Avian influenza preperations

Dan Moskovitz made this Official Information request to Karori Sanctuary Trust

Currently waiting for a response from Karori Sanctuary Trust, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Dan Moskovitz

Dear Karori Sanctuary Trust,

What steps is Zealandia taking to prepare for bird flu/avian influenza?

If they exist, please provide any internal documents, meeting minutes, or research Zealandia has discussing bird flu and potential actions the ecosanctuary could take to protect its fauna.

Happy to discuss this request further and thank you in advance for your response - I do appreciate that these requests take time.

Yours faithfully,
Dan Moskovitz

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From: Dan Moskovitz

Dear Karori Sanctuary Trust,

Can you confirm receipt of the information act request? As no-one has ever used FYI to send in an information request to Zealandia before I want to be sure that it is all being sent to the right email.

If I haven't heard back by Tuesday I'll email in this request and try to sort out the FYI email link.

Yours faithfully,

Dan Moskovitz

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Dan Moskovitz left an annotation ()

I emailed Zealandia and they confirmed the request had been received.

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Things to do with this request

Karori Sanctuary Trust only: