Stats for Drone use approvals for Whangarei airport

Bob Jones made this Official Information request to Whangarei District Council

This request has been withdrawn by the person who made it. There may be an explanation in the correspondence below.

From: Bob Jones

Dear Whangarei District Council,

I am writing to request information about around drones and their use near Whangarei Airport. Under CAA Part 101 rules for operating drones within 4km of an Aerodrome such as Whangarei airport:

Under the section 'Aerodromes' from

"you must get an agreement from the aerodrome operator before flying your unmanned aircraft within 4 km of their aerodrome"

I am wanting to know, broken down by year, how many requests since Jan 1st 2020 and how many have been approved. On the CAA App "AirShare" the Whangarei Airport contact is listed as [email address] and 09 436 0047 if this helps

Yours faithfully,

Bob Jones

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From: Bob Jones

Dear Whangarei District Council,

Following this up as I've not received any acknowledgment

Yours faithfully,

Bob Jones

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From: Bob Jones

Dear Whangarei District Council,

This is another follow up as I've still not received any acknowledgment of my request

Yours faithfully,

Bob Jones

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Things to do with this request

Whangarei District Council only: