We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Chris McCashin please sign in and let everyone know.

Road Projects Approvals - Meeting Standards & Design

Chris McCashin made this Official Information request to Wellington City Council

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Chris McCashin to read recent responses and update the status.

From: Chris McCashin

Dear Wellington City Council,

I am writing to request the following for all of the previous Lets Get Wellington Moving projects which have since been taken in-house - any and all projects including but not limited to

- Thorndon Quay
- Onepu Road
- Adelaide Road
- Berhampore Cycleway
- Island Bay Cycleway
- Recent Karori works

Any and all recent projects whereby cycleways have gone in. I am specifically requesting

- Resource & Building consent applications for cycleway / roading projects
- Resource & Building consent approvals
- Consultation documents including with stakeholders - emergency services etc
- Documentation confirming the developments meet the code of practice for land development including but not limited to - code of practice for land development, road design and construction (to include all vehicle crossings meeting the standards and applications associated amending the vehicle crossings that are impacted)
- Designs (meeting the standards for primary/secondary/arterial roads/principal, widths etc),
- Plantings
- Traffic calming - ie can traffic calming measures being placed on arterial roads, primary roads etc etc - per NZTA standards I didn't think speed humps could be installed on these?
- Visibility requirements / sight lines etc
- Gradients associated with arterial, principal, collector, sub-collector and local roads ensuring these projects comply - are speed humps factored into these gradients?
- Carriageways
- Traffic Islands
- Road amenity and berm construction
- Minimum widths
- Parking
- As-built requirements
- Aesthetics / bollards - could a private developer put plastic bollards all over their roads as part of a new subdivision

Ultimately I want the application and approval documents of all of these projects ensuring they are meeting minimum standards per council guidelines notably Codes of Practice for Land Development 2012 & Road Design and Construction 2012 - application documents for amending road crossings where they have been done.

Where these documents are not available (if that is the case) can you please explain why? Where vehicle crossings, arterial road standards and site lines do not meet the standards can you tell me which ones don't and the reason for this?

Yours faithfully,

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From: BUS: Official Information
Wellington City Council

Kia ora  

Thank you for contacting the Wellington City Council Official Information

Your email has been received and we will respond within 3 business days. 
If your request is more a general enquiry, or for anything urgent, please
contact our Contact Centre on 04 499 4444 or email [1][email address]   
For Police CCTV requests, please send through to [2][email address]  

Many thanks  
Official Information Team 


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[email address]

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From: BUS: Official Information
Wellington City Council

Kia ora Chris

Thank you for your email dated 14 August requesting information.

Our team will manage your request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 which requires us to provide a decision as soon as possible, but no later than 11 September, being 20 working days of receipt.

The reference number for your request is IRC-6924

Please contact us if you have any further questions.

Kind regards

Official Information Team
Email: [email address]
Wellington City Council | W Wellington.govt.nz | |

The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and intended for the addressee only.
If you are not the intended recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use of its contents.
If received in error you are asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated.

show quoted sections

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From: BUS: Official Information
Wellington City Council

Tēnā koe Mr McCashin


Thank you for your request of 14 August 2024, to Te Kaunihera o Pōneke |
Wellington City Council (the Council), requesting the following


 1. I am writing to request the following for all of the previous Lets Get
Wellington Moving projects which have since been taken in-house - any
and all projects including but not limited to

 a. Thorndon Quay
 b. Onepu Road
 c. Adelaide Road
 d. Berhampore Cycleway
 e. Island Bay Cycleway
 f. Recent Karori works

 2. Any and all recent projects whereby cycleways have gone in.  I am
specifically requesting

 a. Resource & Building consent applications for cycleway / roading
 b. Resource & Building consent approvals
 c. Consultation documents including with stakeholders - emergency
services etc
 d. Documentation confirming the developments meet the code of
practice for land development including but not limited to - code
of practice for land development, road design and construction
(to include all vehicle crossings meeting the standards and
applications associated amending the vehicle crossings that are
 e. Designs (meeting the standards for primary/secondary/arterial
roads/principal, widths etc),
 f. Plantings
 g. Traffic calming - ie can traffic calming measures being placed on
arterial roads, primary roads etc etc - per NZTA standards I
didn't think speed humps could be installed on these?
 h. Visibility requirements / sight lines etc
 i. Gradients associated with arterial, principal, collector,
sub-collector and local roads ensuring these projects comply -
are speed humps factored into these gradients?
 j. Carriageways
 k. Traffic Islands
 l. Road amenity and berm construction
 m. Minimum widths
 n. Parking
 o. As-built requirements
 p. Aesthetics / bollards - could a private developer put plastic
bollards all over their roads as part of a new subdivision


 3. Ultimately I want the application and approval documents of all of
these projects ensuring they are meeting minimum standards per council
guidelines notably Codes of Practice for Land Development 2012 & Road
Design and Construction 2012 - application documents for amending road
crossings where they have been done.

 4. Where these documents are not available (if that is the case) can you
please explain why? Where vehicle crossings, arterial road standards
and site lines do not meet the standards can you tell me which ones
don't and the reason for this?

Your request is being considered under the Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA).


As currently worded, your request would require substantial collation and
assessment of a considerable number of documents from the Council’s
systems. To enable us to provide you with a timely response, and in
accordance with our obligations under section 18(b) of the OIA, we wish to
refine your request. If so, the Council recommends refining your request
to be for a narrower scope of information if possible. Should the request
not be refined, it is likely that the request will be refused pursuant to
section 17(f) of the LGOIMA, as the information requested cannot be made
available without substantial collection or research.


As per part three of your request, we would like to propose to refine your
request to be for the following:


 1. I want the application and approval documents of all of these projects
(listed below) ensuring they are meeting minimum standards per council
guidelines notably Codes of Practice for Land Development 2012 & Road
Design and Construction 2012 - application documents for amending road
crossings where they have been done:

 a. Thorndon Quay
 b. Onepu Road
 c. Adelaide Road
 d. Berhampore Cycleway
 e. Island Bay Cycleway
 f. Recent Karori works


To enable us to meet our obligations under the LGOIMA, we would be
grateful for your response as soon as possible, but by no later than COB
26 August 2024.


Nga mihi


Danika Morris-Brown

Senior Advisor Official Information

Ara Whaimana | Strategy and Governance

Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Wellington City Council 
E [1][email address]  | W [2]wellington.govt.nz



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://wellington.govt.nz/

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From: BUS: Official Information
Wellington City Council

Attachment IRC 6924 Correspondence from Wellington City Council.pdf
666K Download View as HTML

Tēnā koe Mr McCashin


Please find attached correspondence from Te Kaunihera o Pōneke |
Wellington City Council.


Nga mihi


Danika Morris-Brown

Senior Advisor Official Information

Ara Whaimana | Strategy and Governance

Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Wellington City Council 
E [1][email address]  | W [2]wellington.govt.nz



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://wellington.govt.nz/

Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Chris McCashin please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Wellington City Council only: