Titanic references

Tony made this Official Information request to KiwiRail

KiwiRail did not have the information requested.

From: Tony

Dear KiwiRail,

Under the OIA, please provide me with the following:
- the number of times any reports/memos (internal or external) you produced where the Titanic was referenced
- details of any reports/memos you have produced that have identified learnings from the Titanic disaster as relevant to report/memo findings

If either of the above are too broad, please reduce the scope to reports produced in the last few years.

Yours faithfully,


Link to this

From: OCU

Attachment image001.png
3K Download

Good afternoon Tony


Thanks for your enquiry.


I can advise that under Section 18(e) we are declining your request, as no
such reports or references exist.


Kind regards




Dave Allard  | Senior Government Relations Advisor

DDI: 027 201 8182
Level 4, Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street, Wellington 6011 | PO
Box 593, Wellington 6140, New Zealand

[1]Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01D46098.E77643D0




From: Tony <[3][FOI #27332 email]>
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2024 3:01 PM
To: KiwiRail <[4][email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Titanic references


CAUTION EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click links or open attachments unless you
know the content is safe.

Dear KiwiRail,

Under the OIA, please provide me with the following:
- the number of times any reports/memos (internal or external) you
produced where the Titanic was referenced
- details of any reports/memos you have produced that have identified
learnings from the Titanic disaster as relevant to report/memo findings

If either of the above are too broad, please reduce the scope to reports
produced in the last few years.

Yours faithfully,



This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[5][FOI #27332 email]

Is [6][KiwiRail request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to KiwiRail? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA



Visible links
2. http://www.kiwirail.co.nz/
3. mailto:[FOI #27332 email]
4. mailto:[email address]
5. mailto:[FOI #27332 email]
6. mailto:[KiwiRail request email]
7. https://fyi.org.nz/change_request/new?bo...
8. https://fyi.org.nz/help/officers

Link to this

Things to do with this request

KiwiRail only: