Biosecurity funding

Dan Moskovitz made this Official Information request to Andrew Hoggard

Currently waiting for a response from Andrew Hoggard, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Dan Moskovitz

Dear Andrew Hoggard,

In the cabinet paper released today, "Report back on accelerated programme and the future management of exotic Caulerpa," in proposing reallocating $10 million to the exotic Caulerpa response, a specific clause is mentioned, copied below:

"Note providing this funding will make it challenging for MPI to fund responses to
unanticipated activity during the course of this financial year, including (but not
limited to) medium to large scale biosecurity incursions such as High
Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (HPAI), Queensland Fruit Fly or Brown
Marmorated Stink Bug."

1. Can you please provide all official advice regarding these funding challenges.

2. If HPAI, Queensland Fruit Flies, Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, or other threats arrived in New Zealand over the next financial year, what options are available to MPI for funding its response?

Yours faithfully,
Dan Moskovitz

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From: Andrew Hoggard (MIN)
Andrew Hoggard

On behalf of Hon Andrew Hoggard Minister for Biosecurity, Food Safety,
Associate Minister of Agriculture (Animal Welfare, Skills) and Associate
Minister for the Environment, thank you for your email.  

Please note this email acknowledgement is automatically generated.

Thank you for taking the time to write and please be assured that your
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* Latest information from the Beehive can be found
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Thank you for the taking the time to write.

Kind regards,

Office of Hon Andrew Hoggard

Minister for Biosecurity

Minister for Food Safety

Associate Minister of Agriculture (Animal Welfare, Skills)

Associate Minister for the Environment


Contact: +64 4 817 6965

Email: [2][Andrew Hoggard request email] |  Website: [3]www.Beehive,

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand

 Authorised by Hon Andrew Hoggard, Parliament Buildings, Wellington



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From: Andrew Hoggard (MIN)
Andrew Hoggard

Attachment image001.jpg
11K Download

Dear Dan,


I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act
request dated 23 October 2024. You have requested the following


In the cabinet paper released today, "Report back on accelerated programme
and the future management of exotic Caulerpa," in proposing reallocating
$10 million to the exotic Caulerpa response, a specific clause is
mentioned, copied below:

"Note providing this funding will make it challenging for MPI to fund
responses to unanticipated activity during the course of this financial
year, including (but not limited to) medium to large scale biosecurity
incursions such as High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (HPAI), Queensland
Fruit Fly or Brown Marmorated Stink Bug."

1. Can you please provide all official advice regarding these funding


2. If HPAI, Queensland Fruit Flies, Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, or other
threats arrived in New Zealand over the next financial year, what options
are available to MPI for funding its response?


We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 21 November 2024, being 20 working days after the
day your request was received. If we are unable to respond to your request
by then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe. 


Kind regards,

[1]A pink and Office of Hon Andrew Hoggard
white emblem
with two women Minister for Biosecurity
holding flags
Description Minister for Food Safety
generated Associate Minister of Agriculture (Animal Welfare, Skills)

Associate Minister for the Environment


Email: [2][Andrew Hoggard request email] |  Website:

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand


Authorised by Hon Andrew Hoggard, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

Disclaimer: The information contained in this email is privileged and
confidential and intended for the addressee only.  If you are not the
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disclose, copy, or make use of its contents.  If received in error, you
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-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Moskovitz <[FOI #28887 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 23 October 2024 4:40 PM
To: Andrew Hoggard (MIN) <[email address]>
Subject: OIA078 - Official Information request - Biosecurity funding


Dear Andrew Hoggard,


In the cabinet paper released today, "Report back on accelerated programme
and the future management of exotic Caulerpa," in proposing reallocating
$10 million to the exotic Caulerpa response, a specific clause is
mentioned, copied below:


"Note providing this funding will make it challenging for MPI to fund
responses to unanticipated activity during the course of this financial
year, including (but not limited to) medium to large scale biosecurity
incursions such as High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (HPAI), Queensland
Fruit Fly or Brown Marmorated Stink Bug."


1. Can you please provide all official advice regarding these funding


2. If HPAI, Queensland Fruit Flies, Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, or other
threats arrived in New Zealand over the next financial year, what options
are available to MPI for funding its response?


Yours faithfully,

Dan Moskovitz




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[6][FOI #28887 email]


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6. mailto:[FOI #28887 email]
7. mailto:[Andrew Hoggard request email]

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Things to do with this request

Andrew Hoggard only: