70a Sanction refund

Jodie Seamer made this Official Information request to Ministry of Social Development

This request has been withdrawn by the person who made it. There may be an explanation in the correspondence below.

From: Jodie Seamer

Dear Ministry of Social Development,
My name is Jodie Robyn Marie Seamer.
I'm sending this request for the 70a Sanction from the 11/10/2007 to the 02/03/2017. Where I was deducted the 70a Sanction every week for 3 of my children which was $28 each child for not naming the father due to personal reasons that I wanted to forget and not have to always be reminded of this embarrassing story.. and so I hid this story because I was ashamed of it and I have been wondering when someone will review my case..I had been to the MPs office in manurewa quite a few years ago to have this resolved because it was unfair that I had to go through that and never got explained just that if I don't put the fathers name down that I would be fined and when I said I don't know who the father is I got charged for each child I couldn't even explain because I felt like I was being striped naked all over again..it left me in emotional sadness deeply and traumatized of those memories I just wanted to forget..
So I'm requesting this review once again for me and my children and deserve to have the 70a Sanction refunded back to us.

Yours faithfully,
Jodie Seamer

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