Request for Scope of Works (Non Costed) in relation to CLM2011/022668

David Hawkins made this Official Information request to Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission

The request was partially successful.

From: David Hawkins

Dear Earthquake Commission,

Please provide a copy of the Un-Costed Scope of Works in relation to the following claim under Section 12 of the Official Information Act 1982.

- EQC Claim Number: CLM/2010/006756.
- EQC Claim Number: CLM/2011/022668.
- Former Owner (At time of EQ Event): Lincoln and Catherine Sell.
- Property Address: 66 Hills Road, Edgware, Christchurch 8013.
- Legal Description: Lot 26, DP2740.

I currently hold a legal Sale and Purchase agreement for the above property.

Yours faithfully,

David Hawkins

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Things to do with this request

Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission only: