended
recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible
for delivery to the intended recipient, you have received this message in
(1) reply promptly to that effect, and remove this email, any attachment
and the reply from your system;
(2) do not use, disclose or act on this email in any other way. Thank you.
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From: Government Services
Good afternoon Mr Nielsen
Unfortunately, due to an administrative oversight, we have not provided
you a response within the required timeframe. We apologise for this.
We will provide a full response as soon as possible.
Kind regards
Kāinga Ora Government Services
Government Services
Government and Sector Relationships
Manaakitanga – People at the Heart | Mahi Tahi – Better Together
| Whanake – Be Bold
Freephone: 0800 801 601 | Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities
PO Box 2628 Wellington 6140 | New Zealand Government
| [1] - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government
Any opinions expressed in this message are not necessarily those of Kāinga
Ora. This message and any files transmitted with it are confidential, may
be legally privileged, and are solely for the use of the intended
recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible
for delivery to the intended recipient, you have received this message in
(1) reply promptly to that effect, and remove this email, any attachment
and the reply from your system;
(2) do not use, disclose or act on this email in any other way. Thank you.
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Things to do with this request
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