Emergency Manamagent
Lauren Doocy made this Official Information request to Ministry of Health
The request was refused by Ministry of Health.
From: Lauren Doocy
Dear Ministry of Health,
Your website includes or references a number of emergency management standards or policies that are either well out of date, or no longer able to be accessed online.
- The National Health Emergency Plan- A framework for the health and disability sector, has extensive sections that are out of date.
- None of the ambulance standards are publicly available anymore following the disestablishment of Ambulance New Zealand, which used to operate this- " New Zealand Ambulance Major Incident and Emergency", and New Zealand aeromedical and air rescue standard" are but two examples.
- There appears to be no health emergency management system- for instance what system outlines the shared approach to patient triage and prioritisation in an emergency management setting (whether in hospital or pre-hospital, such as MIMMS or HMIMMS).
Please outline the plan and timeline to update the outdated frameworks/policies/standards, including the national health emergency plan, update and make the outdated ambulance standards available publicly, outline the timeline to develop an integrated hospital and out-of-hospital emergency plan. Provide details of how these plans integrate with the national emergency management system (CIMS), and the system for hospital and pre-hospital services to integrate with NEMA (who manage CIMS).
Please also provide copies of health (hospital or pre-hospital) emergency management plans/guidelines for weather events, power outages, natural disasters, pandemics and any other scenarios that have been developed.
Provide copies of any risk assessments that relate to these.
Yours faithfully,
Lauren Doocy
From: OIA Requests
Kia ora Lauren,
Please find attached a response to your request for official information.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health
M[1]inistry of Health information releases
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Visible links
1. https://www.health.govt.nz/about-ministr...
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From: Lauren Doocy
Dear OIA Requests,
To clarify, are you saying that neither ministry of HNZ cover the areas outlined?
I happen to know that both organisations do have entire teams, and quite considerable sums invested in these areas. I would suggest that you recheck with both MoH and HNZ before finalising your response as I do think this could be quite embarrassing for both organisations, as well as the corresponding ministers. Certainly that's what our publications will be saying.
Yours sincerely,
Lauren Doocy
From: OIA Requests
Kia ora Lauren,
Thank you for your follow up query on 19 December 2024:
“To clarify, are you saying that neither ministry of HNZ cover the areas
I happen to know that both organisations do have entire teams, and quite
considerable sums invested in these areas. I would suggest that you
recheck with both MoH and HNZ before finalising your response as I do
think this could be quite embarrassing for both organisations, as well as
the corresponding ministers. Certainly that's what our publications will
be saying.”
The Ministry of Health is responsible for the National Health Emergency
Plan (NHEP) which is the strategic framework for how the health and
disability system prepare for and respond to emergencies. This will
undergo a full review in 2025 now that roles and responsibilities have
settled following the health system transformation.
As Health New Zealand notes on their website at:
[1]www.tewhatuora.govt.nz/health-services-and-programmes/emergency-management there
are regional and district emergency plans, which can be found online.
The framework for health emergency management documents is set out in the
Ministry’s NHEP which can be found here:
[2]www.health.govt.nz/system/files/2015-10/national-health-emergency-plan-oct15-v2.pdf (Please
refer to page 3 of the diagram, which show plans cover hospitals, primary
care, public health, community providers and ambulance services). Further
information about Health New Zealand’s emergency ambulance services is
available at:
You may also want query Health New Zealand at:
[4][email address] for any further questions about Health New
Zealand’s emergency plans.
Under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to
review any decisions made under this request. The Ombudsman may be
contacted by email at:
[5][email address] or by calling 0800 802 602.
Ngâ mihi
OIA Services Team
Manatû Hauora | Ministry of Health
M[6]inistry of Health information releases
From: Lauren Doocy <[FOI #29303 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 18 December 2024 21:38
To: OIA Requests <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Response to your request for official information, ref:
H2024056908 CRM:0121192
Dear OIA Requests,
To clarify, are you saying that neither ministry of HNZ cover the areas
I happen to know that both organisations do have entire teams, and quite
considerable sums invested in these areas. I would suggest that you
recheck with both MoH and HNZ before finalising your response as I do
think this could be quite embarrassing for both organisations, as well as
the corresponding ministers. Certainly that's what our publications will
be saying.
Yours sincerely,
Lauren Doocy
-----Original Message-----
Kia ora Lauren,
Please find attached a response to your request for official information.
Ngâ mihi
OIA Services Team
Manatû Hauora | Ministry of Health
M[1]inistry of Health information releases
Visible links
1. [7]https://www.health.govt.nz/about-ministr...
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[FOI #29303 email]
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Visible links
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2. http://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/2...
3. https://www.tewhatuora.govt.nz/corporate...
4. mailto:[email address]
5. mailto:[email address]
6. https://www.health.govt.nz/about-ministr...
7. https://www.health.govt.nz/about-ministr...
8. https://fyi.org.nz/help/officers
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