Free and Frank Advice Regarding Austerity Measures

Adam Irish made this Official Information request to The Treasury

The request was successful.

From: Adam Irish

Dear The Treasury,

I am writing to request, under the Official Information Act, any advice provided by the Treasury to the Minister of Finance regarding the economic implications of recent or planned budget cuts, with particular focus on the following:

1. Impact on Aggregate Demand: How budget cuts may influence overall demand within the economy.
2. Potential Downward Spirals in GDP: Any analysis or projections related to the risk of negative GDP growth due to such cuts.
3. Shocks to Consumer and Business Confidence: The expected effects of these cuts on consumer spending and business investment.
4. Historical and Current Macroeconomic Data: Relevant data and trends from the past and present to support these analyses.
5. International Studies on Austerity: Any international studies or evidence that the Treasury has used to assess the economic impacts of austerity measures, including relevant comparisons with New Zealand's situation.
6. Advice on Spending Cuts During a Private Sector Recession: Whether the Treasury has provided advice on the impacts of implementing spending cuts while the private sector is in recession, particularly regarding potential effects on unemployment levels.

Additionally, I would like to know whether the Treasury continues to provide free and frank advice to the Minister of Finance, as required by its role, or if such advice has been influenced or constrained by ministerial preferences or other political considerations.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully

Adam Irish

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From: Ministerial Services Inbox [TSY]
The Treasury

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Kia ora Adam


Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 which
was received on 16 January 2025 seeking:-


any advice provided by the Treasury to the Minister of Finance regarding
the economic implications of recent or planned budget cuts, with
particular focus on the following:


1. Impact on Aggregate Demand: How budget cuts may influence overall
demand within the economy.

2. Potential Downward Spirals in GDP: Any analysis or projections related
to the risk of negative GDP growth due to such cuts.

3. Shocks to Consumer and Business Confidence: The expected effects of
these cuts on consumer spending and business investment.

4. Historical and Current Macroeconomic Data: Relevant data and trends
from the past and present to support these analyses.

5. International Studies on Austerity: Any international studies or
evidence that the Treasury has used to assess the economic impacts of
austerity measures, including relevant comparisons with New Zealand's

6. Advice on Spending Cuts During a Private Sector Recession: Whether the
Treasury has provided advice on the impacts of implementing spending cuts
while the private sector is in recession, particularly regarding potential
effects on unemployment levels.


Additionally, I would like to know whether the Treasury continues to
provide free and frank advice to the Minister of Finance, as required by
its role, or if such advice has been influenced or constrained by
ministerial preferences or other political considerations.


A response will be provided in accordance with the Act (please see the
Office of the Ombudsman Website for more details –


The Treasury may publish the response to your Official Information Act
(OIA) request. When you are provided with a response to this request, you
will be informed about whether the response to your OIA request will be
published. If the Treasury does publish the response to your OIA request,
personal information, including your name and contact details, will be
removed. This publication process does not apply to extension letters or





Te Tai Ôhanga – The Treasury

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From: Ministerial Services Inbox [TSY]
The Treasury

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Kia ora Adam


Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 which
was received on 16 January 2025 seeking:-


Any advice provided by the Treasury to the Minister of Finance regarding
the economic implications of recent or planned budget cuts, with
particular focus on the following:


1. Impact on Aggregate Demand: How budget cuts may influence overall
demand within the economy.

2. Potential Downward Spirals in GDP: Any analysis or projections related
to the risk of negative GDP growth due to such cuts.

3. Shocks to Consumer and Business Confidence: The expected effects of
these cuts on consumer spending and business investment.

4. Historical and Current Macroeconomic Data: Relevant data and trends
from the past and present to support these analyses.

5. International Studies on Austerity: Any international studies or
evidence that the Treasury has used to assess the economic impacts of
austerity measures, including relevant comparisons with New Zealand's

6. Advice on Spending Cuts During a Private Sector Recession: Whether the
Treasury has provided advice on the impacts of implementing spending cuts
while the private sector is in recession, particularly regarding potential
effects on unemployment levels.


Additionally, I would like to know whether the Treasury continues to
provide free and frank advice to the Minister of Finance, as required by
its role, or if such advice has been influenced or constrained by
ministerial preferences or other political considerations.


Your request is broad in scope and is likely to be refused under section
18(f) of the Official Information Act as substantial manual collation
would be required to provide the information requested.


As such, I would like to suggest refining your request, so we are able to
make the proper considerations on the information you are seeking. I
recommend refining your request by limiting the scope of your request to
the period between November 2023 (formation of the current government)
and May 2024 (release of Budget 2024).


Please confirm whether you would be happy with the suggested refinement.


Please note that once you have amended or clarified your request, under
section 15(1AA) of the Official Information Act, the Ministry may treat
your amended or clarified request as a new request that replaces the
original request. This may lead to a new start of the statutory response






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From: Ministerial Services Inbox [TSY]
The Treasury

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Kia ora Adam


Please advise if you have had a chance to consider our suggested
refinement of your request.





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From: Ministerial Services Inbox [TSY]
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2025 10:31 AM
To: [FOI #29762 email]
Subject: Official Information Act request acknowledgement - ref#20250020



Kia ora Adam


Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 which
was received on 16 January 2025 seeking:-


Any advice provided by the Treasury to the Minister of Finance regarding
the economic implications of recent or planned budget cuts, with
particular focus on the following:


1. Impact on Aggregate Demand: How budget cuts may influence overall
demand within the economy.

2. Potential Downward Spirals in GDP: Any analysis or projections related
to the risk of negative GDP growth due to such cuts.

3. Shocks to Consumer and Business Confidence: The expected effects of
these cuts on consumer spending and business investment.

4. Historical and Current Macroeconomic Data: Relevant data and trends
from the past and present to support these analyses.

5. International Studies on Austerity: Any international studies or
evidence that the Treasury has used to assess the economic impacts of
austerity measures, including relevant comparisons with New Zealand's

6. Advice on Spending Cuts During a Private Sector Recession: Whether the
Treasury has provided advice on the impacts of implementing spending cuts
while the private sector is in recession, particularly regarding potential
effects on unemployment levels.


Additionally, I would like to know whether the Treasury continues to
provide free and frank advice to the Minister of Finance, as required by
its role, or if such advice has been influenced or constrained by
ministerial preferences or other political considerations.


Your request is broad in scope and is likely to be refused under section
18(f) of the Official Information Act as substantial manual collation
would be required to provide the information requested.


As such, I would like to suggest refining your request, so we are able to
make the proper considerations on the information you are seeking. I
recommend refining your request by limiting the scope of your request to
the period between November 2023 (formation of the current government)
and May 2024 (release of Budget 2024).


Please confirm whether you would be happy with the suggested refinement.


Please note that once you have amended or clarified your request, under
section 15(1AA) of the Official Information Act, the Ministry may treat
your amended or clarified request as a new request that replaces the
original request. This may lead to a new start of the statutory response






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From: Adam Irish

Dear Ministerial Services Inbox [TSY],

I can confirm that the refinement for the period between November 2023 (formation of the current government) and May 2024 (release of Budget 2024) is the correct scope for this request.

Yours sincerely,

Adam Irish

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From: Ministerial Services Inbox [TSY]
The Treasury

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Dear Adam,


Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.


Kind regards,



Te Tai Ôhanga – The Treasury

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Things to do with this request

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