14 Curries Road, Hillsborough

Amanda made this Official Information request to Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission

The request was partially successful.

From: Amanda

Dear Earthquake Commission,

Can I please get all scope of works for

ClaimNumber: CLM/2011/095961

ClaimNumber: CLM/2011/219922

ClaimNumber: CLM/2010/043504

As we are selling this property

Yours faithfully,


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From: EQC Info Mailbox

Attachment CLM 2011 219922 SOW.pdf
1.1M Download View as HTML

Attachment 14 CURRIES ROAD EQR SOW.pdf
4.7M Download View as HTML

Dear Amanda,


Thank you for contacting the Earthquake Commission (EQC).



Your information request has been considered under the Official
Information Act (OIA) and Privacy Act (PA). 


Please find attached a copy of the Fletcher Earthquake Recovery (EQR)
scope of works as requested for the above property.  The attached response
contains the following:


•            Property assessments (Full Assessment, Scope of Works, Claim

•            Scope Change Summary

•            Contractor quote(s)

•            Work orders

•            Variations to work orders

•            Sign off documents

•            EQR Property Overview (financial summary)


I confirm that the enclosed sign off documents encompass all works
completed under the Canterbury Home Repair Programme (CHRP) for the


To protect the privacy of the respective owners, I have withheld
information relating to the previous homeowners and other neighbouring
properties under section 9(2)(a) of the OIA and section 53(b) of the PA.


Also, please find attached a copy of the Scope of Works relevant to the
partial cash settlement of the claim CLM/2011/219922.


Please note that the financial figures contained in the Scope of Works
document are estimate figures, and may not reflect any payments received
as settlement for the claim.


CLM/2010/043504 – This claim was raised following the 2010 event and then
later consolidated under the more recent claims above following the 2011
event. Therefore I am able to confirm that this claim has no accompanying
Scope of Works. Please refer to the attached documents instead.


Further Information

You have the option of approaching the Office of the Ombudsman and/or
Privacy Commissioner should you wish. The Ombudsman can be contacted at P
O Box 10 152, Wellington 6143, on Freephone 0800 802 602, or visit


EQC assessments have a very specific purpose and, for this reason, are
limited in their use. The purpose of an EQC building assessment is to
record the natural disaster damage that has occurred to residential
buildings (as defined in the [2]EQC Act).


EQC uses this assessment to create a Scope of Works that details the
strategy for repairing the natural disaster damage (only) and the
estimated cost of that repair.  They are not a substitute for a
pre-purchase inspection, and should not be solely relied on by home buyers
when doing thorough due diligence as part of a potential property


You can read more about getting help to assess risks in an area affected
by earthquakes, floods or other natural disasters when buying a house, on
the [3]Consumer Protection website.


How to Contact Us

If you would like more information, please visit [4]www.eqc.govt.nz  or
phone 0800 DAMAGE (0800 326 243) between 7am-9pm Monday-Friday.


Remember to include your claim number or address when making enquiries.


Yours sincerely,


Michael Leyland | Customer Service Consultant

Earthquake Commission | Kômihana Rûwhenua

0800 DAMAGE | [5][EQC request email] | PO Box 311, Wellington 6140


[7]Project lead Roger Shelton from BRANZ

Thinking of buying or selling your home? Check out [8]www.settled.govt.nz
to help you understand how it works and what to look for when you’re
researching a property. While you’re there, take a look at their
information on [9]understanding the impact of natural hazards.



show quoted sections

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Things to do with this request

Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission only: