CCC AF8 Risk Assessment Plan

Andrew Mitchell made this Official Information request to Christchurch City Council

Response to this request is delayed. By law, Christchurch City Council should normally have responded promptly and by (details and exceptions)

From: Andrew Mitchell

Dear Christchurch City Council,

At a recent meeting with Council, watching submissions online on the LTP, Saturday 11th May 2024, a presentation raised the issue regarding balance between funding for climate change, and funding for mitigating the effects of AF8 (the acronym given to the projected 8+ magnitude alpine fault earthquake).

Scientific data, shows a disparity between the expectant probability and the projected outcome of both, that is, between a 1% AEP sea level increase to year 2100 (with no calculable probability scenario), and 75% probability for an AF8+ prior to 2069, and the inference by the presenter was that the Christchurch City Council should direct funding towards the higher probability event.

It was stated by the Mayor, Principal Advisor and the Deputy Mayor that, the Christchurch City Council does in fact have a Risk Assessment Plan for AF8+ event (excluding the scandalous comments that we are going to rely on “kiwi generosity”), and I refer to the formally requested OIA link here:

My question being – could the Council provide:
1. a copy of the plan, and
2. is there a continual, open & transparent discourse on the matter, and
3. would the Council act on direction and suggestions by members of the public in providing support and other outcomes to further direct policy in this matter.

Yours faithfully,

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