I am Hope Investment

Patrick made this Official Information request to Christopher Luxon

Response to this request is delayed. By law, Christopher Luxon should normally have responded promptly and by (details and exceptions)

From: Patrick

Dear Christopher Luxon,

Please provide any documents or correspondence provided to you office that shows that the Charity I am Hope generates $5.70 for every $1 invested.

Additionally please provide the following:

- Documents that declare conflicts of interest between National Party MP and companies inolving ex national party members.
- what performance measures would be given to I am Hope.
- the procurement process documents for choosing to fund I am Hope, what other charities were considered, and whether funding the public health system was considered.

Yours faithfully,


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From: Christopher Luxon (MIN)
Christopher Luxon

Kia ora Patrick,

Thank you for your email of 24th May 2024, in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows:

Provide any documents or correspondence provided to you office that shows that the Charity I am Hope generates $5.70 for every $1 invested.

Additionally please provide the following:

- Documents that declare conflicts of interest between National Party MP and companies inolving ex national party members.
- what performance measures would be given to I am Hope.
- the procurement process documents for choosing to fund I am Hope, what other charities were considered, and whether funding the public health system was considered.

Your request is being considered in accordance with the Act, and you can expect a response by 24th June 2024 (date determined by the OIA calculator).

Ngā mihi nui

Sonya Ford
Correspondence Lead Advisor | Office of Rt Hon Christopher Luxon
Prime Minister
Minister for National Security and Intelligence
Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand

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From: Sarah Boyle

Attachment MOIA Transfer PMO OIA 256 2023 24 OIA 2023 24 0888 Patrick Conflicts of interest I Am Hope charity Patrick Patrick 4883590.1.pdf
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Things to do with this request

Christopher Luxon only: