Auckland Council Code of Practice for Building Inspections
Ian made this Official Information request to Auckland Council
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Ian to read recent responses and update the status.
From: Ian
Dear Auckland Council,
I kindly request a copy of the Auckland Council Code of Practice for Building Inspections.
I would like to know clearly all the the requirements of Auckland Council at all stages of construction of buildings.
With thanks in advance,
From: Official Information
Auckland Council
Kia ora Ian
Thank you for your request for information about our code of practice for
building inspections.
We have attached an information sheet on our processes and requirements
under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
We will respond to your request as soon as possible and in any event no
later than 20 working days after the day your request was received. This
will be by 14 March 2025.
If you have further questions please feel free to contact Fernanda Maciel
( [1][email address] ) on 09 301 0101, quoting
reference 8140015451.
Ngā mihi,
The Privacy and LGOIMA team
Auckland Council
From: Ian <[FOI #30090 email]>
Sent: Friday, 14 February 2025 12:32 pm
To: Official Information <[email address]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Official Information request - Auckland Council Code
of Practice for Building Inspections
Caution: This is an external email. Please check email address is from a
trusted sender before taking action or clicking on links.
Dear Auckland Council,
I kindly request a copy of the Auckland Council Code of Practice for
Building Inspections.
I would like to know clearly all the the requirements of Auckland Council
at all stages of construction of buildings.
With thanks in advance,
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[2][FOI #30090 email]
Is [3][Auckland Council request email] the wrong address for
Official Information requests to Auckland Council? If so, please contact
us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA
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For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify your
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View the error and make sure that the email identifier is "2T2DLHC".
If it's not, look for an updated email or try requesting a new code.
[2]Privacy Statement
This email is generated through Auckland Council's use of Microsoft 365.
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For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify your
account to access 8140015451 - Code of Practice. The code will only
work for 15 minutes and if you request a new code, this code will stop
Account verification code:
Having problems with the code?
View the error and make sure that the email identifier is "SQTP0QD".
If it's not, look for an updated email or try requesting a new code.
[2]Privacy Statement
This email is generated through Auckland Council's use of Microsoft 365.
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From: Ian
Dear Auckland Council,
Thank you for your response Fernanda. Appreciate the explanations given.
Yours faithfully,
From: Microsoft Notifications
For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify your
account to access 8140015451 - Code of Practice. The code will only
work for 15 minutes and if you request a new code, this code will stop
Account verification code:
Having problems with the code?
View the error and make sure that the email identifier is "74KRQ2C".
If it's not, look for an updated email or try requesting a new code.
[2]Privacy Statement
This email is generated through Auckland Council's use of Microsoft 365.
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From: Microsoft Notifications
For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify your
account to access 8140015451 - Code of Practice. The code will only
work for 15 minutes and if you request a new code, this code will stop
Account verification code:
Having problems with the code?
View the error and make sure that the email identifier is "D6F78KB".
If it's not, look for an updated email or try requesting a new code.
[2]Privacy Statement
This email is generated through Auckland Council's use of Microsoft 365.
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For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify your
account to access 8140015451 - Code of Practice. The code will only
work for 15 minutes and if you request a new code, this code will stop
Account verification code:
Having problems with the code?
View the error and make sure that the email identifier is "SYP8QHC".
If it's not, look for an updated email or try requesting a new code.
[2]Privacy Statement
This email is generated through Auckland Council's use of Microsoft 365.
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From: Microsoft Notifications
For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify your
account to access 8140015451 - Code of Practice. The code will only
work for 15 minutes and if you request a new code, this code will stop
Account verification code:
Having problems with the code?
View the error and make sure that the email identifier is "63JJN9C".
If it's not, look for an updated email or try requesting a new code.
[2]Privacy Statement
This email is generated through Auckland Council's use of Microsoft 365.
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From: Microsoft Notifications
For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify your
account to access 8140015451 - Code of Practice. The code will only
work for 15 minutes and if you request a new code, this code will stop
Account verification code:
Having problems with the code?
View the error and make sure that the email identifier is "9LNLWPC".
If it's not, look for an updated email or try requesting a new code.
[2]Privacy Statement
This email is generated through Auckland Council's use of Microsoft 365.
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From: Microsoft Notifications
For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify your
account to access 8140015451 - Code of Practice. The code will only
work for 15 minutes and if you request a new code, this code will stop
Account verification code:
Having problems with the code?
View the error and make sure that the email identifier is "W9YP29B".
If it's not, look for an updated email or try requesting a new code.
[2]Privacy Statement
This email is generated through Auckland Council's use of Microsoft 365.
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From: Microsoft Notifications
For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify your
account to access 8140015451 - Code of Practice. The code will only
work for 15 minutes and if you request a new code, this code will stop
Account verification code:
Having problems with the code?
View the error and make sure that the email identifier is "5T96Y9C".
If it's not, look for an updated email or try requesting a new code.
[2]Privacy Statement
This email is generated through Auckland Council's use of Microsoft 365.
Visible links
From: Microsoft Notifications
For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify your
account to access 8140015451 - Code of Practice. The code will only
work for 15 minutes and if you request a new code, this code will stop
Account verification code:
Having problems with the code?
View the error and make sure that the email identifier is "N1PGMDD".
If it's not, look for an updated email or try requesting a new code.
[2]Privacy Statement
This email is generated through Auckland Council's use of Microsoft 365.
Visible links
From: Microsoft Notifications
For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify your
account to access 8140015451 - Code of Practice. The code will only
work for 15 minutes and if you request a new code, this code will stop
Account verification code:
Having problems with the code?
View the error and make sure that the email identifier is "MNQL44C".
If it's not, look for an updated email or try requesting a new code.
[2]Privacy Statement
This email is generated through Auckland Council's use of Microsoft 365.
Visible links
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence