Fox Glacier - 'No Fly Zone' - Source of Information
Allen Reynolds made this Official Information request to Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
The request was partially successful.
From: Allen Reynolds
Dear Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand,
A recent news item* referred to "young tourists" flying an RPAS ('drone') in "a no-fly area of the Fox Glacier Valley", flying it from the base of the glacier
Where can RPAS fliers easily and quickly locate information regarding 'no fly zones'?
Where can RPAS fliers easily and quickly locate any or all 'no fly zone(s)' in the Fox Glacier area?
I have looked on the 'Airshare, your UAV hub' website, and the map only shows the 4 km area around NZFH, the Fox glacier airfield - the base of glacier is well beyond the 4 km area
* - ref : news item
Cops catch illegal drone flyer at Fox Glacier
Last updated 18:56, April 22 2017
thank you
Yours faithfully,
Allen Reynolds
From: OIA
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
Dear Mr Reynolds,
The CAA has received your request for information concerning “no fly
zones”, including Fox Glacier.
You can expect a response before 24 May 2017, being 20 working days after
receipt of your request.
Tom Wheeler | Official Information & Privacy Advisor
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand | Aviation Security Service
Te Mana Rererangi Tūmatanui o Aotearoa | Kaiwhakamaru Rererangi
Level 15 | Asteron Centre | 55 Featherston Street | Wellington | 6011
PO Box 3555 | Wellington | 6140
(DDI): (04) 560 9472 (Ext): 4472
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From: Allen Reynolds
Dear Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand,
I have done a bit more research - it seems DOC allows RPAS flying "on or over public conservation lands and waters [subject to] a concession or authorisation from DOC. This includes both commercial operations and private recreational activities."
ref :
So, perhaps this was a case of 'flying-without-landowner-consent'.
And yet, the Police Constable said they were 'flying in a no-fly zone'.
Perhaps it is not just "young tourists" who need better education about RPAS.
Still, the Constable said a report will be sent to the Civil Aviation Authority.
I eagerly await the outcome of the CAA investigation.
Please advise when you receive the Police report, and what the CAA outcome is.
Yours faithfully,
Allen Reynolds
From: OIA
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
Dear Mr Reynolds,
Given the results of your further research are you altering your request
to confirmation of receipt of the police report mentioned below and the
resulting outcome from the CAA?
For clarity, this is instead of the information concerning no-fly zones.
Tom Wheeler | Official Information & Privacy Advisor
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand | Aviation Security Service
Te Mana Rererangi Tūmatanui o Aotearoa | Kaiwhakamaru Rererangi
Level 15 | Asteron Centre | 55 Featherston Street | Wellington | 6011
PO Box 3555 | Wellington | 6140
(DDI): (04) 560 9472 (Ext): 4472
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From: Allen Reynolds
Dear OIA,
hello Tom - I am adding to my original request
I still want to know how to find 'no fly zones'
and, I want know the resulting outcome of the 'young tourists/Fox Glacier' event
thank you
Yours sincerely,
Allen Reynolds
From: OIA
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
Dear Mr Reynolds
Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) Request
I refer to your request submitted via on 26 April 2017, which
was added to on 30 April, requesting the following information from the
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA):
· Where RPAS flyers can find locate information regarding ‘no-fly
zones’, including specifically for Fox Glacier;
· Confirmation of when the Civil Aviation Authority received the
police report for an RPAS occurrence in Fox Glacier on 22 April; and
· The outcome of any CAA investigation into that occurrence.
RPAS airspace information
The Civil Aviation Rules (CARs) regarding the use of RPAS, which includes
airspace restrictions is contained in CAR Part 101. A copy of the rules
is available on the CAA website at
The website also contains information to assist RPAS users with respect to
airspace. ([2]
The Airways Corporation website, Airshare ([3]
also provides this information as well as maps showing a 4km radius from
aerodromes, as well as the red areas of controlled airspace, low flying
zones and military operating area in which drone use is restricted.
Located on the task bar of Airshare is ‘My Flights’, the drop down has
information on landowner consent requirements for Councils, Department of
Conservation (DOC) and public areas.
The Fox Glacier area is DOC controlled and there is signage concerning the
use of drones. The following link contains further information on the use
of drones specifically over pubic conservation land:
Occurrence Report and investigation by the CAA
The CAA received the occurrence report from Constable Whittington
concerning the operation of a drone in fox glacier against Civil Aviation
Rule Part 101 on 23 April 2017.
No investigation into this occurrence has been raised.
If you have any queries about your request, please contact me at
[5][CAA request email] or on (04) 560-9472.
Tom Wheeler | Official Information & Privacy Advisor
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand | Aviation Security Service
Te Mana Rererangi Tūmatanui o Aotearoa | Kaiwhakamaru Rererangi
Level 15 | Asteron Centre | 55 Featherston Street | Wellington | 6011
PO Box 3555 | Wellington | 6140
(DDI): (04) 560 9472 (Ext): 4472
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