72 Johnston Street - Featherston - Ataahua Place - FEATHERSTON Heights Subdivision Supporting documents

Eric Brown made this Official Information request to South Wairarapa District Council

Currently waiting for a response from South Wairarapa District Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Eric Brown

Dear South Wairarapa District Council,

I request the supporting documents (feasibility reports, drawings, as built, geotechnical reports, supporting documents, wastewater pump station specifications etc) for the FEATHERSTON Heights Subdivision : 72 Johnston Street - Featherston - Ataahua Place.

Also includes any records for subdivision at 10 Ataahua Place Featherston if subdivision consent has been issued

Yours faithfully,

Eric Brown

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Things to do with this request

South Wairarapa District Council only: