BDC Port Consultants and Reports.
Kevin Smith made this Official Information request to Buller District Council
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From: Kevin Smith
Dear Buller District Council,
In Mid 2021 the BDC CEO referred to expert advice related to the port management and associated port matters, including discussion on the future of the dredge.
1. . . Could you please provide the correspondence relating to the commissioning of these experts and the reports the council would have received from them.
This would likely be covering the period from 2018 through to the present.
2. . . Specifically I am seeking the names and roles of the independent experts, along with the reports they provided.
Yours faithfully,
Kevin Smith
From: BDC_Lgoima
Buller District Council
Dear Mr Smith
Thank you for your information request. Under The Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA), your request must be dealt
with as soon as is reasonably practicable and in no case later than 20
working days after the day on which the request is received. 20 working
days excludes Saturdays and Sundays, Public and Provincial Holidays and
the period between 20 December and 10 January inclusive. On this basis,
we calculate a response to your request received on 18 January 2025 is due
by 18 February 2025, at the latest. We shall of course endeavour to
process your request as quickly as staff resources allow.
For requests that are likely to involve substantial collation and/or
research, there may be a charge for staff time. Under our charging
policy, staff time for the first hour is free of charge. Thereafter this
will be charged at the prescribed rate of $40 (GST inclusive) per half
hour. We will provide the information electronically, however should you
wish a hard copy, there will be photocopying charges at 20c per sheet,
with the first 20 pages being copied free of charge. Under section 13(4)
of LGOIMA we do have the ability to request the amounts due are paid in
advance of the release of information. Please be assured that if a
charge is likely to apply you will be notified ahead of the request being
processed so that you can decide if you wish to proceed. At that time you
will also be given the option to refine your request.
Please note that it is our policy to proactively release our responses to
official information requests where possible. We do not publish
requesters’ personal information. Please contact [1][email address] if
you have any questions about this.
Kind regards
Buller District Council | Phone 0800 807 239 | [2]
PO Box 21 | Westport 7866
Community Driven | One Team | Future Focused | Integrity | We Care
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From: BDC_Lgoima
Buller District Council
Dear Mr Smith
We refer to your official information request dated 18 January 2025.
You request is as follows:
In Mid 2021 the BDC CEO referred to expert advice related to the port
management and associated port matters, including discussion on the future
of the dredge.
1. . . Could you please provide the correspondence relating to the
commissioning of these experts and the reports the council would have
received from them.
This would likely be covering the period from 2018 through to the present.
2. . . Specifically I am seeking the names and roles of the independent
experts, along with the reports they provided.
The information you have requested is attached
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[1] or freephone 0800 802 602.
If you wish to discuss this decision with us, please feel free to contact
the Buller District Council by return email to [2][email address].
Please note that it is our policy to proactively release our responses to
official information requests where possible. Our response to your request
may be published at
with your personal information removed.
Kind regards
Paul Numan | Group Manager Corporate Services
Email [4][email address]
Buller District Council | Phone 0800 807 239 | [5]
PO Box 21 | Westport 7866
Community Driven | One Team | Future Focused | Integrity | We Care
Email Disclaimer: This correspondence is for the named person's use only.
It may contain confidential or legally privileged information or both. No
confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. If
you receive this correspondence in error, please immediately delete it
from your system and notify the sender. You must not disclose, copy or
relay any part of this correspondence if you are not the intended
recipient. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual
sender, except where the sender expressly, and with authority, states them
to be the views of Buller District Council.
[6]Community funding | Buller District Council
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From: Kevin Smith
Dear BDC_Lgoima,
The reply includes a report I had been seeking in an earlier request.
I had been asking about the viability study of the dredge, Kawatiri.
I was also asking about the Mudgway reports.
On that occasion I received an earlier Mudgway report, on the Port situation.
I was never aware that he was also commissioned to supply a second report.
This request is about the independent experts.
In Mid 2021 the BDC CEO referred to expert advice related to the port
management and associated port matters, including discussion on the future
of the dredge.
1. . . Could you please provide the correspondence relating to the
commissioning of these experts and the reports the council would have
received from them.
This would likely be covering the period from 2018 through to the present.
2. . . Specifically I am seeking the names and roles of the independent
experts, along with the reports they provided.
So, not the guy with all the plans for the sand and whatever.
The INDEPENDENT EXPERTS, these will hopefully include those that did the negotiating with Ray Mudgway.
These will be the ones that analysed and critiqued his reports and proposals.
These will be the experts that did the due diligence on behalf of the BDC and ratepayers.
We have no idea of who they could be.
Who engaged them and on what basis ?
We have seen millions of dollars of ratepayer money being lost here.
Where is the accountability ?
What are these experts saying now ?
Where is the transparency ?
What has been the expert advice received since the grounding of August 2024 ?
Who has provided that ?
Is there any Plan B at all ?
From: BDC_Lgoima
Buller District Council
Kia ora
Thank you for your email to Buller District Council requesting information
under The Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA).
The LGOIMA team will send an official response to your request within 2
working days of this email.
Kind regards / Ngā mihi nui
From: BDC_Lgoima
Buller District Council
Dear Kevin
Thank you for your further email of 15 February .
We believe that the information sent to you provided you with what you require.
Can you please be more specific in your request - as it currently stands this request is very broad in scope and without clarification, we may be required to refuse your request under LGOIMA section 17 (f) - that the information request cannot be made available without substantial collation or research.
Kind regards
Buller District Council | Freephone 0800 807 239 |
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